A fourth one since the last one died.
For actual fans of the original, how do you feel about the leaks? Are you still going to get Part 2? Are you disappointing in the direction its going to take? Are you upset it was spoiled?
A fourth one since the last one died.
For actual fans of the original, how do you feel about the leaks? Are you still going to get Part 2? Are you disappointing in the direction its going to take? Are you upset it was spoiled?
I don't mind Joel dying, but Abby just seems like a really boring character. I'm not looking forward to playing as her at all.
i hoped they improved the gameplay but it looks just as bad as before
I liked the first one, but felt it didn't need a sequel. They should've just left the ending open to interpretation and personal belief. Won't be getting part 2, but I do enjoy the divisiveness the game is creating so far.
my game of the last generation.. i'm not buying TLO2. Her being gay doesn't matter at all like some people claim is the issue for some "bigots"
It was never a problem. We've known she was gay since the DLC of TLOU1.
My issue is, the plot is so bad, it sounds like it was written by some edgelord in highschool, for some fan fiction website.
Stupid plot points for the sake of subverting expectations, a la Rion Johnson, is shallow and silly.
Not to mention, the idea of making certain things the way they are in order to make sure a bunch of boxes are checked on a SJW checklist from Anita Sarcassian. No thank you, i'm done with ND. And i was looking forward to this game for many years.
No faggot shit
It does sound bad. I always suspected Joel would die, in fact with the reveal trailer I thought he was already dead and his appearance was just Ellie daydreaming.
But I don't like how it's handled, you got the Burger King Kid's club ambushing the protagonists of the last game, brutally murdering Joel and Tommy, and then they have you playing as them?
Why not start us with playing as Abby, learning more about her, and then have her fight with Joel. And at least have Joel die for something, even if it was ultimately pointless, don't just have a human truck beat him to death out of nowhere.
It's clumsy.
Take Last of Us 1 for example. It felt tense because Joel and Ellie could be killed at any time, the story didn't need them to live to the end. Because even if Joel or Ellie died along the way or near the end, at least it would have been for something. Sarah's death doesn't feel like nihilistic crap because she doesn't get brained out of nowhere by some asshole we never knew, she sacrificed herself to save Joel and Ellie.
If it was just Joel dying it would be one thing, but making you play as the roided dyke tranny to go after Ellie when I'd rather play as Ellie going after Optimus Dyke is going too far.
I get the sense that that Druckman is just a subversive Jew that wants to shit in your mouth with the poz.
Thought the only reason the first one was good was because of Joel and Ellie.
Joel being broken emotionally, and the interaction with Ellie, was what made it compelling. Not interested in the second without that.
that i'm assuming isn't a quote about this particular game but i am curious as to who that quote is attributed to. Source?
I really don't understand the need to pander to the mentally ill
p.s. anyone who uses wacky terms like CIS is an idiot
Loved the first one, didn't feel like it needed a sequel. TLOU2 looks like a steaming pile of LGBTQ agenda bullshit but I'm not even buy it when it ends up in the inevitable bargain bin.
I'll give it a chance. Upset that I got spoiled but that's how it is nowadays. If it sucks, oh well
Literal fake article
Onboard with what most have said. It was a well contained story and really no need for a sequel with the same characters at the very least.
I'm not a nazi
I'm not a homophobe. Thought subtle depiction of Ellie being gay in the first one was really clever and well done. Same with Bill
But I do think this sequel sounds absolutely awful. I will not be playing it, and I'm upset, because I really love the first one
What’s the source? Anonymous?
Is the combat/stealth similar?
LMAO imagine caring about the fucking STORY in a videogame. The gameplay looks fucking rad as fuck and that's all I need to know to pre-order.
You know what the funny thing is. If they made a really bleak story for the sequel but less retarded people wouldn't have an issue. For example, in Ellie's quest for vengeance, Joel is unceremoniously killed by those she's trying to kill halfway through the game. You still play as her in the second half though. Then by then end, she does get revenge but Ellie herself is killed or crippled beyond repair, i.e losing an arm. This ending is bleak and depressing and many fans would find it unsatisfying, but it at least conveys the point that revenge is hollow and achieves nothing. The actual TLOU2 story is beyond retarded though and I don't know how anyone thought it was a good idea to make it.
>So we gave them a finger and then they asked for a hand, that was a little troubling so we had a meeting to discuss how we could give them the hand without handing over the entire arm and it turns out that many of them will feel excluded if we don't give them the whole arm so we concluded that this would be the best way to go about things
qrd on the content of these leaks?
imagine starting a sentence with the word imagine on a regular basis like the kids who can't spell thick.
p.s. the story in a linear STORY driven game is the most important thing you fucking retard.
in devil may cry and many other games, I'd agree with you. Not a narrative driven game like TLOU. Nobody liked TLOU1 just because of some basic stealth gameplay. Fucking shill.
