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>The new artstyle is so charming! How could anybody dislike this?
At least they gave you the option to switch between the classic or new art. It's something all remasters should have.
Langrisser is the 200 IQ chad-brother of Fire Emblem. Prove me wrong.
Original versions, maybe. The remakes are fun but piss easy tho
Art quality goes:
Modern hentai > Classic anime > Classic hentai >>>>> Modern anime
>Modern hentai
Nigga is you serious? Classic hentai style is a million times superior to the current shit. With the exception of a few new ones.
Doujins are not animated hentai. I will agree that doujins and drawn hentai have come a long way. Animated hentai has just devolved into "whatever is cheaper".
My nigga. Classic hentai is a pure SOULSTORM. Just look at shit like Dragon Pink.
Imagine thinking modern hentai is good, from an a quality point.
They literally have no budget anymore compared to old hentai so they have to focus on extreme fetishes and gimmicks to have an audience because who would want to watch a slideshow if not for that?
Non animated stuff, sure. It's better
Exactly this. Hideaki Anno did some fine work as an animator on Cream Lemon, too
>God tier animation
>Good music
>Funny gags
Jesus christ, how did hentai fall so hard?
Why put work into something when the filthy weebs will still buy the cheap shit.
I like them both.
Just like I remember it!
Unfortunately even if you use the classic art option you're still stuck with a bunch of characters using Nagi's shitty art anyway because they were too cheap to get Urushihara to make portraits for them, and all of the sprites on the map and in combat are based on Nagi's designs and aren't changed.
Classic hentai might've had better animation but the content fucking sucked. Another Lady Innocence's artistic quality is wasted on how boring it is, and of course since it's directed by old men it puts way too much focus on the guy in the porn.
>The content fucking sucked
How is modern hentai superior, content wise?
>Sex scene interrupted by explosions, entire thing is trying to be funny rather than erotic by mixing the sex with the battle
Yes. This is exactly why old hentai isn't good as actual porn. I don't watch porn to laugh or to want to see the guy having a conversation with the girl throughout.
See above.
You don't always need some overarching plot to make hentai interesting and nice. Fuck one of my primary concerns with modern hentai is the girls just, wont, shut the fuck up. What happened to people just enjoying the fucking!? Show don't tell! She's feeling good? Show it with her actions/facial expressions/sound.
I don't care if the guy does porn or not, his art is fucking 10/10.
You sound like you've seen two hentai OVAs in total.
Why are they worse than gatcha version?
How can one art style contain so much soul?
The nerfing of pauldrons is the greatest offense.
Artist looks like he has a boner for pauldrons, and I can respect that.
Because the gacha artist actually tried to be faithful and Ryou Nagi is a hack.
What bothers me most is how no one wears any armour over their bellies anymore except for Vargas, everyone either has nothing covering their torso at all or just a plate only covering the upper chest. The fuck does the artist have against armour?
Honestly, not all the new ones are bad.
Some of the one I liked are:
Most of the res of them are pretty mediocre but there's some good ones too.
This game is so fucking bad. It's like some chinese Fire Emblem knockoff.
Looks like it's trading 1 fetish for another.
>your hot meat rod is stirring my insides!
>you're really inside me!
God, no wonder no one gets laid in Japan. Their dirty talk sucks.
Satoshi is such a good artist holy shit