Stop necro threads

>stop necro threads

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81019 posts
joined 08/11/2004
location: behind u
conqueror of naxxramas saladin remover of orcs

I can revive whatever thread I want to.
Ban me, bitch.

>stop necro threads


Pm'd you the link bro

>you must make 5 posts to download this
>forums no longer exist

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You forgot the unique rank given to them by asskissing the admins

Thread closed.

Please check for other threads before creating your own or you WILL be banned. This is your only warning.

And then people wonder why the fuck do websites like this shithole exist

On forums, "necroposting", the practice of bumping up old threads on their way out to "revive" them, is considered bad etiquette.
Why exactly I'll never know but it is what it is.

>search for game fix/crack
>bro i pm you the link bro
>thread locked
>linkposter is deads
>thread is either from a few months or from 2007 circa

>"I'm having an issue with my PC"
>All the replies are other users saying that they have the same problem
>last post is from November 2013

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EDIT: Nvm i fixed it :D

>Anyone else had X issue? Edit: Nvm I fixed it xD
>Mod: Great bro, closing the thread xD

>"hey im having x obscure problem, can someone help me out?"
>thread gets locked within seconds
>check thread
>12 years old
>links all broken
>"check your inbox bro"

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>ask Yas Forums about problem
>guy gives me an answer and calls me a retard
>it works

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thats how things fly around here

every time

I always say necro like "neec ro". Is that right?

i say it like nekro, im finnish so i have a habit of pronouncing it as spelled.

Has anyone here actually gotten a fix from browsing a forum?

>create new thread
>stop duplicating threads [link to necroed thread]
>get banned

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for me its neh-kro

>search necrophilia tag
>it's full of zombie sex

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i did for some old game that wouldnt boot until i saw some post on some literal who forum that told me to unplug my controller. it worked.

>the other threads were closed for the same reason
>gotta go all the way back to a post from 2009 with likely outdated info

Yas Forums is tsundere as fuck when helping retards like you.

someone replies to him

>stop necro threads
>try posting new thread
>fagmod removes your thread and directs you to the thread you were warned for necroing

i honestly don't miss forum culture anymore.

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Sounds like a good system. You get your problem solved and the other user gets the pleasure of insulting someone.

all forum mods deserve the rope. every single one of them.

>ask game forum about problem for said game
>"next time use the search function" -admin
>forum members swarm the admin with replies like "wow, classic [admin's username]!"
>use search function
>old thread
>either "PM'd the fix" or wasn't answered
Much prefer the Yas Forums route desu

And people wonder why I come here.

>hosted by ImageShack

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a moment of silence to all those dead links on all those dead forums

have always and will always hate the absolute pinnacle of faggotry that is forum "culture"
nothing legitimately pisses me off more than passive aggressive cunts and power tripping mods

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As someone who discovered forums as a kid in the early 2000s, it was disillusioning to see that mods could even manage to make a community about something benign like Mario fangames a miserable experience.