>its fucking kino now
Play post scriptum
Its fucking kino now
Give me a key you fucking shill cunts.
it really is
Yawn, play a real chads game.
Fuck off, arcade fag. HLL is dumb easy and doesn't even deserve to be called a mil-sim
its so clunky
Why would I play a movie?
Is carentan fixed yet? How about St Mere? Compared to the Chapter 2 release I'm pretty dissapointed in the launch for this chapter.
does it have single player? im tired of all these multi only WW2 games
Is there way to try it for free?
they have free weekends on steam fairly frequently. If you like squad you would like this.
Haven't played Squad but I played RS2 vietnam, is it similiar to that?
its more authentic/realistic to a ground battle in ww2. The maps are a lot bigger and communication plays a huge role. You also get combined arms like mortars and tanks in post scirptum while rising storm you may get mortars. I would wait until a free weekend if you arent familiar with autism shooters.
I've played Tarkov recently, how do you think they compare?
Do people actually talk/work together in pubs?
I've never played tarkov but I think its a stealth autism shooter from what I've seen that more focused on gun porn. I want to get tarkov but everyone tells me to avoid it. PS is way more team work solo lone wolf stuff is harder.
Most matches I get in have people talking and in most servers I've been in its require command positions to have a mic and talk. Your mileage may vary.
How big are the servers?
80 people is the largest I've seen
This. Hell Let Loose is miles better.
I will when the playerbase isn’t filled with retarded BFV refugees that mindlessly zerg into objectives.
HLL is good but Post Scriptum is better in my opinion. Hell let loose has more of a red orchestra feel, but Post Scriptum really takes it to the next level with the vehicles and squad play.
I guess they're also different games in some sense. You can't really compare Battlefield to like Rising Storm, and I don't think you can compare HLL to Post Scriptum
it's not particularly better, in some respects it's more "arcadey" than ps but not in a way that detracts from the realism. It also looks a little better according to some people but I really like the authentic uniforms based on the regiment and map, (so you play the 4th infantry on utah, with period correct uniforms, and so forth)
they are essentially the same game but HLL is more action and ps is more realism
>join game
>have to run 4miles because no rally
>nobody wants to be SL, i can't because idk how to play besides shooting, healing and canteening
>one map is pure rape and somehow eats up 16GB of DDR4 upon loading
it seems like it'll be good in a year so i bought it for cheap but still kind of rough
HLL WANTS to be like red orchestra but fails miserably, the game is absolute shit and is the slowest, most boring wannabe WW2 tactical shooter ever. I hope the game fails.
>get in a trench to defend point
>everyone's firing at a nearby hill, tossing grenades, our panzer's supporting us from behind, the whole shebang
>look at it for 15 minutes
>dont even see one yank
>move to get out trench for a second
>instantly dead
I really want to like PS for the milsim, but I just can't seem to find the enemy, even when we're advancing on them or I think I'm holding the approach they would use. I think I got 5 wounds while playing for 5 hours on the Friday of free weekend. The best I ever did during was as medic, getting a bunch of points because I knew I should focus on my squad and not even attempt to look for the enemy. I'm pretty sure it's just a "get good" thing on my end, but I can get the flow of the maps
I'll go back to Rising Storm 2
Why is everyone using the word "kino" such a sperg?
This, play HLL. That is, if you want to actually do FPS things in an FPS game.
If you aren't inclined to fire the gun you are armed with -play PS because PS is fucking DULL.
this is how i feel. and i playe(d) red orchesta 2 and RS2 a ton. This feels like the enemies are more "dots" than the normal spot the dot mil sim.
>implying mil-sim games are objectively better
HLL was never advertised as "mil-sim" retard.
>tfw Plan Jaune
What a breath of fresh air. WW2 games have so much potential when they aren't locked to 1944 Western Europe or even the Pacific. What do you guys want to see from the next chapter?
Which game is more optimized and runs better than the other?
>doesn't realize that the only reason the PS devs dedicated an entire DLC chapter's setting to the French is because a majority of PS's playerbase is french players.
All the more reason not to pick up Post Scrotum, especially if you're from NA.
North Africa, Italy, or something from the Burma campaign as a wildcard.
HLL, HLL looks better too, and it's got even more optimization and FX upgrades planned.
PS has always ran like garbage, and nothing has improved despite what the hackjob mod team says