How can the game industry survive if so many people pirate?
How can the game industry survive if so many people pirate?
>paying for porn
bro translation patches come out years after the game, and they're nearly always fan creations. maybe the fucking gooks could learn how to speak english and expand their market, because as it stands westerners are 100% out of the scope of the japanese h-game market. stupid fucker
>paying for porn
Only retards pay for pornography. If they want to make money they should target the types that will pay for this type of shit. Make an eroge with licensed likeness of streamer ethots with them providing voice work. Don't give them shit up front but instead offer a percentage of sales. Baby dick nerds will buy multiple copies for their imaginary girlfriends.
I don’t care.
how many times are you going to make this shit thread
>500,000 - 50,000 = 495,000
Gaming already peeked, so I don't care.
>A Hentai game company is shutting down.
>Was it due to government regulations?
>Was it pressure with the upcoming Olympics?
>Nah, it's because of pirates
It is shutting down because you as a game developer failed to market and sell your game.
Why can't the developers understand that they are not losing money because of pirates? All they are losing are the potential sales (if you can even call them that, many of the pirates wouldn't buy your game by any chance). Normies don''t even know how to pirate a game, or even where can they find a download for the pirated version of the game.
Instead of accepting your failure as a game developer, you are projecting your failure on the people who pirated your game. I don't think those people will be more willing to pay you after you blamed them for your failure.
>When we tracked users
How nice of you to admit you spy on the players.
people wouldn't play that game if they had to buy it, it makes no difference
tl:dr stupid arguments defending pirating.
>trying to sell an item with infinite free supply and finite demand
Honestly, I'm surprised ANY video games get sold.
>On "Lying for shekels" Takahashi
>coomers shutting down hentai companies
was their game available on a service with a large userbase like steam?
maybe if they made a game worth buying people would actually buy it
all the games are fucking trash
huniepop is decent tho and look how well it did
insanely based
You realize if you don’t pay for them they’ll stop being made right
How can the pirates survive if nobody makes games?
>Hello? Yes, could you put me through to the based department? Thank you.
Based coomers inadvertently stifling the industry that led to their degeneration
when the fuck is the new update?
nah they won't, that argument has been going around since piracy has been a thing
I've played probably over 50 visual novels and never bought a single one. Only retards and coomers pay for chinese powerpoints.
No one wants loli rape quest to appear on their bank statements
by switching over to online only games as a service type games
i don't eat games
Funnily enough he's a patreon jew and bitches about people pirating his game now. He's dead
You thieves are scums. Piracy should be considered worse than child molestation and murder.
I hate piratefags but this still never fails to make me laugh.
lol this kid has a gofundme to buy a ps4
>this based already
The based department was looking for a new hire
he makes enough Money from those patron rewards, I just want an update
Didn't you learn anything from ILL
Those shiny circles aren't doughnuts fatty
I looked him up and he's from small town in chile lol.
Not true. If other people pay for them they'll still be made too. If only I could bankrupt publishers by simply not buying stuff...
fuck fag. I wouldn't pay for your shit game if it cost a penny. Not a potential sale. I can download and delete your shitty game 2 million times. IS that 2 million potential sales?
Maybe because he's right.
You're implying others pay for it when the OP proves they don't, hence my point.
I think that there are people that are embarrassed by buying porn games, or worried that someone will find out that they bought porn games. I wouldn’t want any of my steam friends to know that I am playing a porn game. I’d rather just not even bother
Those tweets were full of shit, you can stop posting them.
>Release game
>Wait for YEARS to even consider a Western release
>Fan TL had been completed for a while at this point
>Y no one buy r release?
>88 out of 100 pirates did not pay
>I hate piratefags
Reddit go home
>DL patch
Deserved. Any game that sells the ero content as a patch I pirate.
But other people ARE paying. 50k copies of whatever game is being discussed were sold.
What game?
>Waaaah people dont pay for porn!!!!
Go fuck yourself on camera
The only games that flop are games made by retards who don't know to use social media as a marketing tool. The same retard will bitch and moan about how muh Steam or muh Epic aren't doing their job as a publisher, even though Steam and EGS's sole job is to be a online store.
The average dipshit will never pirate, which is why AAA titles sell well no matter how shit they are.
Big AAA games survive, but AA, A and indie studios struggle and close all the time. Remember making a gopd game doesn't mean you will make a game that sells well.
Because enough people still buy the games. At least the good ones.
And way more people will "buy" something if it's free so comparing the people who downloaded it for free as potential real buyers is a bit of a stretch.
Does piracy hurt? For sure. But it's just a reality and you even have that it spread general gaming a lot of people who grow up a poor pirate might change those habits as they get older and a more stable financial situation.
to be fair you can't treat hentai games the same way you treat normal games, if you just make it and expect people to buy it then obviously they'll just pirate it, you have to make a kickstarter/patreon where you show off the art and the ideas to get people to pay for it before you make it, then spend a couple of years developing it, milking your fanbase and release it once it starts to dry up
>people aren't buying my 30 minute long flash-tier game sold $10
on a website with 2003-style interface
>how could this happen