Can we finally accept that healers aren't the problem?

Can we finally accept that healers aren't the problem?

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>Unga bunga me press heal button.
>I-Im rare you need me for the team!

nothing more satisfying than healing retards who are standing fire and then not grouping with them for the next dungeon

>wtf healer! You need to be dpsing!
Fuck you, I need my mana to keep you idiots alive. Fuck FFXIV


Dpsing while dealing damage was extremely fun on Tera, I don't know what wow did to make people hate dpsing as healer

No shit

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>Dpsing while dealing damage
What else are dps supposed to do?

I think most people worry they might tunnel vision while dpsing and forget to actually heal.

why does white mage get their gauge after affluent solace

floor tank

>durr me press heal me most important

Haha yes! Finally somebody gets it! As a marine I fucking hate the healer mentality they're worthless.

>Skill required
Healing > Physical DPS > Tanks > Ranged DPS
>Actual skill of the average player
Healing > Ranged DPS > Tank > Physical DPS
Tank > Healer > DPS

Then why do games keep putting them in everywhere? And why are they always required?

>healing requires the most skill
i wish this was bait, skill required is more like
Ranged DPS > Physical DPS > Healer > Tank

and I like playing tanks exclusively so dont think I'm sucking my own dick, I am oonga boonga

Swap melee dps and ranged dps, melee dps need to watch their positioning more than ranged dps

Why healers always like that?

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Can anyone remember which clickbait trashheap did a whole article on the healsluts meme?
I think they don't get credited enough, the meme pretty much fucking died since then.

it's a mmo there's almost no skill involved you just get gear.

lol change your socks bro

oh my

Post games where the healer is actually the most alpha in the group

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>Fuck you, I need my mana to keep you idiots alive. Fuck FFXIV
Oh man, this is the mentality of someone who has no idea how to manage their mp, most like either overheals or just stands there, and thinks he's better than everyone else while contributing nothing.

t. someone who doesn't play ffxiv anymore but used to play all roles and understands the importance of doing all that you can to benefit the raid rather than only thinking about yourself

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that's a boy right? please oh lord let this be a boy my dick demands it

This is trap porn.

it is

>as a marine

10/10 bait


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oh shit thanks for reminding me about this

Best game to play as healer?

Overwatch, Lucio

>teammates stand in AOE and get damaged constantly
>teammates have shit gear and take 70% of their health in damage over a few seconds
>why are you so shit at healing?!?
Every Tim

>shit gear
oh god dont remind, i was beginning to forget
>mmo i play has new boots that slightly increase damage done but massively decrease incoming healing
>dps shit themselves at the thought of slightly more damage, completely ignore the decrease to incoming healing
>go into endgame content with their shiny new boots and cause wipes on wipes on wipes and making everything harder for everyone
>dps babbies crying waaah waah no heals wtf healer do something report healer healer afk waaah waah waah me dps me damage me need healing

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I play DPS and you're a faggot, dps is ez modo as fuck.

lmao healing is just DPS in reverse

Im pissing needles doc!

>Real healers
>Stay completely silent throughout the dungeon/raid then make shitty comics pretending they are some kind of savior or sarcastic badass for pressing a button