>Ellie destroys an entire village, killing all men, women, children and elderly, all of them innocent
>She does this just to piss off Abby
Abby should've killed her
>Ellie destroys an entire village, killing all men, women, children and elderly, all of them innocent
>She does this just to piss off Abby
Abby should've killed her
Other urls found in this thread:
Can someone shop her over Anakin going “and not just the men but the women and children” please
Wheres the webm of her chimpout. I wanna see her bash a kids brains in.
No I dont want to see "FORE" or "Nose on Table" kino again.
They don’t have the balls, it’ll just be some fade to black shit or she’ll set some buildings on fire and someone will go “no! The children were in there!”
>Not the heckin childlerinos!
According to a twitter leak, there's a scene where she kills a little girl with a drill
bravo druckmann, your life's masterpiece is on par with the TWD TV show
Wasn’t TWD literally the most profitable TV show in history?
>According to a twitter leak, there's a scene where she kills a little girl with a drill
What the fuck. Why have they made Ellie such an edglelord?
>little girl
Is Joel's daughter getting replaced in SFM?
Can someone post the one of Joel getting brained?
The writing is so bad, she gets spared because her scissoring partner is pregnant? After killing a bunch of people?
So the player will be excited playing as a genital mutilated tranny that sets out to kill ellie
fake. post source
Scissor me timbers
Yeah until they ran out of likeable characters to kill.
So whats the deal with controlling the marimacho girl who killed Joel? do you kill Ellie at the end of the game or not?
That shit's been posted in every thread. It's kinda old. We need new material. Someone should post some new leaks. We need the scenes of Ellie pulling off an Anakin Skywalker.
This scene is before she kills all the people
>Niel Druckmann presents
They're setting up Ellie as the villain for Part 3
but I haven't seen it and I want to be in on the memes
cool story, not a source
I’ll believe it when I see jt
Jesus fucking christ I can't watch this.
I thought it was because the tranny killed joel? What I gathered is
>tranny is daughter of surgeon joel killed to save ellie
>tranny kills joel (golf club scene)
>ellie kills a bunch of tranny's group to get back at her
>tranny beats up ellie and almost kills the pregnant chick
This is fucking elder abuse
It was part of the leak, the tranny just beats the shit out of Ellie and her gf then later Ellie goes on her own to hunt down the tranny in the epilogue
Is this Silence of the Lambs extended cut?
This legitimately made my day worse
I feel like most the stuff in this thread is fake but I hope it is true
bat shit crazy ellie kinda turns me on
im not sure if im gonna play it but I will be drawing it