How are you enjoying Trials of I'm-still-salty-that-Dark-Angela-Sucks

How are you enjoying Trials of I'm-still-salty-that-Dark-Angela-Sucks

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if i beat every single boss and anise mission on hard mode including dark rabite with nightblade hawk, magus angela, and warrior monk kevin, then you have no excuse

I'm not saying the game is hard with Dark Angela, I'm saying it sucks compared to Light

You keep saying that. I don't think it means what you think it means.

Attached: ss (2020-04-27 at 06.44.45).jpg (1928x1106, 169.23K)

>He fell for the slut meme
Light always wins baby

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>Dark Angela
>Best boss killer in the game


I'm cooming my brains out

Attached: trials of my dick.webm (1280x720, 2.87M)

But rune seer is the least slutty outfit

Any "ultra hard" mod on the way to make the game more fun? I know Mana games aren't really the hardest thing ever but this is ridiculous.

why would that matter when you can beat the entire game with any team

who cares about your retarded dickwaving contest

It doesn't fucking matter she's broken no matter what
This was my first attempt at like level 70 without the Class 4 weapon too

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Breaking the flow of combat to chug nuts feels bad man

never played a soulless game like this
and the voice acting is the worst in a game in english and japanese
how the fuck did they screw up this bad?

your brain is screwed up

PSA: Any passive that stats: Damage increased by X% when hit by a critical hit
Is actually just a plain old X% critical hit damage increase.
Have fun stacking crit damage anons.

If you do Angela/Duran's story you get 10 MP back every 5 seconds
And postgame gets you a 5 MP back every 5 seconds for the whole group passive
Black Rabite gets a chain skill to reduce all MP costs to 0 too

Anyone find any damage or loot calculations or math in the .pak file?

why is dark angela bad again?

You can get a Goddess Scale in late game and change
It's not. Light is just obscene.

That's endgame, post-game and post-game respectively

Objectively it's OP, but it's just that Light is better in almost every way. Much better MP regen/cost reduction, and almost the same damage output, no need to spend HP to boost damage, actually useful passives

Wound Magic might be marginally worse than Light Angela's crit passives
That's it really

Ah so it's just a similar toolkit with restrictions you might as well not deal with as light.

All angelas are good its just that Light is stronger. Its really just rank 1 vs rank 2

Kill all furries

Dark/Dark Angela gets at least 200%+ more damage if you stack all the blood magic skills, and Ancient Curse is a non-elemental spell that has a base damage of 600. She has the potential for the highest damage, but it's overkill, because even Light Angela can kill Anise in under a minute. I lean towards Light Angela because her fourth form and spells give you more visual variety, it's not just a constant meteor spam. At the volcano on salamander day? Cast explosion for the daily boost or a the water spell for the weakness boost, or Luscent Beam, or Doppleganger. Shit dies left and right and the big AoE of spells makes you feel like a proper mage.

Has anyone found the ultimate equipment? I think I got best Dark Kevin weapon. Lindorm - 172, 101 ATK

It seems modders are already improving Angela.

Attached: Modded_Angela.jpg (1920x1080, 442.71K)

You know for being the "Luck" guy hawk doesn't really have that many critical hit passives outside of Nomad and Wardenkeep from what I've seen. Is the base luck growth really enough to make up for that?

Attached: Mod_Angela.jpg (1920x1080, 331.9K)

It's her best outfit, too, only the Succubus Tier 4 dark costume comes close.

Is she worse in the remake? I remember Magus being the best for spamming level one spells, although I am more partial towards Grand Diviner, because the level two spells are fun.

Attached: Mod_Angela2.jpg (1920x1080, 362.65K)

Hope we get all the outfits without buttcapes

Angela is the strongest character in the game.

>bigger boobs = better
Nah, I'll pass.

I dunno, she could be better here. I think they were just afraid of breaking something.

You mean I've been turning my back to enemies and letting them crit my ass for nothing?

Except MP is basically not a concern with light because of the mp regen/cost reduction, compared to Dark where you'll either need to by meleeing or chugging nuts to keep up your MP

But late game is also when you finally get the skills to make MP a non-issue.

Going Dark/Light feels bad man, other than the costume

She's by far the most powerful character in the game (particularly lategame), just one branch completely dominates the other.

Not big enough

Hawk doesn't really need too many. He has a passive that makes it harder for him to take aquire agro so paired up with someone that has an agro passive he can just go around back and jutsu or trap spam something to death with guaranteed crits. It is a shame that wardenkeep and nomad is the only one with a crit damage boost though.

Ah, I guess I'll save dark for last.

gaymers are always trying to optimize the fun out of video games

Any actual hard mode mods yet?

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I think Duran's one activates when he gets crit. The one called 'Critical Damage' boosts crit dmg though.

This doesn't really look so bad

Here I was all set to go Dark/Dark with Angela after near-universal praise for her nuking but now Light is better????

Ok. I have a Duran that I'm going to Liege and a Riesz I dunno what to do with yet. Where should my Angela go?

The difference is like, do you want your spell to do 5000 damage or 4500 damage with a chance to instakill normal shit that doesn't get OHKO'd anyways
Either way it's absurdly strong to the point it doesn't actually matter with how weak the monsters are even on Hard