>2019: next gen consoles will be like SUPER-CHARGED PCs! In fact computers will have a hard time trying to catch up with consoles
>2020: consoles are not even out yet and they're already beaten by cheap laptops
What the hell happened? Next gen was suppose to be incredible.
2019: next gen consoles will be like SUPER-CHARGED PCs! In fact computers will have a hard time trying to catch up with...
Other urls found in this thread:
Pc master race
>could be better than a next gen console
>could be
>only for 3k dollerinos
So you're telling me that next year's laptop gpus will be more powerful than an rtx 2080ti? I find that hard to believe.
>could be
You can already have laptops better than next-gen consoles.
Consoles are cutting-edge when their specs are finalized.
Then terribly outdated and outclassed when they actually reach store shelves two years later.
Does it really matter? Technology has hit diminishing returns. Games have barely improved over the last 10 years.
>rtx 2080ti?
Consoles are not 2080ti, they're 2080.
With that logic a 2080ti laptop with the right CPU will outdo next-gen console.
no one cares about pc gaming it's for losers
The xbox series x will have a 12 tflops gpu, which is faster than the 2080ti.
the ps5 is going to be horribly obsolete when it launches. what a shitty fucking design.
>console: consistent performance for hours
>laptop: overheats and thermal throttles in 30 minutes or less
>Gaming on a laptop
I too have found out how to cut my heating bill.
>beaten by cheap laptops
>cheap laptops
Consoles are shit, but you're fucking delusional if you think you're going to get a laptop with the same performance as a console for less than 3-6 times the price.
>he doesn't know
No one tell him.
tflops are not even close to a good indicator of performance
all nvidia cards outperform their AMD counterparts despite a lower tflops count
Console fags are annoying
The 2080TI is 17.6TF
>Average clock 2021mhz
>4352 cores
>formula for FLOPS is cores * frequency * 2 (fixed multiplier)
>4352*2021*2 = 17.59TF
Those numbers are inflated
The 2080ti is almost 18 tflops you tard.
And the 3080ti is set to be around 25+ tflops, literally twice as fast as the Xbox Series X.
Console boipuccis are gonna get torn up something fierce this gen.
>Average clock 2021mhz
The 2080ti is 1350mhz and boosts to 1545mhz.
No those are raw numbers. It actually goes up to 18.15TF in bursts
i have a 2018 msi laptop that's stronger than next gen consoles
they do this every gen, you get used to it
At least read the article before spouting bullshit faggot.
2080ti is substantially higher than 12tflops
That's not how that works. Nvidia has a mechanism called Boost 4.0 which the article explains. It pushes the GPU to the max safe clock based on heuristics.
What is 12t flops closer to?
I'm reading the specs straight from nvidia's website. An overclocked 3rd party card doesn't count.
Based retard.
Don't these laptops cost 3000€?
>An overclocked 3rd party card doesn't count.
goalposts flying around at mach 2
>An overclocked 3rd party card doesn't count.
Given 99% of the 2080ti's that people use are third party, they absolutely do count you slobbering mongoloid.
Also going to be overpriced.
The original 2080. 3072 cores * 1919mhz * 2 = 11.8TF. But consoles can punch above their weight with low level optimization.
It all depends on RDNA2 performance : Current amd apu (ryzen 4000) already is almost as powerful as its desktop counterpart but its integreted graphics are vega.
Next amd apu (ryzen 5000)
On the contrary, laptops with amd apu are much cheaper than intel.
For $999 you get a laptop almost as powerful as a ryzen 3700x
Based retard intensifies.