Say no-no word

>say no-no word
>money stolen

retards will defend this

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but dota is a free game

Tuesday isn't a time stupid Valve

>agree to not do X
>do X anyway
>make the thread on Yas Forums again

i don't defend this, i support this
underage kids shouldn't play games

>cosmetics are free

kys retard

>time remaining

American education everybody.

>buying cosmetics

>he buys cosmetics in dota
who's the real retard here?

Why'd you buy them? Also it clearly shows you don't have a permanent ban

Absolutely btfo OP. You mad son?

>retards will defend this
I can't. There is no defense for playing a m*ltiplayer game.

>tos says dont do this
>retard tldr
>complains about it on Yas

Like clockwork.

Absolutely ass destroyed, I hope they come to your house and steal your body pillow too cake boy.

>buys cosmetics
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA holy shit you're a faggot.


>bu-but my pixels

>call everyone subhuman and nigger
>10k behavior score
>only bans I ever got were for leaving games
What the fuck did you do you fucking nigger?

Also, not for no no words, but clearly for quitting. Meaning he can't play the game he didn't even want to play when he could.

can't you just sell those ?

Imagine not being able to stop yourself from saying a word.


>pay for laser tag
>shoot someone in game
>get kicked out
>"WTF you stole my money bro!"

get fucked

this has been happening since the early 2000s though? especially if you bypassed word filters ingame
zoom zoom FAG

>takes pictures of your screen
come on people, it's 2020

Anyone who actually still plays this game knows that you can say whatever you want. The only thing that will get you excessively reported is poor performance when losing.

You're right I didn't even read that part properly. What's your defence op?

He said the word faggot, niggers don't get triggered and call for doxxing because you say nigger, faggots however do.

>I paid good money for that texture!!!!!!!

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>buys cosmetics
>doesn't know how to screenshot
>doesn't clean his monitor
how much more of a nigger can you be, OP?

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shut the fuck up fag

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>money stolen
>in a free to play game

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Corporations shouldn't have the right to enforce nonsensical laws on the public. These people aren't elected officials.

absolute retard

It's their property retard, holy shit are you ESL? Yas Forums bans you all the time you stupid nigger but you don't cry to the government about it.

>picture of monitor
>dirty screen
>mobile poster
not gonna give you your (you) you colossal shitposting faggot

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>buying cosmetics
>wojack spam
this is officially bait thread

Non-argument. Thank you for conceding and giving me the free win.

My cake shop is my property. Surely then you agree I should be allowed to refuse service to niggers, trannies, faggots, or anyone else I please?

I don't give a fuck. But that isn't what is in contention you stupid nigger.


I have 4000 hours in dota and 10,000 behaviour credit score and i have every single insult and curse word including NIGGER on my all chat word cloud, you probably got reported for being bad.

>excessive reports

Based. How often did you call someone a nigger for that to happen?

>waaaah i cant call people nigger >:(

is it really that hard for you to shut the fuck up, or be more subtle with your shit talking? you people act really intelligent but you're dumb as fuck if you can't do either of those.

You have to be 18 or older to post here.

It's not a law. It's their terms of service and it doesn't matter what the terms say, if yo violate it then they have the right to terminate your access to the service. If it says you have to stand on your head when playing the game then you have to stand on your fucking head, or you don't have the right to play it due to violating the terms on which you can play

Looks like you cowered away from my point instead of addressing it. Thank you for conceding from the argument and giving me another free win.

Why is it so easy to win arguments against weak minded censorship-loving children?

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>buying cosmetics
I bet you complain about jews stealing your money. Don't you?

What point, that you got banned and are crying about it on Yas Forums; another site that bans people? Are you retarded?

Time trailer here you TOS fags ruined future videogames eventually the corporations start putting in their terms of service that you have to spend X amount of money on microtransactions or they will ban your account. And its you faggots fault, screencap this it'll happen in 5 years.

it's in their terms of service not to say the nono-word, it's also in their ToS that they can ban you for any reason they deem bannable, they deem saying the no no word as bannable, you can't argue if you agreed to their terms retard.

Then you agree that I should be able to exclude any group I want from the services of my cake shop. Faggots, trannies, niggers, women, etc. It is my property and my right to terminate your access.

>Buys cosmetics
>Bitches so much in teamchat that people regularly report him

Is he the ultimate Chad?


Then don't say it retard lmao

>be an emotional little rage quitting bitch
>cry to Yas Forums

Why do you do this to yourself?

thats diferent. and you fucking know it!

Never did. I just instalock wisp every game and tp people to fountain. When I get sent to low priority, I'll just run a shitty AHK script that I wrote to run down mid until I eventually win enough game if I'm lucky to get out
Once I'm out of low priority, I go back to tping people to fountain

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I doubt it would be your property actually. The government in one way or another owns it partially, so you can't make up your own rules there.

>retard immediately invokes Danth's Law after being btfo
Like fucking clockwork.


Not according to the US terms of service.

Thank you for adding +2 free wins (by concession) to my tally. Wow, you pro-censorship guys aren't doing well in these arguments. Maybe you should try to censor me instead? Open discourse isn't working too well.

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Incels playing SP games don't need to apply

The government also has authority over the games company. Have you run out of places to cram your cognitive dissonance, or is it time to realize you're wrong?


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In that case there are laws in place to stop you from doing that.

>break terms of service you agreed to
>get license revoked

>"hurf durf dis no fair!"

If you don't agree with the ToS, don't play the game. Problem solved.

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