Games you've tried hard to get into but can't

There are so many fucking games I want to like but I just can't, specially RPGs. To name a few:

>Witcher 3
>Dragon Age: Origins
>Dragon's Dogma
>Fallout series
>Divinity: Original Sin 2
>Nier Automata
>Souls games

I literally own all of these games on steam and I can't seem to put more than two hours into them before wanting to quit. I know they must be good games but what the fuck

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>Witcher 3
>Dragons Dogma
Definitely takes a while to get good

>Dragon Age: Origins
>Souls games
Yas Forums only pretends these are good games to fit in

>Fallout series
You can skip unless you REALLY like the setting

I started playing Souls because Bloodborne was on sale. Never thought I would like them because of the whole HARDEST SERIES IN THE UNIVERSE bullshit that journos and normies spew but they turned out to be pretty fun games. Why don't you like them exactly?

I can't put my finger on why. I gave DS1 a try on the PS3 when it came out and even though I appreciated the atmosphere and combat, it felt like a slog. Like every encounter was a ton of work (and I'm not sure the difficulty is a enough of a driving factor for me). I actually bought the other two games on sale and put a combined hour into both because I felt much of the same.

The beginning hours of every Souls are a slog desu, gotta push through it, find some gear and annihilate everything.

What the fuck, I wrote desu and it changed to desu

>You can skip
Imao what a pleb

>play DA:O
>get to the mage tower
>beat the sloth demon
>get shit kicked in right after leaving the dream despite being properly leveled
fuck the "tactics" in this game

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>>get shit kicked in right after leaving the dream
Fucking how?

lmaoing @ you desu baka famalam

The Yakuza series is a big one. I just find the subtitles and the endless loading screens off-putting. Even though the chans rave about this game series I just don't understand why...?

goddammit we're overrun

Dark Souls is not an RPG

there's a stairway with some yellow text enemies in the next room over, they just roflstomped me into submission no matter how many times I casted cone of cold or made Alistair threaten their asses, might turn down the game to easy

Oh yeah that's another one. I played 5 hours of Yakuza 0 but I didn't really care about it and stopped.

Go back

Victoria II too time consuming

>there's a stairway
But there is no enemies on stairway.
Just switch control to Wynne sometimes to keep Alistair HP high enough and use stonefist for dangerous enemies

Just booted up the game, meant the room before the stairway. Will try to use stonefist this time

Morrowind. Great lore and an interesting setting that I love to read about but the game itself is just dog shit. I spent nearly 50 hours just forcing myself through it, waiting for it to finally click and "get lost" in the RPG experience and it never happened. The combat, movement, and visuals are abysmal even for 2002, the NPCs are soulless text dumps, the quests are MMO tier, and the world itself does interact with you or react to anything you do. I've never wanted to like a game more and still ended up hating it. Now I just read the lore for it online and look at the cool fan art and think about what could've been.

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for me? same energy and SOUL as the coin-op from the 90s

Alright Yas Forums, I've decided to complete FOUR of these games before 2020 ends. Help me remove two. Now.

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Dragon's Dogma and Dragon Age

Dark Souls 3 and Dragon Age. You should start with New Vegas if your goal is just to complete the game, because you can complete New Vegas in like 1 hour if you just kill everyone you meet.

probably a zoomer take here, but the way that your attacks can physically connect with your enemy but still have a % to miss is probably the worst feeling combat system ive ever experienced.

The Trails games, specifically Steel.
I like the dubbing for this game strangely, but the characters are so dry in the first few chapters so far and it's hard to want to keep playing.

I'd like to go beyond just completing the games just for the sake of checking them off the list. I'm a sucker for a good story.

Yeah it feels awful. In turn based games, missing point blank doesn't feel so awful because the enemy will do a dodge/block animation or your character will do a whiff animation. But in Morrowind since its real time its literally just 2 goofs swinging at each other without flinching and no damage being done.

I honestly go back to it because I know how great the content is but like you said, the core gameplay mechanics are just dogshit.

DD and nothing else.

Based on your selection. Take out OS2, it's Turn Based.

Remove Souls 3.

I really couldn't get into Skyrim, played all the fallouts, morrowind and Oblivion. Beat the witcher 3, but still couldn't get into skyrim. I've tried like 5 times.