"dude it's shit, it's an offline MMO lmao"

>"dude it's shit, it's an offline MMO lmao"
>play it
>it's the best game in the series
Why do Final Fantasy "fans" do this? Offline MMO isn't a criticism.

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It is a valid criticism. If you like doing busy work and fetch quests, good for you. Doesn’t change that it’s an offline MMO

It's the best game in the series after VI, VII and IX, the only ones bitching are those who set up a billion gambits to automate everything and complain it's too easy, as if the above mentioned games aren't easy to break.

How is it busy work if you're just automating what you would have done if it was traditional FF?

why so much FF XII, IX and XIII shilling after 7Remake came out? anyway, i have XII but i haven't played it yet so i'm gonna avoid all these threads to avoid spoilers

It is an offline MMO, doesn't mean you can't like it.

That isnt an offline MMO

This is an offline MMO

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JRPG fans don't like the gambit system because it makes them acknowledge the ugly truth about the vast majority of JRPG combat systems.

Why are XIIfags crawling out of the woodwork in full force lately? The fuck is going on?

XII got an update

Did it suddenly make FFXII not a piece of shit?

Honestly people just hate the story and characters so they write off the actual game which is a massive RPG with tons of shit to do and explore. Also there's a narrative that "FF has been terrible ever since (insert number here)" so they can't accept that something decent came out close to 10-2 and 13.

weebs can't into vidya

>Offline MMO isn't a criticism.
Not an argument i would use but why isn't it a criticism? Company make game of established long running franchise, release it, fans play it, tell company to fuck off, but company can do no wrong?

Maybe Zodiac is fun but when I played the vanilla on PS2 it was one of the blandest games in the series. Boring party members who are interchangeable, boring chessboard system. It doesn't even feel like it takes place in the same universe as FFT, and the story shit in comparison. The only fun things to do are set up your gambits and hunt summons/bounties.

You can reset your job selections (though no one says if this means your LP is refunded and I still don't know) and you can swap between saved configs of your gambits for your party members.

I wish they also went a bit more liberal with the fast travel options. Cities are clunky to navigate through and everything else is just oversized.

>Honestly people just hate the story
I couldn't wrap my mind around what an empire or city-state was when I first played vanilla XII but with TZA it's a lot easier to follow and understand.

50% off on Steam, I picked it up and I'm enjoying it so far

If more MMOs let me control a full party of NPC characters I would probably like the genre. The only games I know that let me do that are FFXI and that one spic game I cant remember

it's hilarious how much higher quality a 14 year old game is compared to 7R that's why

Because today's FF fans wouldn't know a good game if it hit them in the face. They will frantically bat away anything that isn't just like my japanese animes and filled with tropes and outdated design principles. FFXII was so ahead of it's time that it makes modern entries in the genre look dated, both in terms of gameplay and presentation. The funniest part is that 12 went through development hell, is glaringly flawed and borderline unfinished in more than a few areas, but still shits on most of the franchise it belongs to.

offline ffxi was always such a serious insult, because XII would be an infinitely better game if it were offline XI. It fucking wishes.

Oh shit on sale?? Thanks user, FFXII is amazing I never understood people bashing it. Then again it was my first FF.

>Set up a billion gambits
That criticism is even more retarded because you have to earn the gambits and can turn them off at will.

It's like complaining that a "blue mage" character breaks the game. Gee, you only had to spend 20+ hours to specifically do it.

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FF12 is hard for the average final fantasy fan to appreciate because it isn't garbage with generic anime writing. That's why they love 10 so much despite that game pretty much being a complete fucking disaster.

Paid shills.
Yas Forums is the second most populous board, after all.

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Why are the actual MMO games numbered entries rather than spin offs like Tactics or Dissidia. They should have kept the mainline games as just single player JRPGS.

What does an offline MMO even mean? The only difference to other FFs is that the battles are fought without a separate battle screen.

Granado espasda

Sword of the new world

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XII is on sale right now. Guess some anons try it out and don't understand why others don't like it since they've only played the first hour or so.

So you're saying if I liked XIV and the Ivalice alliance raids, I will like XII?

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I don't remember the game telling me to go to X, retrieve Y and get back to X

I'm replaying FFT now and Ivalice is one of the best things to come out the entire franchise.
More worlds should get expanded upon, especially IX

>have to earn them
Yeah, grinding for a few minutes and buying them all out sure takes a long fucking time you retard

Is this update on consoles too? I still need to finish the game but I fucked up with Balthier and made him red mage instead of time mage

There's nothing wrong with red mages, I finished Yiazmat with a full retard party with a Breaker, Red Mage and Machinist.

>buying them all
Why do you have to BUY Gambits anyway. It feels like they were holding on to some kind of old-school thinking, really weird decision.

Yeah. The changes came with the Switch version and were recently pushed to the other versions.

>higher quality
>early ps2 graphics
go away.

>Early PS2
You have no idea what you're talking about

Get your memory checked, grandpa. It might be getting time to put you in a home.


even the devs said it was designed like this

>"dude it's the best game in the series"
>play it
>it's a shitty offline MMO

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I think the game appeals to the same people that like Elona or other number go up games, the fast forward combat is good because it let's them skip to the big number and LP grinding. For the rest of us theres nothing that's gained from turning gambits off (now you can cast cure manually!!!). Good story too but too fucking slow to start, and its annoying the companions the game gives you basically hold your hand through the first chunk of the game like that little gay boy with the endless potions you drag around Lhusu

do people even know what a offline mmo is, having hotbar cooldowns doesn't make it an mmo.

>offline mmo
These memelords probably say the same thing about Dragon Age Origins

This. The game was only arguably good when it was "hardcore" like in the original.
>had to actually unlock gambits which were essential to keep the game playable
>no fast forward
>spell queue
>damage was limited
>missable ultimate weapons
>enemies actually balanced.

IZJS and TZA made the game 100x more casual. They not only rebalanced the game to be easier but buffed the job board and let you get all the gambits straight away.

That’s literally what every single hunt side quest is.
Go to X, kill Y, go back to X.
Actually it’s worse than that.
FIND X, go to Y, kill Z, go back to X

Huge generic world with little more than monsters and fetch quests.

Yes FF12 is an offline MMO.