Yes the government should ban lootboxes for the few who can't control themselves and are gambling addicted

>yes the government should ban lootboxes for the few who can't control themselves and are gambling addicted
>no the government shouldn't ban junk food despite that fact i'm obviously addicted to eating and can't control myself

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Didn't this fat fuck marry himself?

There is nothing wrong with consumer laws expanding more into gaming. Sheep can't be expected to think for themselves and will sign away every right they have if Goldberg gives them a 0.6% discount on their next purchase. We have seen it time and time again with the continuous downfall of the industry that normalfags have no taste, no standards, and will continue supporting practices that are blatantly not in their favor.


>government banning cancerous component of a game
Stop making a philosophical fuss about it. Loot boxes objectively fucking suck.

retarded false equivalency
>wow dude coca-cola is literally the exact same as promoting gambling to children

And you're not a sheep at all right user? Everyone's an idiot but you.

Nah, they should ban lootboxes to save games and eject causals like yourself who won't be able to buy your way around playing them.

He's a communist, so whether or not he knows it he does actually support the government limiting people's ability to eat junk food... or any food at all for that matter.

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>There is nothing wrong with consumer laws expanding more into gaming. Sheep can't be expected to think for themselves and will sign away every right they have if Goldberg gives them a 0.6% discount on their next purchase.
You don't have the "right" to force people to do things the way you want them to do. Which amendment in the bill of rights is infringed by companies selling lootboxes?

>He's a communist

banning lootboxes is retarded, pretending it's because muh kids gambling is dishonest

It's Yas Forums they don't care about that stuff since they got bullied in school and want to use authoritarian power to get over on people because they hate themselves.

true, the coke does more harm

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>Appeal to the law
Here we go again.

This. People who get addicted to gambling genuinely aren't thinking straight when they do it. They get addicted to the sensation. It's why they'll pump $500 into a fixed odds betting machine and thinking nothing of it. The same sensation can apply to games, particularly gachas where the users tend to apply disproportionate value to the items they win.

We have a natural right to freedom endowed by our creator.
If you want to make the case that there is a right given to us that is not currently reflected in the law, I am prepared to hear you out.

You don't give a fuck about kids you dishonest faggot.

lol fat peoples opinions are irrelevant

Junk food is regulated though. Pretty heavily at that.

Imagine shilling for corporations

The difference between gambling and gacha is that gambling has a cash incentive to continue. There's a chance that no matter how much you spend, you may get all your money back. There is no chance of that with gacha, every dollar you spend is a dollar you're never getting back.

yes, because you know who i am and if i have young kids who play video games

close enough

Imagine thinking this is an argument.
>y-you don't really care about x
There is nothing more pathetic than this.

>tfw your wife has a bigger penis than you

The difference is that you arent forced to eat exclusively from mcdonalds, and mcdonalds doesnt promise that 1 in 50 burgers has good nutrition

I hate being forced to play certain video games

>m-muh freedoms!
One thing society has taught us is that the absolute vast majority of the population aren't capable of making constructive decisions for themselves. As long as instant gratification continues to be on the menu, 99% of the population will choke it down without question, damming the consequences.

You may argue that is their right, but I would go as far as to say that it shouldn't be.

>The difference is that you arent forced to eat exclusively from mcdonalds
You aren't forced to play exclusively gacha games.
Btw fast food is far more addictive than gambling is.

ok shizo


>One thing society has taught us is that the absolute vast majority of the population aren't capable of making constructive decisions for themselves.
And one thing every top down society has taught us is that Governments and authoritarians are even worse at making constructive decisions for others.

>He's a communist

>video game addict on Yas Forums thinks he's better than 99% of the population
how do I become this delusional?

nooo! we need to protect these scummy companies that strip out games and replace progression with loot boxes and fill games with fags

Lootboxes should be banned. So should video games.

the hypocrisy of this cuck is staggering

Yes, let's allow Goldberg to do it by buying us instead. Clearly that's a much better choice and is working out so well for us now.

