What are your top 5 jrpgs?

What are your top 5 jrpgs?
In no order mine are

Persona 4
Paper Mario TTYD
Chrono trigger

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I like these games but good god your taste is basic.

That some pretty embarrassing taste

>Persona 4
>Chrono Trigger
Improve your taste faggot before considering telling us your favorite jrpgs

>user wants to get deeper into JRPGS
>lets shit on him for it

What are your top 5 then? And all of the games I posted are based.

Trails in the Sky SC
Final Fantasy IX
Persona 5
Radiant Historia
Trails of Cold Steel II

you might have chronic dumb syndrome

Dragon Quest V
Etrian Odyssey IV
Trails in the Sky SC
Ys 1&2
Kamidori Alchemy Meister

Trails of Cold Steel 1
Trails of Cold Steel 2
Trails of Cold Steel 3
Trails of Cold Steel 4

Xenoblade Chonicles
Mother 3
Bravely Default
Demon's souls (yes this is by definition a jrpg)

persona 4, Mario rabbids kingdom battle, earthbound,bloodborne, ff7

In no particular order also:

The World Ends With You
Nier: Automata (if it counts)
Final Fantasy 6 (If Nier doesn't count)
Final Fantasy 10
Kingdom Hearts 2
Persona 5

In no particular order:
Final Fantasy 9
Dragon Quest 8
Demon's Souls
Vagrant Story

how is mother 3 compared to earthbound. if I loved earthbound will I love this.

dragon man

>if I loved earthbound will I love this.
Oh yes absolutely. I personally like it more than Earthbound. Both games are great and have that quirky sense of humor.


Still has quirky characters, fun colorful world, and solid ending, with a strong human message?

Yes, if anything it is a step up in all those aspects.

God no. Get out of here with that faggot shit.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting

Persona 5 Royal
Final Fantasy VI
Dragon Quest V
Persona 2
Final Fantasy X

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1. Lunar SSSC
2. Final Fantasy VII
3. Breath of Fire III
4. Legend of Dragoon
(yeah yeah yeah, all PS1 games)
5. dunno... Paper Mario TTYD, Dragon Quest V, Vagrant Story, Tales of Symphonia, FF Tactics, Persona Q - pick any game from this list

Mass Effect Trilogy
Witcher 3
Persona 3/4 (5 is trash made for casuals who enjoy boring shit)

Worst rpg of all time, objectively

Paper Mario TTYD
Persona 5 Royal
Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne
Mother 3
Final Fantasy VI

what's the biggest difference between nocturne and 4? thought most preferred 4

in no particular order
>Vagrant Story
>Valkyrie Profile
>Persona 4
>Golden Sun
>Finaru Fantasea X

Learning skills in Nocturne sucks ass, compared to SMT IV
Also, when you ''combine'' demons in IV you can pick which skills you want to transfer to a new demon. In Nocturne it's random.

Persona 4
Digital Devil Saga 1/2

help him out and suggest games he should play nigger

Witcher 3 is the only Witcher that isnt a JRPG

an obscure kind of based

>cold steel 2
please please please play cold steel 3


Base demons in Nocturne are substantially more unique from eachother in terms of unlockable abilities and stats compared to SMT4 where they all come only in 4 different flavors just with different .pngs attached

1. Dragon Quest V
2. Fantasy Life
3. Tales of Eternia
4. Seiken Densetsu 3
5. Etrian Odyssey 3

Demon's Souls isn't a JRPG you bakas
JRPG doesn't mean any RPG made in japan even if that seems like an easy way of interpreting it

i've played it. i'm fully aware of how cs2 is the black sheep of kiseki. while it might not be as kino as sky i had a lot of fun with it and i consider it a great game. cs3 is still enjoyable but the writing takes a nosedive in the final quarter. like don't get me wrong, the "save our school" shit in cs2 is a bit rough but you can rationalize it and it doesn't really impact the story. cs3 retcons hamel with a curse, turns osborne into a generic anime villain and fucks up a bunch of character motivations so that they all serve osborne, because they didn't write enough actual villains, or material.

>JRPG doesn't mean any RPG made in japan
>Japanese role playing game doesn't mean role playing game made in japan
You are 100% the definition of a stupid nigger

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Legend of Mana
Legend of Dragoon
Final Fantasy 9/7 (cant decide fav)
Persona 4
Chrono Trigger

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No particular order
Persona 3 FES
FF Tactics
Pokémon Leaf Green/Fire Red
Advance Wars