The AVGN's cat died, say something nice about him

The AVGN's cat died, say something nice about him

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I'm not glad he's dead but I'm glad he's gone.

Don't care. Toxoplasmosis niggers get the rope.

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Kys fags, at least the cat was based in that Jaguar episode

>Being a catfag

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I like that you can see the laser pointer he used to direct his cat, lower budget AVGN was way better than modern AVGN with all the fucking skits

RIP cute kitter

dead just like avgn


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Also this.

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>he hates animals of any kind
Go back to /gif/

good night sweet prince

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>not liking all animals except chimpanzees.

you mean niggers? yeah, fuck them

>that’s the real jaguar!
>let’s put the cat on the rolling rocker
That cat was older than 75% of Yas Forumsermin


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>you have to like all animals
I only ever had one cat I likes and she played fetch. Fuck cats and turbofuck catfags.

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Thanks user, that cheered me up.

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I loved him in the Atari Jaguar video

>lap dogs
Those things bark so much id rather have a big dog or a cat.

Had a good run

>Not letting a big dog on your lap

Ow the edge

>Cats name is Boo
Now its a real ghost

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Mods should sticky this

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Dogs are ugly and smelly. Cats smell like clean laundry and are cute

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>posting nigger tier breeds
DeShawn defected

Damn that sucks
This author I like was really broken up when his cat niggerman died too

> Boo 2007 - 2020
Also older than you. Strange world, hub?

As a dog person, lemme give you my personal fuck you.

---> ---> No.

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not every cat has it, indoor cats for example don’t have tox

Don't be catty, user. Be like Boo and drop dead.

I like cats because they're relatively unintrusive. They still provide company but when you don't need them around, they're off doing their own thing and don't really get all up in your business.

>Not having sex with your dog

What were they doing to this cat that caused it to die at 13?

That image is fucking hilarious.

Holy fuck, I already thought James was thinking of suicide everyday and now this

>My cat is 16 years old
I wonder how long she'll live. Besides requiring certain medicated food because she can't digest regular cat food anymore she's fairly fine.

this tbqh

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Same I have a 16 year old cat
He’s just slower but looks fine, hopefully they both live forever.

>James' cat died yesterday
>mine did too
What's with yesterday and cats dying? I miss her bro's.

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