Just admit you don't like it so you want it banned. Stop lying and saying it's about kids you faggots.

>stop using arguments
ok retard

idiots like sterling always think they'd be one of the few card carrying socialites in the communist party who get unlimited food and luxury and get to Lord over and make decisions over everyone else.

They don't realise that in the event of an actual communist revolution, the communist party would have absolutely no use for them. They'd force those fat fucks into the cotton fields with the rest of us, assuming they don't just put a couple bullets in their head instead.

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>thinking anyone here plays video games
I think you're already this delusional and more.

I mean kids shouldn’t be gambling or being exposed to things that have similar psychological effects as gambling.
>you don’t really care about kids gambling!
I care about both but it is a good way to get lawmakers to take it seriously.

how about the government bans fat people because it's a sign of mental illness letting yourself fall that far?

yes, yes, defend and buy the loot boxes goyim

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>Yes, let's allow Goldberg to do it by buying us instead.
Under capitalism, the only way someone can become wealthy is by serving others.

You're not forced to play video games
You're not forced to buy video games with loot boxes
You're not forced to pay for loot boxes

I don't even disagree with your sentiment, it just doesn't bear much scrutiny.

but we should let them play murder simulators for 9 hours a day

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In a perfect world this problem could be solved by education. Simply explaining to the masses the downsides of lootboxes/DLC/microtransactions and how it hurts the industry and the consumer's position in it in the long run and that they'd take all that to heart and never do it.

Sadly we do not live in a perfect world. Like not even close.

I didn't say that, I said stop lying and pretending that's why you want it banned.

If you don't like gacha games
Don't play them.

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There's a difference between:

>gambling time/money for an unguaranteed digital cosmetic at RNG


>paying money for a physical item with guaranteed, instantaneous ownership not gained from gambling

you can CHOOSE to bankrupt yourself with junk food, with gambling the addiction is much more severe and there's little to no rewards from it. Also keep in mind they're putting this in kids games and ones that cost 60 dollars. but no,


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And if serving others things that are bad for them and for their community as a whole is the quickest way to become wealthy, then maybe capitalism isn't the final answer.

No, but he lets his wife fuck other guys (and girls?). But it is okay, user. He is actually based because he sucks dicks on the side as well.

>vote with your wallet goy!

lol, is boogie still alive?
he got fatter?

Not a argument

>you can CHOOSE to bankrupt yourself with junk food, with gambling the addiction is much more severe and there's little to no rewards from it.
Yes, I agree with the opinion that bankruptcy is worse than cardiac infarctions and liquefactive necrosis. Being required to file some legal forms and live within your means is much worse than dying.

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If gambling is bad then why is murder simulation not?

>>yes the government should ban lootboxes for the few who can't control themselves and are gambling addicted
Indeed. They should ban games without source code next.
>>no the government shouldn't ban junk food despite that fact i'm obviously addicted to eating and can't control myself
I don't think Jim ever claimed that? Anyway, I wouldn't be against such a law.

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when is this dumb fuck going to talk about wastelanders?
shitting on fallout 76 has been his bread and butter since launch, but now there's nothing

True, which is why I will never understand the whale sentimentality towards gacha. With that being said, there absolutely are some loot boxes that have cash incentives. I'm not sure about how it is these days, but I know a few years ago skin trading on CS was a massive business.


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You're missing OP's point. Jim is for the govt. controlling behavior of people who lack impulse control, but Jim clearly lacks impulse control with regards to eating. So, the govt. should control that, essentially, since there are so many people who suffer from it, as well.

That's the line of thinking. I'm not agreeing with it, but that's what OP is pointing out.

But did he ever make that argument tho?

To be fair even when I was a kid I was smart enough to realise this are gimmick rip offs. The fun was just putting your coin in and seeing what surprise you got. One and done.

except op is a retard because the government does control what people eat