Who will be jobless first?
Who will be jobless first?
I hope Hideo gets to work on some lower budget game with a gimmick.
People were saying Kojima would be jobless when MGS2 came out. Didnt really happen though did it.
Don't like either, but Druckmann. I lean pretty far to the left but even I'm getting tired of this shit.
> I lean pretty far to the left
Reddit is that way, tranny.
Kojima. He makes actually great games and his hate is a meme, but he cant provide the sales. Drunkman gonna make sales no matter what, even if his game gonna be shit.
Like him or not, Kojima at least does interesting shit. The plot of Last of Us 2 is just garbage.
Druckman I hope.
I like Kojima.
Sony can't fire him due to fan outrage and the fact that he generates money
>Naughty Dog guy
He can easily be fired to appease the crowd
Yeah Druckman for sure, but even that is unlikely as he will always have orbiters.
Kojima is too big of a name to let go. When you have someone so famous in the industry you need to keep him because there is a 100% chance one of your competitors will scoop him up first chance they get. No one is going to want Druckmann when all this is done. If nothing else, All Druckmann has to his name is TLOU and soon that's not going to be a good thing.
Drink my blood, tourist.
Kojima. Druckmann will find himself writing for some shitty TV show drama due to jewish nepotism
Druckmann sounds sleazy. I can't even place why, he just screams "sex pest who will be outed by 2024".
Kekjima has alot of followers so if snoy fires him, they'll get the "fuck konami" treatment.
say what you will, and even if you don't like the direction the story went in later entries, Kojima at least made MGS and MGS2.
What has Druckman ever made? Poop in the toilet? TLOU was a good movie, but he's shitting all over it and basically retconning it, so even that doesn't count.
Nah, I'm not into getting pozzed. Back to plebbit, like I said.
Hopefully Druckmann stays in, didn't realise he was secretly /ourguy/ before these leaks.
you've got it wrong. The leaker is /ourguy/
stop trying to fit in so hard, newfriend
Reminder that only tourists care about reddit. I know you got here in 2016, it's okay.
Kojima's game was actually enjoyable.
Don't ever reply to me again, subhumanoids.
The kike
>new studio
>new IP
>you literally just walk
>still sells 3 million copies on just 1 console
Yeah I'm thinking Kojima still has the magic touch
Kojima provides of closeups of QT's asses.
Druckmann provides closeups of trannies smashing jewesses heads against concrete.
I wonder which.
Hope they let him direct more jewish torture porn, it's pretty amusing to watch.
Kojima is alright. Druckman on the other hand, fucked up.
the jews fear the samurai
Name my band.
I dont know, Druckmann is the one that included a non passing muscle tranny brutally murdering a lesbian couple.
Kojimbo just need some break but New Cuckman is a full blown fraud.
Kojima just has more chutzpah and narcissism than any jew, that's why the fear him.
Kojimbo literally released a game that predicted the future only months in advance
he won't go broke for as long as he keeps making weird shit
Kojima since Snoy is filled with Zionist worship. Hopefully he actually makes a better game when he goes indie.
The more Nomura fucks up, the higher position he gets at SE. How does do it??
Already named
As much as I hate Kojima, at least he does things that no other game dev tries, even if they end up total shit. There are tons of people who can make generic cinematic linear action adventure game #37, Druckmann isn't unique