Story about a father teaching his son how to survive by properly channeling his anger

>story about a father teaching his son how to survive by properly channeling his anger
>no mother
>enemies are an overprotective mother and her song
>best western combat system from the last two gens which is unforgiving if you fuck around

WTF Yas Forums lied to me this game is pure test

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convince me to keep playing this what a boring ass game
I can't even sell it for the $30 I paid for it back then, this game is worth nothing now
should have bought 3 remastered instead

>best western combat system from the last two gens
Here's your you

name a better system, I am genuinely interested. Batman shit poisoned western combat systems

sadly people are more focused on using Yas Forums to push their agenda these days

A game about a father/son bond and teaching strong masculine lessons will always piss off Yas Forums

I was really surprised actually, I was nervous the whole time considering who it was made by that it would have some new age values of masculinity and fatherhood

but no, everything was right
mind your own business and don't be a pussy

It's cinematic or something, so Yas Forums hates it.

>listening to Yas Forums around a games launch
Better asking for an opinion on a game 12 months later when the "blunders of the century" posters are busy shitposting some new leak or release

in a way its the opposite of cinematic because the camera is with you the entire time and never cuts away

Sleeping dogs

You forgot
>currently selling for $5.00 in walmart bargain bins

I wanted to have big dumb fights with Odin and Thor and Surt and Jormungand and ride Fenrir not a fucking europoor indie walking sim

Its pretty impressive how they managed to develop kratos in a genuinely believable way.

I think upcoming GoW game is affected from Tlou2. I won't be surprised if they fill the game with sjw propaganda and other disgusting leftist shit. This is not a false flag, I mean look at what is happening around playstation.

Will check it out

that happened because druckmann has total control now, just like the TLoU1 dlc

Old God of War combat is better.

I love that Snoy trannies are in full damage control mode and are looking through their laughable library to make posts like this. This is the second or third Goy of Soi thread I've seen in the past day, and literally everyone forgot this game existed a month after release.

It's almost same with Batman. Just with more environmental attacks

absolutely not, aerial combat is the only thing it has over the new one which has juggling anyway

if you all played the game, you all know the ending spoiler of him and his son future
do you think they will go through with it? (consider the current shit show with tlous2)
desu even if kratos die by his son's hands, i don't think most people would be that pissed either
but they showing it too early make me believe that wont happen and the kid gonna get dabbed on..or maybe im just thinking too much

Sleeping Dogs isn't bad but the god awful gunplay ruins it. also not challenging at all

How is it unforgiving? It takes some time to learn, but the only challenging combat is vs. Valkyries.

Not really.

garbage movie-game with tacked-on crafting system and "non-linearity" elements, awful combat that's trying to be RE4 with a focus on melee combat (??), tons of damage sponge enemies, story that has zero bearing on Kratos as a character or the GoW series as a whole, braindead "flip the switch" puzzles, MCU-tier "emotional storytelling" for redditors

nice graphics though

hard to say, all prophecies are fucked by kratos's existence in midgard but this prophecy concerns kratos himself. I think he'll die personally because they've been displaying him getting older/weaker

anybody feels like the camera pov was a bit jank because they trying to do that cinematic look?

This game's combat has an identity crisis. On one hand, it wants to be like Souls, on the other, it wants to be like DmC. Yet it fails at both.

Corey Balrog is not working on GoW anymore. He said, young devs making the game. I don't have any hope from playstation games anymore. It's fucking over

LOL GoW 1-3 had some mediocre combat with amazing set pieces and bosses

>Corey Balrog is not working on GoW anymore
he's very clearly still leading it considering he's the one giving snippets about the sequel

>story has zero bearing on the GoW series
the whole story in the original trilogy is
>kill God
>kill more powerful God
>kill more Gods
who gives a fuck

dragon's dogma, but I already know you'll move the goalposts or pull some fallacy out of your ass. that game is boring that I haven't even finished it despite bothering to pirate the pos

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Even disregarding how GoW's cinematic bits are mostly nicely passed, never forget how Yas Forums always gives Japan a pass when it comes to this shit. You'll barely hear a peep here about Yakuza, FF, MGS etc. and every JRPG in existence that have fucking loads of cutscenes and filler.
Basically, never listen to Yas Forums.


>best western combat system from the last two gens
almost had me convinced this wasn't just an elaborate shitpost

>western game
>dragon dogma
full retarded

Most VR shovelware

imagine bam ham game when you have to glide across the room to fight

>best western combat system from the last two gens which is unforgiving if you fuck around
That isn't Fight N Rage.

The gunplay is fantastic, did you not know how to activate bullet time?

Not to mention car fights

Did you play the other games? They turned Kratos into bitch. Before he wouldn't give a second thought to kill anyone who dared to oppose him. Now in this game his son goes to finish off an enemy and he's like "NOOOO YOU CAN'T DO THAT KILLING IS BAD"

Batman has fun combat I don't care what elitist action game fags say

Agreed OP, Dad of Boy and Spider-Man have incredibly satisfying combat. Juggling niggas and pulling off boomerang axe combos feels great. It's funny when people on Yas Forums try to shit on the combat because it immediately shows they haven't played it.

>They turned Kratos into bitch

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If you're going to make a sequel that's more "serious" and "story-based" you do have to give more of a fuck about the story

>best combat system
More like best be fucking joking. Animations were meaty and the game looks pretty good (as all PS4 movie games do) but the gameplay was shallow, these massive axe swings doing damage comparable to throwing a tennis ball wasn't much of a help either.