Is there something like that? And why is there no good evangelion game?
Evangelion-like game
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Final Fantasy Tactics?
there's a shinji raising simulator
Because the source material isn't good either
Pretty much all Yoko Taro games,
>Evangelion-like game
describe it
Metal Gear Solid 2 is unironically the same level
Disco Elysium
>Evangelion-like game
I think you might genuinely be retarded
The last good anime after Eva is ping pong
in terms of the character relationship or in terms of things getting nutty? I haven't played the game just saw the high praise.
Just how, I wouldn't play it anyways, look at the ones already out, they're boring as shit because the only part of evangelion that can be translated onto a game is the evas fighting shit, which is only one part of what makes eva, the part that just appeals to our superficial interest of watching cool animations, and the rest is all the psychological stuff and messages Anno and the studio wanted to convey to people, which I don't think that can be translated outside animation, the game would be cutscenes only because it wouldn't be fun to walk Shinji from Nerv to his bed and stay there for a whole day after. Also one of the biggest points eva makes is not to trap ourselves in fake realities (such as anime, vidya, or any other type of obsession) to escape our own, to not run away from everything because we don't want to be hurt. So don't buy that Asuka body pillow, stop being a weeb and move on. Improve yourself and learn to love yourself, because we are all we have in the end.
Not him but:
1. 14 year olds piloting giants wearing armor/pseudo-mechas
2. Bunch of shit with biblical names attempting to destroy what remains of humanity
3. Every major character is suffering from some mental disorder
4. The remainder of humanity save for 2 characters gets turned to soup in the end
So, ALMOST Zone of the Enders?
It's nothing like eva it's just about waking up as a man who has heavily fucked up and deciding to spiral out further or regain a grip on his life.
Astral Chain is diet Eva.
Only someone that didn't actually watch Evangelion would think that's possible, OP.
something like the story of evangelion or how evangelion makes you feel, if youre looking for something with 2deep4u symbolism bioshock or nier
Evangelion is pretty good though
Literally; probably Xenogears. You have a mentally disordered protagonist riding around a near god-like pseudo-giant by the end of the game.
Figuratively; I have no idea. IIRC, the crux of Evangelion's plot revolves around Shinji's hedgehog dilemma, rejecting reality due to the pain it causes, and then ultimately accepting it as worthwhile despite the pain because it is 'real'. I guess Cloud from FF7 goes through a similar character arc? I've never played it myself.
It’s a shame you’re so literal. So yeah Zone of the Enders
FF7 with the lifestream and it’s discussion of how all human souls are parceled from one oversoul at birth, and return to that oversoul on death in a recycling loop, is highly highly Eva related
Can't possibly argue with that.
The game is like a reference to several different kinds of anime. Evangelion, Jojo, GiTS, AoT
the first one?
where nothing happens? kid didn't even beat nohman
Play the second one
It's not comparable in quality but God Eater has that kind of set-up to it. Anime kids made to fight giant apocalypse monsters, science gone wrong, characters having mental breakdowns.
i don't get how zoe anubis is similar to eva?
it's more giant robo ova.
same themes with the abuse of a certain resource.
eva isn't even about coming of age