Obviously disappointed in the direction but glad it was spoiled.
Save my money.
Trannie kills Joel & beats up Ellie
You play as trannie for last half of the game, then kill Ellie too
Everything is set against the backdrop of White Straight Male Christian villains who hate gays or whatever
I doubt this is real but it must be said that pandering to victim groups is inherently a bad idea because said groups must ALWAYS be identifying as a victim otherwise their whole narrative falls apart and they risk losing their protected victim status.
So even if you bend over backwards to be inclusive and address every one of their complaints with patience and understanding they'll simply find something else to nitpick and then blow out of proportion to the extent that unless you address the new 'problem' you are literally killing them and this cycle just repeats endlessly until you go bankrupt and they move on to a different medium to be victims in.
I just find it funny all of this could have been avoided if the higher-ups there didn't treat their employees like shit, including paying them, obviously.
Brcause in that case, the game would likely be released the previous year, or maybe in March 2020 at the latest, there would be no leaks of this caliber, and people could actually make up their mind by playing the game or watching it on youtube themselves instead of getting worked up over greentexts and whatever was left of the dumped cutscenes.
could care less about there being trans character but i'm pissed to be forced to play as someone ugly - there's a reason movies based on true stories or novels usually choose more attractive actors for the portrayal of their real life/book counterparts
furthermore the subversion as a whole is also annoying, mgs2 and similiar are also guilty of this and back then people were also pissed - rightfully so, on the other side if this was revealed officially people would probably not be onboard either so there's no good way for them to go about it - let's just see how the story truly goes and make up our minds about it then i guess
tl;dr fuck druckmann, might still play it but my hopes are really low
would also like to say that tlou1 was by far goty 2013 for me
It's not real
the plot is the plot and it's awful. all the leak did was save a lot of people their hard earned cash on a poorly written narrative based game
this is the real one
Why are people believing this article when it's ND openly sharing one of the major spoiler leaks in the game. Doesn't make any sense for them to do that.
>The gameplay looks fucking rad as fuck
>literally posts something that is either scripted or nothing more than buttonmashing
>furthermore the subversion as a whole is also annoying, mgs2 and similiar are also guilty of this and back then people were also pissed - rightfully so, on the other side if this was revealed officially people would probably not be onboard either so there's no good way for them to go about it - let's just see how the story truly goes and make up our minds about it then i guess
The thing is the MGS2's bait and switch was nowhere near as bad. Imagine having Raiden killing Snake halfway through the game and being forced to play as him for the second half; beating Otacon to a bloody pulp by the end of it? If that happened, the MGS series would have died a long time ago before now.
This. I’m tired of woke culture pandering. Diversity isn’t achieved by ticking boxes on a list, it’s achieved by normalization. Over watch unironically does an okay job of this by making the orientation of some of its characters mundane. If it feels pointless, that’s a good thing, because it’s not supposed to matter. TLOU2 does it in literally the worst way possible. Forcing players to play as a murderous psycho tranny after watching the previous game’s well-liked protagonists get violently raped and murdered by her isn’t how you get the average gamer to like trans folks. Cuck man needs to be stopped.
I know, it's fucking hilarious.
Yas Forums never stops complaining about hating stories in games and spent years ripping TLOU1 for being a story-driven game, calling it a walking simulator and all of the usual shit. same goes for Uncharted
now the same people eagerly gobbled up every single TLOU2 cutscene they could without playing so much as a snippet of gameplay and are acting as if they were the ones who were betrayed. Naughty Dog was already upfront that this game would be just as story-driven as the last, and that it's twice as long (which means twice as much story, which is why there are a lot of cutscenes). Ellie was already confirmed to be into girls in Left Behind, and people were already aware that Neil leans left in his personal politics and had said this game would have political/social themes. I really don't understand why Yas Forums is feigning so much misery, it's not like TLOU1 was some hardcore strategy game with minimal narration that turned into a story adventure for the sequel. It's a sequel with more of what most people liked about the first, that's how all "Part 2" sequels work for popular games. You're all addicted to being upset about AAA titles as if any of the stuff that's come out about TLOU2 is supposed to be surprising.
I wasn't thrilled but I've gotten over the disappointment and I'm more open to seeing the execution. I haven't watched the footage though. Single player was never as important as the multiplayer anyway so I'm still in the dark.
you might know this already but they're making a completely separate game just for the multiplayer
i only liked the multiplayer
couldn't care less about the dumb story and boring sneak king gameplay