Resident Evil or Silent Hill?

Resident Evil or Silent Hill?

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Resident Evil for gameplay, Silent Hill for everything else.

Silent Hill at its best, Resident Evil currently.


For true horror that fucks with you when you turn off the game. Silent Hill. The second game was amazing, everyone had their dark secrets.

For good scares and zombie survival horror classic re 1-4. With 5 it was that bad but started to go down hill, the story carried it, with RE 6 it was a freaking action movie with poor plot someone wrote while on the crapper. 7 was its own thing. They took chris off the Roids lol

high IQ= Silent Hill
average IQ= old RE
low IQ= nu-RE

>For true horror that fucks with you when you turn off the game
huh? were you 5 when you played it? no SH game is scary

SH II was physiological horror from its story to its design, and even character design. It was bursting with small details

SH III was hrm.. good psychological horror but dropped the ball near the end. That hallway head was very scary.

The first PSX one got incredibly wild near the end.

yea he was cause SH was realeased in 2001

>no SH game is scary
I bet you constantly tell yourself it's just a game and play with the lights on.

Basically this. 3 remake was just silly.

Check out this fucking tough guy. You're too manly to be here lad.

I like the impression that everyone who uses Yas Forums was born in the past 20-25 years.

I don't. But you need to be a real baby to get scared by one of these games.

> got em

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>Resident Evil for gameplay
Tanbk controls and fixed camera sucks, SH1 was miles ahed of RE1.

I wasn't talking about classic RE.

SH3 was spooky as fuck. Even SH1 was creepy as hell, and there were like 12 pixels on the screen. That trilogy was peak horror at the time.

>at the time
I don't doubt it

silent hill

Imagine trying this hard to sound cool to a bunch of anonymous strangers. You're the one that sounds like a teenager trying to be a badass.

both got ruined
doesn't matter anymore

Resident Evil has only 1 bad game.
Silent Hill has only 4 good games.

SH has all of that as well, and they were never an issue.

RE has been absolute garbage ever since 2005. Just like Silent Hill.

>1 bad game
i didn't knew 5 6 remake2 remake3 and 7 were a single game
without counting almost every ps2 spinoff

>Resident Evil has only 1 bad game.

It still is. SH 1-3 are still among the best horror games out there.

>only 1
I make a lot of apologies for some of the games but that's just not true dude. The RE series is mostly bad.

>RE has been absolute garbage ever since 2005. Just like Silent Hill.
the only objectively bad RE game was 6.
The others no matter what you think have some kind of fun and value.

Silent Hill peaked at 3 and everything after was mediocre at best.

5 was good in co-op.
Remake 2 is an awesome game.
Remake 3 is a terrible remake but still fun to play and mess around.
7 is one of the best in the series.


Why not both??

I'm really not. Alien iso, outlast, re7 are scary games, most of the time. SH never worked for me.

I wish they would do a remake of SH1 like they did to RE1. That game oozes atmosphere but it is so dated.

I like both but Silent Hill's highs are way higher than anything RE has done.

re4 is literally the best game of all time

Why does everyone hat the newer RE's so much?? Not many games have such continuinity. It was rrally cool to see all characters not onlge, but PROGRESS in their skills. It only a natural evolution for the modern re's to turn into action horror. If you wanted pure survival horror forecer, they'd have to use new characters every game (like re7); because you can't do some over and over and NOT get better at it, unless you have a lesrning disability; which, if the re cast had learning dissabilities they would've all died in their respective games. The new re's are fun.

RE7 is mostly just shooting blob monsters or running away from a funny hillbilly. It's not the scariest RE, let alone deserving of being next to Alien Isolation. It's a fun game though.

resident evil has gameplay so that
every silent hill after 1 is pointless

the first third with jack is pretty scary and atmospheric.

Resident Evil

high IQ= Silent Hill
average IQ= old RE
low IQ= nu-REmakes
galaxy brain = RE6

Now here's the thing. I enjoy RE4 A LOT. Like I'm pretty close to agreeing with you. But all time? no. Certainly not when it comes to horror. I've replayed RE4 many more times than I have any Silent Hill but when it comes to horror, RE has nothing on Silent Hill.

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what version of SH2 do I download? the directors cut?
probably because re has never been a pure horror series

I love re7, but it isn't as scary as any SH.

fatal frame

re4 is a masterpiece, but it's an action game with a horror dressing.

The iron maiden section is pure horror though.
it's still the scariest monster in RE

I think Silent Hill has the highest highs but Resident Evil is far more consistent. There are at most 3 or 4 good Silent Hill games but there are dozens of good Resident Evil games.

answer cunts

>RE6 is objectively bad when the gameplay is better than 4, 5 and obviously 7
>SH4 is mediocre
>RE7 is one of the best in the series
How'd you fit so many absolute garbage opinions into one post?

There's a more modern guide around but this will do.

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>I'm so cool cause I think the most universally hated game in the series is good

He was the best Silent Hill character

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