Epic wants your phone number now

it's over.

will you pay a bit of privacy for 'free' games?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>will you pay a bit of privacy for 'free' games?
i can just get free games with qbittorrent though
no privacy needs to be sacrificed

Holy shit, anyone still doesn't have 2FA on anything they value? Can't believe, lmao

what does the ccp want with my phone number?

Why are Chinks so desperate to steal your personal info?
I pity every dumbfuck using tiktok

You already sold your privacy by using the garbage.

What does 2FA have to do with phone numbers?
2FA through SMS is literally less secure than having no 2FA at all.


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Because you need a fucking phone number to get text messages?

if you can't fake a number to go with your fake adress you shouldn't be trying to get shit for free in the first place

>Why are Chinks so desperate to steal your personal info?
Because they just onsell it to all the desperate russian fucks who send out spam and phishing texts in the hopes of finding a whale.

>2FA requires a phone number
Imagine being this technically inept. Imagine being a zoomer.

Waiting for epicniggers to try and spin this into a good thing

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>can use 3rd party authenticator app
AKA no phone number required, dumbfuck

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It's still weird that they're got this bizarre system that they're forcing. Imagine if Steam did this shit.

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>Give them a phone number
>Account gets hacked anyway



> 2FA on anything they value?

>tfw literally don't have mobile phone
no more free games for me I guess

>I don't even have a phone

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Notice how the phone number is optional.

My phone number is basically public information at this point from the amount of times /vp/ has doxxed me

They do it's called Steam Guard and it's the same as email authentication that Epic uses.

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>cares about privacy
>uses Windows
Pick one


EGS two-factor authentication goes through the email address already tied to your account.

>epic wants your phone number
no they don't

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>Epic wants your phone number now

Or, you know, use an authenticator app

Shills are quick off the mark on this one, but I don't think they've been given a script yet.

B-but steam doesn't work this time because it's optional.


Cant you like, be cheeky and use a google number?

>bizarre system
What year are you retards living any? Most shit has 2FA now.

>It's still weird
It's not weird at all. When Epic does free game promotions they pay the sale price of every free copy to the dev, so they don't lose money by opting to do giveaways.

It's logical that they would want to stop or at least slow down as many people as possible from taking the freebies (Including people who make dozens or hundreds of accounts to suck up free games and sell the account later when it's no longer free) so it costs them less money.

of course you can, because this shit is optional and there to protect whales, same as the steamguard.

this shit is the reason I can't sell my cards
I have like $10 of cards but it stays on hold for 15 days if you don't use mobile authenticator

>epic games
choose one

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Steam Guard is optional.

So is getting free games.

i sell my cards just fine without touching steam guard

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pretty sure you need steam guard to use the market

if the price of a card is 1 buck or less you can sell instantly without mobile
if you have different currency, then the equivalent of 1 buck, convert in google

yeah, you just wait a month between saying "sell this shit" and steam saying "okay"

Who the fuck uses the market?

I don't need to enable 2FA to get games on Steam.

So just wait 15 days retard

by the time the card will have changed price, unless it's a 3cent card

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no. they sell within the week since i always lowball them by a few cents.

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Unlike valve they allow use Authy for 2fa. Dumb steamnigger faggot lol.

You don't need to enable 2FA to get games on Epic's store either, bro.

Why wouldn't you have Steam Guard on?

>free indie shit

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Every 2FA I've seen requires a phone number. Please explain your retarded fucking comment.

Are there any cards worth more than that? I've got 14 pages of the fucking things and every single one is like $0.04.


Epic gave up. Since Blands 3 their lineup has been so sad that not even shills can work with it.

Did you read OP's post?

You couldn't bother to scroll down 2 more comments before making this post? It's not like Google Authenticator et al. are new either.

That's exclusively for their weekly free games, you can still get games without 2FA.

yes some cards are worth like 0.10 or more, usually expensive games like monster hunter world
the higher I got recently was like 0.25 on an obscure game

FREE games, you fucking illiterate

Hey fuck you I also looked that way when I got Just Cause 4 for free.

Wait, people actually BUY games from EGS? kek, here I thought people just kept that shit installed to claim a free game every week they'd never play (or for Fortnite).

I got $1.60 on a silver foil card

Here is the link to the official thing if you want proof:


Made my own thread but no one cared so...

you've got bigger problems to worry about then user

I can't see how you're calling other people idiots or retards when you're the one that thinks you need a phone number to use a mobile device.

oh shit nigger halfway to a cup of coffee

I feel like the reason for all the 2FA shit surrounding steam trading is for those CSGO skins that sell for hundreds of dollars. I honestly forgot I even had the ability to sell trading cards until this thread.

What are they gonna do, call me?
Hell most of you might actually want to go for it so you get a call every now that way you can pretend like you have somebody in you lives lmao.

I know a dude who buys from them. That said he works for a western company based there so I assume he's getting paid on the sly.

How about sending codes to email? These authentication apps dont ask your phone number either.