I just bought Kikka. How do I into jets?

I just bought Kikka. How do I into jets?

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>Don't turn fight
>Go straight for the Otsu mod
>Be prepared to bleed lions from repair costs

Warthunder is the most fun game I have played in years. I can't believe I didn't play this game sooner.

>jap air
easy, you don't


you're food for m2/m3hb, your fuel tanks WON'T seal at all AND Kikka is an easy prey for A2D

That sounds pretty. Would the F-86F-30 be better? I have already unlock it.

*sounds pretty bad

Far better.

for some reason war thunder is the only game i've consistently been coming back to since I played it
its not even that good, but fuck there's something to it

Attached: what I played.png (682x866, 703.7K)

That's clearly a 262

Nowadays I play nothing but World of Tanks, World of Warships and War Thunder.

It has instant ques, quality gunplay, quality sound effects, quality graphics, and a usable interface. Of course most of all a very large consistent community. Really it has a lot of games beat.

believe me when i tell you do NOT play this game

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the big problem I have with the game is that lets say I unlocked everything I want in a nation tech tree and want to lets say try the jets in another tree, I have to spend months if not years to get to the first jet in that tree
the game will only get more modern vehicles, and that means you have even more shit to crawl trough to actually get to the vehicles you want to use

I'm not sure if this is bait or gaijin actually paid someone to shill their shit here

Attached: 1586716425478.webm (640x360, 2.98M)

Do nothing for 10 mins and side climb, get bored and dive on someone, loose speed, get shot down.

best webm in warthunder history

better get the vehicles you want now because on the 30th Gayjin are going to nuke the ingame economy and everything is going to be stupid fucking expensive with more grind to force people to get premium

>sideclimbing in jets

Attached: 1570914598679.jpg (750x803, 104.93K)

>6000 hours
>not recommend

>people unironically play warthunder still
I pity you, I really genuinely feel bad for anyone that does.

Whats so bad about it?

don't say nobody warned you

>Me in my Typhoon flying into a furball
>Every enemy is diving on me
>Team picks them off one by one
>End of the match
"Holy shit you survived?"

I think a better question to ask is: What isn't bad about it?

>Devs that purposely make the grind worse for players so they buy premium (and even then it's still a long and painful grind) for any vehicle past rank III.
>BR compression out the ass
>Devs play game off as "realistic" when several vehicles (namely from the US tech tree) are heavily under performing
>ghost shells
>shit maps
The list goes on, just stop playing before you go mad.

Don't forget the ever classic

>release major patch
>put in a premium vehicle that breaks gameplay
>under tier it, whales flock to buy it
>ruin whatever BR range said vehicle is in
>wait 6mo to a year to "fix" vehicle
>rinse and repeat.

The current FOTM for GF is the CV 90105 and the Obj 279.

These too, truly a fantastic game.

>The current FOTM for GF is the CV 90105 and the Obj 279.
I remember when the is-6 was the biggest meme vehicle you could use that everyone had a shitfit over (even though heat-fs or hesh would dab on it).

just break its gun barrel and aim for the turret

Realistic > Arcade
Air > Ground >>>>> Naval

I have almost no issue killing them when i use my totally not broken and absolutely balanced Leo 1 L/44.

But when i try to use the XM803 or Bradley, the darts or missiles magically bounce or get absorbed by the side and front of the turret.

Fuck aiming at the hull.

if you're using atgm you can instakill any 279 if you hit it right in the center of the UFP

>first game in F-86F
>missile launched