>simplified classes leading to boring gamelay
>procs dealing 2/3 of a player's performance
>layers of RNG
>ridiculous plot

if bfa had all of these issues fixed, would it have been a good expansion?

Attached: bfa.jpg (706x1000, 144.18K)

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it would be decent, raids and mythic + affixes were good
hell, if they fixed the corruption proc problem and the rng it would've been passable

>Would BFA be good if it was good?
Cata ruined this game and WoD was an even bigger step down, yet I still buy every xpac in hopes that it will change cause im a fucking clown

I never liked mythic affixes. Makes pugging a nightmare. Every week you have to relearn the optimal route, until you've gone through the whole cycle. Such a pain in the ass, especially as a tank.

Seems totally unnecessary too. You have enough of a difficulty with just increasing stats. And while some of the affixes like skittering or whatever are fun, but most of them are just obnoxious.

No because the overall story is terrible
>Horde Civil War 2, a story that should have wrapped up with Pandaria
>More Forsaken/Sylvanas pandering
>More muh honor
>Alliance are the victims again
>Horde are villainbatted again

who cares about story lol i just want a good mmorpg

are you one of them fags?

It keeps mythic + fresh, especially the seasonal rotation. It would get very boring very quickly if the enemies just became sponges that deal more damage

Horde are the villains user

No because
>20m mythic, too many difficulties period
>m+ no lockout
>bad crafting
>still doesnt feel like a fucking MMO

>who cares about aesthetics in an RPG lol?

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>the expansion that chased out wrathbabies ruined this game
ok wrathbaby

bitch do you really think people play MMORPGs for the story? gameplay FIRST dont be such a degen

Horde are muh fukken noble savages since forever by now. Worst change they made to the lore. I didn't roll up an undead mage in vanilla to play nice with the living.

They unambiguously care about "the story". So do you, you're just too lacking in self-awareness to recognize it, or you're pretending not to for the sake of the argument. I recommend your life get worse to depress you, which should induce rumination and self-reflection upon your flaws. You will come to see I am correct.

no i truly dont give a shit about the story, dont know what has happened since LK and dont care to learn cause the gameplay is so god awful

to summarize, story is tits and gameplay is ass

this isnt planescape torment

The plot of BFA was intentionally written to echo MoP but structured in a different way. It's like saying the same sentence, but in two different ways. The horde warchief becomes a tyrant, blows up a major city, old god shenanigans ensue and the despot is removed from the horde, but whats important is the details. More major characters liked Sylvanas being in charge whereas everyone except orcs hated Garrosh, making the horde's internal workings more morally grey instead of so black and white.

Also alliance always has to be the good guys because the players absolutely refuse to let blizzard let their faction punch down on anything or anyone.

Tauren, Trolls, and sometimes Orcs are noble savages. Muh honor and shit

Sylvanasfags and Forsaken are the edgelordiest of edgelords, and since Wrathgate/the beginning of Cata Sylvanas has been a straight up villain, which many Forsaken players were OK with because unlike Garrosh they weren't forced to turn against their racial leader.

The entire plot in BFA is just a redux of the Bombing of Theramore and the worst parts of Cata/MoP, except instead of humans the entire Kal'dorei race goes into the meat grinder so Baine and his boyfriend Anduin can feel sad. It also doesn't reach any conclusion about the Horde being a chaotic mismatch between muh honor and muh dark lady, and Anduin and Jaina hijack the rest of the story for the Alliance.

It's a messy and poorly executed continuation to the premise of Garrosh 2.0 but with "Undead Lady Bad" rather than "Garrosh" and it fucking sucks in execution

Instead of trying to fix the plot going forward, leaks from Shadowlands indicate that (think WoD), Blizzard are going to memoryholl this expansion hard if not outright retcon it. It's a trainwreck

>Also alliance always has to be the good guys because the players absolutely refuse to let blizzard let their faction punch down on anything or anyone.
That's flat out not true.
Players have been begging for a morally grey Alliance and a reclamation of Lordaeron clay storyline since the events of Cataclysm and Blizzard has been very hands off with any of the territorial disputes or contended territory (Gilneas) since Cataclysm. Blizzard's unwillingness to write compelling Alliance storylines is the problem, not player feedback

>More major characters liked Sylvanas being in charge whereas everyone except orcs hated Garrosh, making the horde's internal workings more morally grey instead of so black and white.

What's grey about making Sylvanas a convenient narrative scapegoat for genocide and mass murder of a civilian population and a warchief whose motivations change every other patch and in every other piece of multimedia? This company is currently setting up Tyrande as being wrong for standing by a race that was mass murdered hard.

>and mythic +
dungeon design gone to shit though

people care about the world
people also project their character on said world
nobody cares about current wow writing though because it's not a out world, it's about comic book low tier characters

>"Hey Ion we have to design the endgame,"
>"But we already did that,"

>players have been begging for a morally grey alliance
youre totally delusional. If people wanted a faction with any sort of teeth they would already be horde

metzen go away

>who cares about story lol i just want a good mmorpg
then why the fuck are your playing a RPG then?


No, since everything including the gameplay is bad.

>pvp completely broken, especially world pvp with retarded sharding and no meaningful objectives
>no meaningful incentives to do anything but raid log for most of the expansion after you finish your daily or weekly chores
>story and characters all completely ruined, there is no plot or personality for either, things just happen, even if they make zero sense - - you spend half the xpac trying to recruit the Kul Tiras Navy which become irrelevant in .1 seconds

It's not really an MMO at this point, there's nothing to do and no way to affect the world you're in. The only good thing was making M+ more relevant, but then they ruined that with even more RNG loot bullshit and at the same time added even more weekly chores with Visions and N'zoth Assaults.

Does it matter what this stupid asshole is still in charge?

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>A blizzard apologist defending the shitty villainbatting of the Horde and bland alliance storylines. Shocking
The entire writing for this expansion has been a shitshow
>Danuser is a Sylvanas apologist who literally self inserted into Nathy
>Golden is a cancerous writer who has reduced the Alliance to Jaina and Anduin.
>Alex is seemingly dragging Sylvanas, one of the few holdovers from W3, into the mud ad vengeance for having Garrosh fucked over by Metzen and Kosak
The conclusion to all of this is BfA being a condensed redux of Cata/MoP but SO MUCH WORSE. It's a schizophrenic mess that shouldn't have taken place after Legion

Im not a blizzard apologist you stupid newfag, learn to greentext properly.

Im just not going to let you pretend like allyniggers like anything but the blandest possible fantasy

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