>He's Zachary Comstock!
>No, he's Booker Dewitt!
>No... I'm BOTH
>He's Zachary Comstock!
>No, he's Booker Dewitt!
>No... I'm BOTH
Other urls found in this thread:
the gameplay downgrade was even worse
bioshock 2 unironically plays the best
Dumbest fucking twist of the 2010's
>kills your franchise
>hehe, nothing personnel comstock
good porn though
>Gets baptized and becomes religious
>Becomes a cult leader that hates niggers and rapes his own daughter
Ummmm, Christianityfags?
I'm surprised that there's a lot of apologists for this game these days, the first and second games are so profoundly superior you'd think it wouldn't be much of a discussion. They'll cite things like gun play, setting, or plot as to why it's better but honestly I just don't see it.
I remember when people thought they couldn't do worse than Bioshock 2.
7 years later and I'm still mad at how fucking shit this game was.
Fuck this game bros. It coule have been this.
Yeah the two-weapon regenerating shield FPS setup really killed my interest, I don't know what the fuck they were thinking.
Vigors are better than plasmids because you can set traps or use long range options with most of them, rather than traps being delegated to just one ability.
Matthewmatosis pretty much ripped this game to shreds.
Yeah cool, but witch one has bigger tits ?
think for yourself
whats up with these GAY MUSIC trailers?
Bioshock 2 is the best game in the series, because it actually put the gameplay first and not the surprising plot twists
>op is a faggot
>op is a tranny
no, he is both
2 was great tf you mean
>Bioshock Infinite gets a DLC
>you play as a gay lover of one of the nameless randos you killed
>gameplay is 4 hours of torturing elizabeth in a very realistic fashion
can I into HBO now?
Story was shite
Cringe ending t b h
you mean:
>Can I into Naughty Dog now?
I can't, I am on Yas Forums
Did they have to call a character cumstock?
Never played this garbage for more than two hours. Is it at all a decent game if you ignore everything other than character development? ngl, elizabeth still makes my penis the big penis so I could give the game a chance just to know what her character is a about, unless that's total shit too.
Why do I keep playing this piece of shit
No just watch the porn. Elizabeth is actually a shit character
I liked it, blew my mind just like the original one did. My only distaste for it was the end battle seemed janky and the main chick didn't show us her tits. LET ME FUCK YOU BITCH
>I'll stop Comstock from existing by killing this one individual version of Booker!
What a fucking dumb game. Trash.
Its been out for 7 years, how re you still playing it? Is the multiplayer servers still on?