He totally fucked Ifalna's corpse, right?

He totally fucked Ifalna's corpse, right?

Attached: hojo.png (612x744, 598.12K)

Yeah right that would harm the specimen

No but he would totally make Cloud fuck Aerith if he got recaptured

Why does he have a big female following?

He does?

This. The guy is a scientist not a pervert.

Trully disgusting. I'm sick of him.

women love his big IQ

Attached: Hojo.png (906x1218, 1.67M)

>Scientist who is so into science his only reaction to some nobody from bumfuck Nibelhiem using retard strength to murder his son is: "Interesting."


This face is hilarious. Imagine if someone actually looked like this irl. Literal villain face.

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he probably went ATM then back in the V to finish.

This, desu.

No but he totally fucked Red XIII

>not a pervert
you see the costa del sol scene? dud is only human my man. he also tried to get red13 and aeris to fuck the very second they captured her.

Liking big titties doesn't mean you incorporate that into your work. Also he explains why he was going to crossbread.

What's with the name "Red XIII" anyways? Why does everyone call him Nanaki in his village?

Explain his shotabot then

What, you're just NOT going to make a shotabot?

such a creepy looking dude that Sephiroth made his personality all about his momma just so he could ran away from the fact that Hojo is his father

Nanaki is Nanaki, that is his name.

>tfw called him red xeeeeeeeh when I was a kid because I knew fuckall about roman numerals

Pretty sure that's canon.

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He didn't even know she was dead in the original until Aerith told him at costa del sol, unless that was a bad translation.

TigerDog subject 13 and it's red.

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Am I the only one who wants Lucrecia to get out of the freaking crystal and heal Sephiroth through the power of love?
With how the latest game ended, I wonder if we might go for good guy sephiroth ending after all

What scientific benefit would that serve other than contaminating the specimen? He is a professional, you imbecile.

no.. just every hair, skin, and bone fragment they could find and he fucked her on a cellular level.

They got all the characters except sephiroth ohh soo right but this dude they got soo spot on its borderline weird

nomura is a hack who in every game transformes the villain at the end into a "misunderstood" good guy no matter what happened before. He pulled that shit on his mickey mouse games after like 20 games lmao.
Nomura is also a edgy child in a adult body and said in interviews he always sees himself as the villain never the heros.

What did happen to Ifalna's body after she met Elmyra? The Turks have pretty much been tracking Aeris since she was a child. I'm sure Hojo would like to get his hands on a cetra corpse.

to be honest, Seph never felt as mad as he should be.
Hojo always gave more of that kind of vibe

Sephiroth did nothing wrong.

Covered in the remake, he picked her body apart for science.

How did such an ugly bastard spawn a handsome chad like Sephiroth?

>ugly bastard

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Hojo should've been the main villain instead of Sephiroth to be honest

Find the right bitch to fuck and the right alien dna to mix in and boom you've created the perfect human

Hojo isn't that interesting. He's basically typical mad scientist, his only claim to fame is being Sephiroth's biological father. A heroic bishounen super soldier who went crazy with an identity crisis and then fused with an eldritch horror endtimes entity because he had some of her cells in him is far more interesting.

Honestly we still don't know WHAT Jenova is, if it has thoughts or a motive or personality. All we know is that it takes the form of dead people you know and is all consuming and destructive. I don't think it's even conscious or has a personality/motive. Probably why Sephiroth's personality completely took over when her head fused with him in the mako

He actually has quite some similarities with Sephiroth, especially in the Remake.
Also Lucrecia was a banger.

Like you wouldn't

cant teach an old dog new tricks
shotabot is a more effecient learning machine model