Jump Force was shit

>Jump Force was shit
>Other MHA games were shit
>Not even a crappy gacha
Will Deku and co ever get a good game?

Attached: ce4bd22a792217c4b27ad4c8a082f5b0.jpg (1080x1078, 142.37K)

this shortstack gives me eternal boner

>source material is shit
>wtf why are the games so bad

shes over 25 too old for me

oh boy another cringe incel coomer thread

report and ignore, everyone

Everything except her feet is a straight 10, but damn them toes....eugh....

this is photoshopped fuck you nigger

>those ankles
>those feet

Accurate to the source material.

No and they'll never get a good anime either.

>caring about ankles and feet


>yfw no vigilantes spin off game

Ass too fat
dont >> me fatfags in denial, a girl has to look like P

now post her one-piece cosplay

Attached: croc.jpg (252x283, 14.3K)

Stop touching your peepee filthy degenerate

You can literally see the wall bend around her midriff
Nice shop

Thank you.

What the Hell you think you are dipshit?
What the fuck is with the prudes here?

oh no no no look at the tiles bending



Attached: 1583393759592.png (596x1008, 85.04K)

>Lol i am gay
Isee user

weird bobs

who tho

They need to get a good manga and anime first because the story is shit

Attached: KRyB6le.jpg (720x960, 91.38K)

>Not caring about your ankles and feet.
Improper and ill fitting or poor quality footwear can translate to all manner of serious health issues user.

Everyone should care about their ankles and feet, even goblins.

Where would the wall bend you retard? It's the only surface in there.

Man of taste, max is 20.

>fat farmer feet

Attached: 1580052858480.gif (184x219, 305.46K)

what did she mean by this?

How can someone be sleek and thicc at the same time? Miracle of nature.

ok negro

Attached: when assfags show up.jpg (1000x800, 256K)

She is 20

Did he stutter?!

Top 4 sexual triggers in straight men, across all studied cultures:

I don't ask why it is this way, but it is.

>Caring about a woman's feet when gauging attractiveness
I didn't even glance at them when looking at the OP image, but your post had me check and I don't even see a problem. Footfags confuse me because I can't even tell what makes a foot attractive to them or not. Never once seen or heard any of them describe what about the visage of a foot gets them going and what is good or bad to have.

Why are her ankles so fat?

Ankles like oak trees = bad.

A small foot is attractive. Estrogen influences the size of feet, so small foot indicates a lot of estrogen was present during maturation.

All short stacks have thick ankles, you literally cannot support all that tits and ass on tooth picks.