Overwatch has lots of diversity, in many areas:

Overwatch has lots of diversity, in many areas:
>economic background
And yet... there are no transsexual characters.
Personally, I think it would be cool if the next character were trans.

Attached: overwatch-image-6.jpg (1280x720, 117.95K)

>when a video game's selling point is it's politics

Basically its like selling a game on sex appeal

Diversity is someone's sexual fetish guaranteed

Only difference is Sex appeal actually sells games


D.va is trans you fucking bigot.

High test, low test or ban test?

>When it's politics I don't like, it's NOT okay.
>When it's politics I do like, it's BASED AS FUCK.
Shut up.

Making a character trans is too controversial for even Overwatch which still tries to be accessible to the widest possible audience. At the very least you might see a woman who transferred her mind into a male body or a "male" robot or something. A woman because it's more acceptable for women to do these things and the sci-fi angle allows you do send a message without making it too obvious.

All the women in the game are trans. I've seen their giant futa cocks.

I know this is a bait thread, but my friends and I have been revisiting Overwatch over quarantine and we've been... having fun?

It's a nice middleground between a casual game like TF2, and the overly sweaty competitive games like CS:GO and Siege where you spend half the game in menus/dead.

The matchmaking kinda of sucks, though, if searching for damage. Takes way too long. And wtf, why are there so many dmg heroes?

Eh... to be honest... I don't care who they add in this game.
I'm still tilted that this game won GOTY in 2016 over Doom and Uncharted 4.

What does your ult do OP?

Do you think this game would've survived more than a year if it wasn't for the fuckable characters and porn?

user is probably a ban test due to the influx that happened yesterday... but let's not get into that, let's talk about Overwatch.

Do you guys think we'll ever get over the trans myth as a society? Will it ever get to the point where people will generally be like "yeah can't believe we believed /that/ bullshit for so long."? Or do you think is it here to stay?

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>having fun
You think you have, but you havn't.

I'm positive D.Va was their trans hero but they chickened out.

Nah, they will just turn an existent one into trans instead.

There are also no very young characters, they should get that black loli in there as a hero for maximum representation.

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if a trans character is written well enough you shouldn't ever know they are trans. so who knows, maybe half the cast is.

I.E Boys Do Cry proves that trans characters can be written well and you can feel emotion for... mostly because it was based on real events, but regardless.
You should always write "GOOD" characters.

>And yet... there are no transsexual characters.
I thought the whole point of that mental illness was that you perceived yourself to be the opposite sex, not an entirely new one? For all you fucking know there already is.

trannies are as old as time user

literally this. if you have good writing no one gives a shit if the character is gay, trans, whatever. but way too many people are just trying to push an agenda and it is painfully obvious.

OK, tranny.

why are transgender people such a huge topic on this board? they have human rights just like any other person on this earth.

I wish I could have this site open for more than 5 minutes without someone mentioning trannies.

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Tourists are obsessed with trannies. Don't ask me why.

I think they should so they can finally bury overwatch for good.
But they will never do it because China is the majority of their consumer base now and they don't like trannies.

Not sure about the whole phenomenon but these gender changing surgeries will be remembered as a crude, primitive and moronic practice in a few hundred years from now on.

Maybe you're a tranny is why.

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there are plenty of characters in the game already, surely they can just reveal one of them to be trans in a comic, animated short or in-game emote

>He posts this in every thread.

Seethe more tranny.

Such a progressive company, especially when it comes to human rights in Hong Kong.