Ends rosterfaggotry forever

>ends rosterfaggotry forever
Anyone notice that rosterfag threads have died down ever since Byleth? you're welcome Yas Forums.

The hoes truly do be mad

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Truly the hero we didn't need, but definitely deserved.

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>Already know what franchise the next fighter is going to come from
>Months away from the actual reveal for them
That’s because there’s nothing else to talk about until after June. Besides, most of the threads on rosters is just shitposting.

>Professor, may I speak with you?

>I appreciate it.

>I'm just anxious. It feels like a relief that the weight of this burden falls upon you now.
>The people of Yas Forums have spoken, it is you who they now hate, and not me.
>At this very moment, you are starting an all out war.
>An army of shitposters far larger than the one that attacked me relentlessly in the past 6 months will soon be locked in battle... against you.
>Long-devised strategies are unfolding across Yas Forums. Smashfags are deciding their mains against you and preparing to fight...
>So many threads and shitposts will archive because of this. It's inevitable that even genuinely good posts will get caught up in the chaos as well and become archived.
>There will be countless casualties. With a single command, the flames of war will rage across all corners of this board.
>This is the path you choose, isn't it?

>No matter how much blood flows at my feet, I will not relent for you. We must break the bonds that the Fire Emblem haters have on our beloved Sakurai.
>These sacrifices will allow us to create a future where we never need sacrifice again. It may seem contradictory, but it's the only way.
>Heh. Listen to me. I made up my mind long ago. Yet here I am, seeking your approval.
>Tell me the truth, my teacher. Are you happy with your decision to accept being in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate?

>I believe in you, Professor. As you believed in me.

It was fun while it lasted.

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>Edelgard doesn't officially marry or give Byleth children, too embarrassing to be seen with some dirt peasant of mercenary origin and they had dragon in them - ick
>will turn into a breeding sow for Ferdinand and happily announce the birth of child after child to the masses
This will never not be fucking hilarious.

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>They achieved much in their time together, and it is said that they were sometimes spotted leaving the palace to privately enjoy the world they had created. How they spent those precious moments, none but the two of them will ever know.

Stay mad Ferdie, El belongs to the BBC (Big Byleth Cock). Not even Dorothea wanted you.

Even your quips are a clone

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based ferdieposter

Edelgard does the same for Caspar. Caspar and Ferdinand are the sex machines of three houses.


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you really think that cardboard cutout of a man can compete with this?

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I wanna fuck sensei

Damn you caught a shitty one instead

It was the last of the fighter pack and we already know the series the next fighter is coming from. It has nothing to do with it being Byleth.


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the virgin smash smelly
the chad fire emblem tactican

>be major Arlefag after falling in love with the Puyo series after they localized the Tetris crossover
>huh, that's strange, the Switch port of the Puyo 2 rerelease had its release announcement posted early
>wait that's odd, the port got delayed to the week of the Smash CP5 presentation
>literally thought all the stars were aligning for Arle
>watch the presentation

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>ends rosterfaggoty forever
Pretty much, yeah.
>No one cared about an ARMS rep in the slightest despite not being another "generic anime swordsmen"
>The "leaks" revolving around some failed western cereal mascot and a shitty MMO game generated more discussions over them, and even then, only a few cared it as all interest frizzled out really quickly
>The smash community wants the online service to be fixed above all else

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Ferdinand is based, I always recruit him in every playthrough.
The fact Edelgard didn't even marry you makes me glad I married Marrianne on my first ever playthrough which was BE.

how do you think he would've reacted to Byleth?

He would've killed himself anyway.

Literally nobody plays Smash anymore

>stolen memes
>stolen catchphrase
>stolen weapons
What doesn't byleth steal?

>he probably wouldn't have even played 3H
>getting called out for being a fake fan after not recognizing banjo is what drove him off the bridge

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the dlc roster slot

Most of Yas Forums is just shitposting.


byleth stabbed rosterfaggotry in the chest and the arms character pissed on it's corpse, don't try and steal all the credit

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The Milkman cometh

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Arlefag, what if i told you the announcement of puyo 2 snes online, and thus nintendo's direct involvement with the series coincidentally started just as more dlc/pass 2 was announced
The sega ages shit was wierd but i'm not counting her out yet, especially when you throw the director shenanigans on top of it

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