So, like...

>So, like, what if we just made Zelda a total cunt but somehow still avoid meaningful represcussions for her poor decisions?
I understand that expansion of storytelling is inevitable for vidya but why does Nintendo have to be so bad at it? Zelda should've come out as a 117 year old woman at the end of Breath of the Wild. I don't understand what Nintendo's issue is with letting her be a good character when Wind Waker and Spirit Tracks proved they know how to.

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The way the narrative works in this game is complete shit. If this wasn't a video game, this story would have like a 2 because telling a story through flashbacks is one of the worst things you can do.

Nintendo knows a good chunk of their market are coomers who couldn't care less about shit personalities. Why else do you think modern Fire Emblem sells well?

Now, the question we have to ask is, could the Hyrule Total War guy do better?
Answer is yes, his stuff has better plot than BoTW. For shame.
I bet Cryzen could write a better plot.

Attached: hyruleconquesttetra.png (390x676, 200.18K)

who fucking cares

I do

What the hell are you even complaining about? Your post makes no sense

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When an adventure is centered around saving a character you don't want to save, a lot of the fun is sucked out.

Her English VA is so fucking bad. What were they thinking.

I know I was thinking that they should have gone to voice acting back in Twilight Princess so the actors would be settled into their roles by now

I don't know how I feel about this Tetra.

That doesn't make sense because who says they would've had the same voice actors?

she cute

Attached: tetra.png (554x436, 503.3K)

I certainly feel like they would've at least had a better idea of who they want to cast as Zelda

The "western fantasy" look does not mesh well with Wind Waker

>western fantasy
It's just the HW artstyle.

That's not Hyrule Warriors, or at least if it is it makes me glad KT didn't fuck with the Wind Waker designs when adding those characters

Attached: HW_Tetra_Light_Arrow.png (1280x720, 1.26M)

Yeah, but HW doesn't really care for visual consistency. If you wanna have stuff from WW and OoT without breaking immersion, you're gonna have to stick with one artstyle.

What poor decisions are you even talking about? She never made any decisions until she went full dere.
Those decisions were to save Link and save the Master Sword.

Trying to beat Ganon with Giant robots was retarded

And I don't know how I feel about the eyes and hair on that fanmade Tetra

Yeah, we need a follow up story where she's fucked in the head for being trapped with basically a demon for 100 years.

Oh wait, that's a fucking movie and who gives a shit?

You didn't play the game.

That's exactly what those robots were built to do, and they had already done it once before. And it wasn't even her decision.
Her only personal failure was awakening her power when it was already too late, and it's not like she decided to be a failure. That came naturally.

that wasn't Zelda's idea, she just supported it. Literally everyone thought the giant robot plan was a good one.

>Yeah, we need a follow up story where she's fucked in the head for being trapped with basically a demon for 100 years.
I think we're already getting that in the sequel. Women only cut their hair like that when they get mind-fucked somehow

She's better in motion.

Really it was links fault everything went to shit. If he'd just shagged zelda sooner she would've awakened to her love powers in time to save everyone.

But she was the one who wanted to solely do it with giant robots. Everyone else just saw them as a support to her and Link but she wanted to push all the work on the robots and Link.

She had 17 years to choose to stop being a cunt. That's plenty of time

It worked in the past and it wasn't up to her, it was the kings decision

>in zelda

The best we’ll ever get in terms of an interesting story is the OOT > MM > TP route. Nintendo seems to be straying away from that unless the sequel proves us wrong.

>The best we’ll ever get in terms of an interesting story is the OoT> WW > ST route.
OoT, MM, and TP have nothing to do with each other aside from recycling a few characters.

The King's decision was for her to stop playing with robots and to do her job

It was the kings decision to use the robots as well though. They weren't extracting them to show them off.

>Zelda a total cunt
She's only like that for three memories. Her tone on Link quickly changes after he saves her and she actually talks to him.
>poor decisions
Which were what exactly? She was in the dark, making the best decision she could at the time. She did everything her father told her, she personally gathered the champions and eventually became really good friends with Link. Towards the end of her training to unlock her power, the group had really good comradere and by all means should have had an easy win against Ganon if he hadn't taken over the Guardians.
>Getting trapped inside Ganon is the poor decision
Oh, so you're just an idiot that doesn't know what you're talking about and assumes that her body should age, when we already know that the sacred power can do wonderous things. It makes sense that constant use of it could prevent her aging.

Also, the last part has no coloration to the other. Aging wouldn't have made her a good character.
>But she should have been punished!
Losing all of what she had known isn't punishment enough? You saw maybe a few days worth of her being cold to Link and that's enough for you to go off the rails? Have sex, like actually, not joking.

>But she was the one who wanted to solely do it with giant robots. Everyone else just saw them as a support to her and Link but she wanted to push all the work on the robots and Link.
That's easy for everyone else to say since they weren't the ones who had to do it
>She had 17 years to choose to stop being a cunt. That's plenty of time
She literally had no one teaching her what she needed to do. Her dad was a moron and her mom died before she could tell her what to do.
The kings decision was to help her awaken a power fueled by love by being a dick to her. the king was an absolute retard.

But that was being done as general research because he's the king and Hyrule needs technology for lots of reasons. Zelda's job was to solely focus on defeating Ganon

>has the last laugh
Ganondorf is going to be a massive chad in BOTW 2 I can feel it

Attached: ganondorf breath of the wild 2.jpg (960x540, 56.5K)

>Losing all of what she had known isn't punishment enough?
Link is the only person she truly cared about and she still gets to bone him in the end

You are an IDIOT. She wanted to do more research into the robots because she couldn't figure out her powers. If anything her decision would have been the better one, because she probably would have realized the flaw and that Ganon could have possessed them. She was fumbling in the dark with her powers and her father could only think of TRADITION and following their ancestors to a T. If the King hadn't been a stuck up ass, Zelda could have actually contributed in a meaningful way, like she thought she could.

>The kings decision was to help her awaken a power fueled by love
This is a bunch of bullshit. No other Zelda in the series has ever been fueled by love to make her powers work and it's the cringiest retcon Nintendo's ever tried. It's as if the King's mistake with playing actual Zelda games instead of fujibayashi crap

>She didn't care about the people and her friends, nope, she didn't cry her eyes out that it was all her fault
kill your self

I know it doesn't really matter but I wish it was written somewhere in the overworld or shown in the memory how Link originally found the Master Sword.

>If anything her decision would have been the better one, because she probably would have realized the flaw and that Ganon could have possessed them
And her powers have been shown to be the only thing that can undo that so you're back at square one.

She's never shown to have actual friends. The closest would be the eternal loli who never shows up in the memories

I did it for revenge, not Zelda.

Zelda wouldn’t fuck Mipha’s bf

She’s supposed to be a bitch so when you finally hate fuck her you make her wheel chair bound for the next couple of days

>what if we just made Zelda a total cunt but somehow still avoid meaningful represcussions for her poor decisions?
Go on?

>The champions aren't her friends
Wow, you just don't pay attention to anything at all.

I'm talking about a person who associates with her despite not being required to. I can't buy that her feeling guilty about causing their deaths is on the same level as them actually getting killed.

wow it's almost like the story is not the focus of this game

NPCs talk about how Link went into the Korok Forest at a young age. It makes sense, since even as a child, he was getting into fights he shouldn't have.

>She's never shown to have actual friends
Out of everything you see in game, you can at least agree that Urbosa is a close friend of Zelda. At least the games seems to imply they've known each other for a long time.