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will they use it as a tax write off though?

They should've kept it and used it to fix fallout 76

Lol will it be in bottle caps.


At least bethesda doesn't force too much diversity into games unlike Snoy's games.

money printer go brrr

Why is it that when horrible people/organizations donate some money to charity people think the slate is wiped clean? They're still terrible people that will do what they're infamous for again, all that changed is a charity has a little more money.

aren't charities a scam?

>They should've kept it and used it to remaster Fallout New Vegas on the creation engine

>jew accountants looking for a massive tax writeoff before the end of the financial year
Imagine my shock.

>bethesda throws loose change to charity
Why should I care?

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>Why is it that when horrible people/organizations donate some money to charity people think the slate is wiped clean?
They don't, it doesn't work at all and no one ever falls for it.

>$1 million

Please, they could spare a billion

Did they misprint billion?
This is one third of Todd's fucking salary.
Am I supposed to be impressed?

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$1 million is literally nothing.

>aren't charities a scam?
Not all charities, but given the absolute shysters at the helm of Zenimax, you can bet your ass they're funneling money through a sham charity for the tax breaks and then injecting straight back into their own pocket.

I bet they fuck up the bank transaction and give the recipient mould

>A most generous offer!
>G-God bless you
>+100 karma

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You know it's shit when they dont even say what charity the money's going to

lmao i thought it said they are just donating $1

why not one billion?

>give billions upon billions of dollars to covid
>ugh sweetie we are just virologists we need tons of more time and money to release something that will be barely effective
I'm fucking tired of humanity. Why are we only capable of solving shit with tiresome trial and error? I can't wait for robots to replace humanity, we are a fucking inferior species.

why not ONE trillion dollars!?

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What about shit games relief?

They should stop spreading cancer with their games instead

They're gonna donate bugs in plastic bags

Would you even want it knowing the current quality control of Bethesda?

One WHOLE million?

I think the guy that wrote that article read the press release wrong. Bethesda is donating one million dollars to covid-19. As in they as signing over a one million dollar check to the virus because they are such big fans.

Yeah dude, those people who feed the homeless, give out groceries to the needy and look after sick people are scammers.

It's better than crashing every 20 minutes on the gamebryo engine. I don't mind.

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>hey uuuhhh irs can i have it back xddd

Unfortunately user, many charities are used as tax write offs or to funnel funding. This isn't tinfoil hat speak, this is true.

Going by how Bethesda operates these days, the virus is now going to mutate necrotic flesh eating properties that immediately target the genitals, anus, and eye sockets, and possibly gain sentience...

>Unfortunately user
how is giving money to charity worse than giving it to IRS?
it's not like they get money back, they just don't have to pay is as taxes

He's probably referring to mega charities like the red cross who only use a small portion of donations to fulfill their mission. Though theres plenty of small local charities that do the same so it all depends