The most underutilized Nintendo IP

The most underutilized Nintendo IP.

Goldeneye, a game about a secret agent and his mission to stop a rogue laser beam firing satelite, was a huge success. It was one of the most popular games on N64 and one of the most well regarded first person shooters ever made.

Why. Why why why why why did Nintendo not immediately continue their momentum? Where is Goldeneye 2? Why has this IP been so criminally forgotten?

Attached: Goldeneye N64.jpg (270x187, 13.55K)

Its a video game movie you [I'm trying to not be a cunt to everyone I reply to on Yas Forums]

Because Goldeneye came out around the time that Nintendo picked up their nasty habit of dropping entire genres without even putting up a fight.

It's insane to think that Nintendo did nothing at all to try and retain the console FPS audience when going from the n64 to the Gamecube.

Both Goldeneye and Perfect Dark were huge successes and then Nintendo squandered that for seemingly no reason at all

Nintendo must be the most progressive company ever. They made a deformed man the protagonist is their game. I mean, Jesus look at that mouth. I'm impressed people in the nineties were able to look past this.

Eh...I went from Goldeneye to FPS games on PC and instantly forgot about FPS games on consoles and never played them on console ever again.

Nintendo is just retarded when it comes to FPS games. This is the company that made a controller that blew dual analog out of the water, and then made a grand total of one (1) first person shooter to showcase it.

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White knight for a woman
Named after a woman who doesn't do anything
Female protagonist
>Animal Crossing
Super feminine
>Fire Emblem
Edelgard fixes all of the world's problems.

Nintendo is super progressive.

I think EA got the license. and then activision got it later

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Probably because Nintendo doesn't own the license to James Bond.

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>Goldeneye, a game about a secret agent and his mission to stop a rogue laser beam firing satelite
Technically it's a space EMP, and the goal is to crash the British economy and steal a shitload of money as revenge for what that the British did to the Cossacks in WWII. The movie is pure kino. A deconstruction of Bond done right.

>James Bond
>Nintendo IP

Because it was RARE who did that game, not Nintendo.
Think of Nintendo's involvment with FPS: Perfect Dark? Also RARE. Metroid Prime? Retro Studios. What do these have in common? They're both western studios.
The core of Nintendo's studios never cared about FPS

>It's insane to think that Nintendo did nothing at all to try and retain the console FPS audience when going from the n64 to the Gamecube.
The Gamecube was aimed at Japan and weebs. The N64 had a reputation as a "western" oriented machine that Nintendo were desperate to shed. Nintendo started distancing themselves from non-Japanese collaborators in the GC era and this naturally backfired.

I've been told that part of why Rare were willing to take Microsoft's money is that game budgets were increasing, but Nintendo refused to give Rare more money.

but goldeneye 2 is on the wii

>The most underutilized Nintendo IP.

It's not a Nintendo IP, it's a Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer IP.

Rare turned down the offer to make another Bond game in 1997/1998. I think Martin Hollis said it took all of 5 seconds for he and the others to decide they weren't interested. He wanted to make a female-lead FPS game instead, because he felt there weren't enough of them.

I love the Wii, but get out of here with that bullshit. There were plenty of FPS's on the Wii and they all got shat on by even the most average shooters on the 360/PS3.

makes sense that perfect dark exists then

Reminder that Joanna Dark wasn't based on Joan of Ark. It was literally generated by a random noun mixer that one of the Rare devs made. It was designed to mix words in an attempt to find cool videogame names. It was either Doak or Seavor who showed the design docs for PD that talked about this.

the Hollywood jews won't let Nintendo to rerelease this game. They should do the same as Sega did with Daytona USA and remove all Pierce Brosnan references

IR aiming was way better than analog aiming.

probably for the best, Tomorrow Never Dies was never good for video game material

>The most underutilized Nintendo IP.
>Nintendo IP

Goldeneye itself is not the IP. James Bond is, and there's plenty of them, good and bad.

>Why has this IP been so criminally forgotten?

Because they don't own it. Who ever does gave that job to EA for a while.

That's why Rare followed it up with their own IP, Perfect Dark.

When MS bought Rare from Nintendo, MS got the Perfect Dark franchise.

>The core of Nintendo's studios never cared about FPS
The guy in charge of Splatoon is a huge Perfect Dark fanboy and if Miyamoto had his way Zelda would have gone first person back on the n64. It makes you wonder how Perfect Dark 2 would have turned out if the IP stayed with Nintendo.

>laser beam firing satelite
It was a nuke. It caused an EMP.

Reminder that Activision ran Eurocom into the ground by making them rush their Bond games. There are more unused multiplayer maps in GoldenEye 2010 than ones you can actually play. They reportedly gave Eurocom 6 months to make 007: Legends. Quantum of Solace PS2 was badly rushed, too. They had more breathing room under EA with Nightfire, although that wasn't a super great dev situation, either.

Spot the autistic!! Hahahahahhahahaahhahahahaahahahaaha

james bond isn't a "nintendo IP," and goldeneye was hot garbage anyway. a console FPS with a powerpoint framerate.
goldeneye was another typical awful licensed movie tie-in game from that era. it just got overrated to the extreme because bings were so starved for games at the time.

>Being this retarded

There was no James Bond movie that year. Goldeneye 64 is its own, independently produced thing.

GoldenEye is an espionage FPS masterpiece. Perfect Dark is even better. GoldenEye was such a shock to the industry that Half-Life got scrapped and delayed a year, and Sony rushed Syphon Filter into production as a competitor, while EA started making Medal of Honor.

>GoldenEye was such a shock to the industry
yeah, it was shocking the level of garbage that n64 owners were willing to buy because the pickings were so slim.

GoldenEye is a 1997 videogame adaption of a 1995 movie. What are you talking about? It was originally meant to be a fairly low budget cash in like Rare were known for making, but they decided to see what they could get away with in terms of budget and scope. The Stampers insulated the team from Nintendo meddling and let them work.

They already tried to improve it. But they'll never be able to. It's a period piece that doesn't work unless it plays like it did back then. Perfect Dark improved on it but no one likes fps games made like that anymore. It saddens me, because Rare fps games were a genre all their own. They did an exceptional job considering their limitations and even with improvements like perfect Dark XBLA version and the PC mods, it still feels amazing.

The lead developer of Doom Eternal plays invented because of GoldenEye. Every FPS developer worth their salt played GoldenEye. There's a reason Counter Strike used GoldenEye weapon sounds in its early versions, as well as having a recreation of Facility.