>i play obscure games to avoid criticism because nobody played it and to implies i have a "good taste" in vidya
>i play obscure games to avoid criticism because nobody played it and to implies i have a "good taste" in vidya
Other urls found in this thread:
i like it when people talk about obscure games here but Yas Forums usually talks about normie shit or basic bitch anime games.
Every other topic is literally TLOU
people posting obscure as shit games on Yas Forums is the only reason I still lurk.
>gets Yas Forums recomendation of a obscure game
>try it out
>its shit
is it any good?
Yas Forums has absolute dogshit taste in games, it's just a bunch of trannies and weebs left on this board who unironically think JRPGs are good games.
rate my obscurity
absolutely normie
>game of the year
Normie trying to fit in/10
>no divinity 2
>I let Yas Forums decide what I should like: the post
Jesus, user, stop being a drone.
I play obscure shit all the time, but there's no point in me complaining about them because people won't understand what the fuck I'm talking about. They're only worth bringing up if they're particularly good and I want to shill.
rate mine
is no one going to post the template? I want in, too
Incelcore. Do you also play Space Station 13?
Woah dude you're so hardcore! I bet Doom Eternal replaced Ikaruga.
You like dystopian settings and shooting shit to death.
You're a cool dude and your 3x3 is actually honest.
Never played it, but I heard some interesting stuff about.
hate mine
>Spiderweb shovelware
>Fucking Eschalon
is that Revenant?
I pirated the first 2 and enjoyed them so thought I better buy the 3rd on Steam to support the dev. I'm sure he'll release his new game soon it's only been 6 years.
why yes i'm playing Dirk Smallwood, how could you tell?
it's ridiculous that Yas Forums only talks about AAA trash now
i think the board is simply too fast for its own good
(You), since you're so thirsty for it
It's Dink.
What's bottom left?
just post your actual favorite games and stop trying to be a unique snowflake.
that's how it's always been dumb election tourist, regardless of how much you're trying to astroturf it'll never change
I played VtMB recently and hated it. What a god awful boring game. It might have been immersive in 2002, not so much anymore. Everyone praises the dialogue but it barely passes as interesting. One of the most overrated pieces of all time.
Baldurs Gate and Arcanum were great though.
Yeah i'm just too far ahead the meta.
>muh obscure games
aka basic bitch low effort garbage that no one plays because it's trash
You had a phase in your life where you grew your hair out, left it "messy" but fussed with it in the mirror for an hour, and wore two-tone leather biker jackets that were slightly too small. You eventually mellowed out and became a /vr/fag, but you still keep that damn jacket in your closet because you paid $500 for it and that isn't going to go to waste anytime soon.
Dust your poor jacket off, at least. It misses you.
>its always been like this!!! Yas Forums has not changed!!
and you're calling me a tourist?
You have no taste in games and just play whatever you happen to stumble into, some of them being good games but you will never understand why they were good.
I love Arcanum, setting aside the jank it's probably the best CRPG ever made.
I'm downloading AI-Shoujo right now
You're just shitposting because you're a bored kid with too little to do in a day, dude
Nobody's impressed
You're just that mad DMC5fag that has to feed me (You)s wherever I appear.
4 of them are multiplayer grindfests, 2 of them virtually the same game, and you're calling it scattered? I'm genuinely curious how you arrived at that.
>you are only allowed to like one type of game!
Outside Yas Forums, yes.