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>muhh rape Bad

The only villain that did LITERALLY nothing wrong

I give you the world in exchange of the virginity of Suzui Shiho. What do you say Joker?

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>slick back villain hair and condescending look
What did he mean by this?

Fuck off Joker

>I give you the world
At least say it properly, DIO.

He was sure Joker would accept his offer, he goes back to his sad self once the player refuses

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pretty good villain but adachi was better

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>Has his 5 minutes of fame hijacked by a multicollor eyeball
>Besides his speech about fame most of his characterization comes from non-canon sources like the anime or anons headcanons
Yeah nah

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>Besides his speech about fame most of his characterization comes from non-canon sources like the anime or anons headcanons

Did you even play the fucking game?

Anime Denzel Crocker > Raging Incel Cop

Played vanilla don't know if he gets anything else in Golden but Adachi ended up being pretty underwhelming for me since the IT takes him down soon after his heel so the game doesn't get to show you much about his ''real self'' the fact that he's a puppet for something bigger also doesn't help

Azathoth and Adam Kadmon aren't real personas anyway, no different from Ameno-Sagiri

>Besides his speech about fame most of his characterization comes from non-canon sources like the anime or anons headcanons
What are you talking about? everything you need to know about Adachi is shown quite clearly in vanilla p4 and golden



>Azathoth and Adam Kadmon aren't real personas anyway
What? Both were Maruki's personas just powered up by humanity's treasure

Yeah. He had a regular persona but when Joker wished for him to be the new God in Yaldy's place he got way more powerful.

Golden adds his Social Link so retards like the other guy can get Adachi exposition shoved into their faces because they're too retarded to figure it out from vanilla P4.
Just because you didn't pay attention to Adachi during your playthrough, doesn't mean there's no characterization for him.

>He had a regular persona
He had Azazoth mind control powers and all since the start just that with Yaldy's treasure Maruki was able to use his powers on a bigger scale

Yeah I meant that "He had a regular persona" was Azathoth, not some different one, it just wasn't as powerful until he got god power.

But they were controlling him instead of the other way around, look at the way Azathoth speaks to him at first and it's nothing like any of the party members awakening

>But they were controlling him instead of the other way around
Did you even play the game? Maruki only gives himself to Adam Kadmon for the last part of the final fight

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The Phantom Thieves wishing for Maruki’s world subconsciously gave Maruki his powers.

>People are saying that Kasumi is the canon gf of P5 because her Persona matches Joker's
So who are the "matching Personas" girls of P4 and P3?

marie and aigis

Maruki already had his powers latent within him he uses them on Sumire a year before the events of the game, the day of reckoning just acted as a trigger for his Azazoths awakening

Get off the megaten wiki. Maruki wasn't being mind controlled or forced to do anything, Azathoth isn't a corrupted version of Adam Kadmon or anything gay like that.

The reason he probably talks so different is because he's frustrated that he's had to wait so long since it's kinda implied that he sort of half awakened his persona in real world somehow.

Marie has no persona and her goddess form looks nothing like Narukami's

There is way more to her being Joker's canon love interest than just matching outfits and Persona.

There's one rape he can never prevent.

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So how's the rape vs unrape score as of now?

Yu's and Yukiko's Personas are matching male/female cheerleaders in Persona 4, does that count?

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Kaguya is her persona in Ultimax.

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Maybe that's why he did it. He got confused about what Joker was going to be raped.

Damn that's ugly as fuck

Neither were villains, just had the right reasons but fucked up by doing stupid shit.

canon love interests aren’t a thing, dipshit.

3-1 in unrape's favour

If you don't count being a weak cunt, who couldn't live without a diaper AND couldn't even defend his vision against a bunch of schoolchildern EVEN after sacrificing his will to an eldritch god. Maruki is pathetic.

Adachi never had a good reason and was rightly told that he was acting like a baby having a temper tantrum.

adachi is fucking pathetic

>gets power from a godess and is completely free to do whatever he wants
>im just gonna kill a few bitches and whores instead of taking over the world

People tend to forget about this but Adachi wanted to replace humanity with shadow blobs, he was very much in the wrong there

Yes. Him having no characterization means that he has no characterization.
>you run around in the shadow world, so you are not so different from, who kills people, eh?
>retarded Rise: Huh...I think he has a point...