Which is more important? Responsiveness/gameplay, or roster size?

Which is more important? Responsiveness/gameplay, or roster size?

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In terms of smash? Only roster matters. No one would care about this series if not for the roster, it would just be another niche game and it probably would never have actually become a hit "fighting" game.

imagine if wavedashing didn't exist and the competitive melee fandom never took off

Ultimate will be abandoned in 4 years while people still will play melee

Quality > Quantity
Hence why Third Strike > SFV still.

Gameplay, which is why I prefer Ultimate for its automatic lag cancels and no restrictions out of dash

Ultimate is better since Mario is top tier and not trash like in melee

Brawl would be DOA and nobody would give a shit about this franchise to the extent they do.

But melee is stale garbage now, we've seen everything hundreds of times. At least ultimate has some new ways to play

fpbp as always

They are both good but it depends on what you prioritize.
Ultimate has the graphics, balance roster, patches and more moving competitive scene.
Melee has the iconic characters, deepness, movement and stability.
Both are really good games honestly and it's difficult to tell which one is better. But I would say that at the moment Melee because of online, being free and I just prefer the deepness that ultimate hasn't developed yet and the movement is still sublime.

No smash game has quality. Half the characters in melee are buggy, unfinished messes.

There's a term for that. It's called soul.

melee is unironically not fun to play

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>getting good at smash 4 convinced me to get into melee
>getting good at SFV convinced me to get into 3S

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All Smash games are janky, you mean. But at the very least Melee doesn't restrict what you can do with its characters. Their jump momentum, combo variety, general offensive + defensive + movement options shit on Ultimate's. So in the end you got one restrictive jank game and one fun jank game.

While Melee is the better game, it's tired and stale. Ultimate is almost as good and has more characters. It's an overall better game, even if the gameplay might be a little inferior. Smash isn't only about gameplay. It's a celebration of gaming icons.

Why is it that you faggots complain about melee is about " exploits " or "bugs"? Do you retards just seeth at the idea that maybe the developers did intend this mechanics to be used or characters to be like that? Why can't you guys just accept that at the time of the game character rosters were shitty unbalanced like in 3rd strike, and even then melee for a 2000-1900s has good balance when you take into account that it has 13 /12 viable characters out of 26 and new tech is being discovered and more people are showing what other low tiers can do

wavedashing isn't the only thing making melee good you tard

We wouldn't have tournaments then.
If it wasn't for the first tournaments in SoCal and New York smash as a competitive game wouldn't exist.


He literally the one that brought up melee is quality>quantity which is not true. The game is severely unpolished, which is why people like it.

How bad do you think Smash games will play in another 10 years when your inputs don't register for a full second?

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maybe if Nintendo didn't see a huge skill gap between casuals and pros in Melee they wouldn't have made Brawl a complete trash fire
that would be an interesting timeline

Sakurai actually intended L/Z-cancelling he even listed it in official material before. Also in a NP interview Sakurai was aware of wavedashing in Melee during development. Sakurai only decided to remove wavedashing and add tripping in Brawl because he specifically wanted a more casual experience.

Surprisingly, many pro Ultimate players quasi-turned on Ultimate recently calling it out for its shitty. At least Melee had the excuse of being ancient and not able to be patched regularly. Ultimate is a current gen game so it has no excuse being shitty as it is.

Gameplay is more important for a video game

without wavedashing literally all of the other tech woudl still exist. You can still shine->trianglejump->shine on almost all of the cast that isn't marth/luigi.

Truly retards don't understand this game.

>Crossover game with Mario, Sonic, Snake, Megaman, and almost all noteworthy icon in gaming
Bathe smeleefags

I too only play playground arenas over smash ultimate online as krool or ganondorf

Most of them complain about the online not the game itself, being in this quarentine makes them hate the shitty online

>Official material
He mentions it on a japanese smash 64 website from the 90's and that's it. It is never officially recognized in the context of Melee at all. Imagine putting some cryptic bullshit into the game that's integral for being good at it but don't actually communicate it anywhere.

What about when Ultimate is modded to have Melee physics?

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already happened

DMCA'd for being too based

You'd also have to alter the hitboxes since everyone in Ultimate is pretty much melee jigglypuff

just slapping melee physics would cause a lot of character's shit to break. i remember someone doing it to 4 and Cloud's Cross Slash became useless because of buffed SDI. lots of multihit moves like that one would need adjustments

Melee and Ultimate are great games. Unfortunately melee is nearly two decades old and is not as accessible (both in gameplay and literally owning the game). Nintendo is not going to port Melee probably ever due to the potential skill ceiling along with how making a 1 to 1 port requires making it from the ground up. Melee has a higher skill ceiling while Ultimate has more content. The better game is up to preference.

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I just hope they managed to somehow secure the third party licenses to re-release Ultimate. Really want to see a Deluxe version with some things like Target Test added back in. Melee's physics are still preferred but I think this game is so close to perfect; it'd be a fucking shame if all the third party content doesn't let this game be playable past Switch.

>Already was a mod in development
>Videos always had a 25%+ dislike ratio because Ultimatefags have a victim complex

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Or maybe it's just that people don't like watching their games being warped by illegal mods into being clones of games that already exist. Just play melee.

>Which matters more in a good video game, good gameplay or number characters?

>warped by illegal mods
you don't seriously care about this, right?
>clones of games that already exist
nothing wrong with this when you're copying a better game
besides, they were adding their own unique twist: cancel directional airdodge with an attack like an anime game's airdash. the combos they showed off with this were pretty cool