Say what you want about LoL but its probably the best multiplayer team fighting game in gaming history.
150 champions, super polished, the balance is amazing.
95%+ of the players can literally enjoy playing any champ cause only at diamond+ do some champs become not viable and only about 2-5% of players play at those levels.
Say what you want about LoL but its probably the best multiplayer team fighting game in gaming history
cope harder
This image would've been better without dialogue or the scroll.
How many champions can the average person afford?
>Do the same thing on one map for all of eternity
Doesn't league of legends have some of the worst spaghetti code ever, even to this day?
>Dotards are the one with the broken unbalanced game
Sweet release
>the balance is amazing
During first 30 lvls you get enough stuff to buy maybe 5-10 most expensive champs depending on your luck with chests and shards.
Each day for the first week you play you are also given a choice from 3 champs from each role.
So if you know what champ you want to play you can quickly get your mains and never play anything else.
>150 champions, super polished, the balance is amazing.
all of those 3 points are untrue
games only good for porn, just ask the dev team, they want to make a fun game but the jews who make the decisions know that sex is what makes them the most money
Unlikely, Jews aren't that based.
Who cares? Im a player not one of their coding team.
LoL has become a SJW nightmare. Always bitching about character portraits or their designs and emotes
Community has gotten worse
Game is unbalanced as fuck
> Let the past die, burn it if you have to.
Is she the one that was niggerrapping in that kpop video?
>the balance is amazing.
S2 was the best
SJW nightmare? Are you a fucking chick? play the actual game not the social media game.
Game has the best balance it ever did.
Mind you it is impossible to balance 150 champions to perfection but they have come as close as possible.
The vast majority of players can enjoy any champ in the roster and played enough you can reach master with any champ.
define spaghetti code
When you have 150 champs, and not a single one has a win rate higher than 54% or lower than i think 46% then that's pretty balanced in my opinion.
I remember when Skarner had 70% win ratio after Juggernaut update.
What's up with all the LoL threads lately?
You're a fucking moron.
They are trying to attract players cause the game is on a slow dying trend
What's the point of a bragging about a large champion pool if you're not going to get all of them?
Name games with good balance then.
Very true, however it has a specific role that ruins the game for me. Also Akali makes my pp the big pp. I have had legit dreams about me cucking Shen and bleaching her.
Same why a supermarket would? Or why Steam would with a big game library? There's likely something for you, which League nailed since most people find their niche.
Mix of shills and kiddies growing up enough that they want to join the elite dark web hacking forum known as 4channel. Same with how halo and cod threads became okay at some point
Game's balance has been shit since S3. It was it's best back in S2 when it was an unbalanced mess that managed to achieve a weird equilibrium.
>LoL but its probably the best multiplayer team fighting game in gaming history.
I can count some games that are better teamfighting games in history. Lets begin.
Counter Strike 1.6
Team fortress 2
Many starcraft BW UMS maps
Many Warcraft 3 Maps
i think many people there can add more examples.
>150 champions
And all of them have same gameplay style to each other. And only small percent of them is in actual META.
>super polished
Of course... if we ignore server problems, bugs that can break games and forces RIOT to disable certain items/champions etc.
>the balance is amazing
Only 20 champions are good to pick, rest are either fucking situational or just useless. Every patch instead of fixing issue just changes FOTM of 20 viable champs.
>95%+ of the players can literally enjoy playing any champ cause only at diamond+ do some champs become not viable and only about 2-5% of players play at those levels.
Oh please. At iron and bronze yes, and maybe on silver. But at gold people allways buy that one item what makes all champions who need to use durability in order to succed(Tanks and part of fighters) fucking useless.
>the balance is amazing.
I sure do love when balance is decided by who is getting a new costume. Sure can't wait for that mentality in the fighting game, especially when some characters end up getting way more cosmetics and who I like playing gets reworked into something more in line with whatever meta they are pushing.
>20 meta champs
I hate morons like you.
That only becomes an issue at very high elo.
you need a lot of skill and playing with other skilled champs to create the conditions that shrink the meta considerably.
Lower elo players do not experience it and for the meta is diff.
Thats why some champs are considered pub stompers but are not good at challenger.
For the vast majority of players all champions are viable.
If they only balanced based on challenger(less then 1% of players), there would be heavily unbalanced champs at the lower ranks.
and when i write low elo i mean under diamond, which is more than 95% of players.