Name my band
Name my band
Washed up hacks
The State of Sony
The crash of the AAA industry.
Snoy boys
Movies not games
Las atrocidades de video juegos
Three Shitty Peas in a Pod
The men who sold the world.
la creatividad
Hideo Kojima and the hacks
human garbage
Hackstreet boys.
The manlets
Onions Sauce
I like this.
Hack Sabbath
The Men who sold the world
messed up the parentheses there chief.
should have been around the y, now you got syny. you should probably delete your post
Basedboy in da house
The Subverters
What would the opposite of this image be?
Hacks 'n loaded
b-b-b-but Kojimbo is a genius! he created Silent Hill! (no joke, some people are claiming SH is nothing with Kojimbo.)
For the Movie Goers
The Basedie Boys
Los Steve Jobbers
Gameplayfinder General
Two and a Half Men
Slant Creation ft. DJ Like it BIg
Say what you want about Namora and Kojimmy, Drunkmann has no right to be in this picture with them, at least they have accomplishments.
You're missing a few members.
ego hugeman and the hacks
The Absolute State of Play
The Incompletes