Well even if the west went down the drain, at least we still have Japanese ga-

Well even if the west went down the drain, at least we still have Japanese ga-

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Capcom hasn't been a "Japanese" company in a long time, same with Square...

It's still a sexy outfit, the tube top was retarded you fucking coomer incel

>Writers are westerners
>Artists are westerners
>Game designers are westerners

The absolute state of Capcom. And the worst part is this shit sells, this is what gamers want. Ugly goblinas who keep saying fuck and brainless gameplay

Square is nowhere near as bad as nu-Capcom.

the outfit is fine, the shirt should be more vibrant like claire's jacket but the main issue is that she's ugly. once again, should've used REmake face.

>certain level of believabily

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>It's still a sexy outfit
>If I lower my standards then girls will sleep with me!

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Cram more triggerwords you desperate redditor. I'm sure you can.

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>Artists are westerners
I heard he was a chink but okay


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People bitched endlessly about how dumb the tube top/miniskirt outfit was in that scenario and how it was blatant fapbait. Now you're bitching because they changed it to something that made sense because you can't coom to it anymore. It's true audiences don't know what the fuck they want.

>People bitched endlessly about how dumb the tube top/miniskirt outfit was in that scenario and how it was blatant fapbait.
Hey Moshe, are you trying to rewrite history again?

Besides nothing wrong with fap bait

Woah you mean there are different people who have different thoughts about things? Fucking scholar this man is.



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Her clothes are not even the problem it's Capcom's inability to convert attractive/decent looking RL women to in-game models. They just end up looking like uncanny dios mios trannies.

I don't mind either outfit, desu. The outfits were the least of the games issues.

Look like cheap chink shit desu

who gives a shit about the clothes?
the manface is the problem

im a huge coomer and i prefer the nu-jill
the old one looks out of place

Better than women who literally look like men lmao

NuJill looks even better than her IRL model and miles better than Voth model.

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If not for the long-ish hair on the side of her head no one would even know that's female. She unironically looks like an anorexic tranny. Every photo I've seen of her Russian model looks way better than her in-game version. And that bitch is barely even a 5.


It looks like casual clothing to me.

I thought people were just photoshopping ugly faces to shitpost about the Re3 remake but fuck this is her actual look. The Handler, nu-Trish's face, manjaw Lady, Sarah Ryder, Aloy, why are devs making bitches so ugly on purpose? Last gen they were able to make characters stylized just enough to be attractive and also look semi-realistic. That should be the ideal look they're going for, altered enough to make them visually pleasing but with better textures than last gen. But instead they're going full 'mirror the model' mode (and they can't even do that right because the 3D characters look like muts)

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>Post jsoanese game with heavy western influence.

Except the only people shitting on NuJill is TORtanic Tier retards that fell too deep on The goblina meme

Except she's beautiful. You probably just got used to plastic 3d anime beauty.
You already forgot how women look. Cut off anime asap.

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except they don't even look like women but cartoon characters maybe if you go outside or recognize this stuff by not having severe aspergers you know.

I swear to god that russian bitch Sasha is here shilling herself pretending to be 90 different anons costantnly saying mindless "she pretty he he".

I wish you would all die.

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She looks much better ingame most of the time

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I wouldn't even care about it if they had actually added the classic costume like they said they would, instead they used misleading angles to make people think it was the classic costume when in actually she was wearing shorts.

>no one would even know that's female
Speak for yourself retard. Not everybody suffers from prosopagnosia like you.

Then why did you need to photoshop that picture of her?

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As someone old enough to remember the 90s, while we certainly thought that Jill's costume was hot, we were always a bit baffled about how she ended up wearing it in the middle of a zombie apocalypse that had been building up for some time. Especially since we were already used to Jill's more conservative design from RE1.