Would this armor be efficient in a real-life combat scenario?

Would this armor be efficient in a real-life combat scenario?

Attached: armor.jpg (1280x914, 147.15K)


not really

yes really

no armor is honestly

> Skyrim
> real - life combat

Pick one. Ni ether would having a sword that size slung across your back be practical either.

no. but it looks nice and video games aren’t real life.

It'd be efficient for combat with my dick.

She wearing normal armor would get her defeated to a stronger male enemy.
She wearing slutty armor might get her a chance by distracting her enemy.
So yes, it´s efficient.

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I mean it still have freedom of movement
if she is good enough to never get hit then it could work

if you want to be knocked out and raped, sure

Hell yeah baby absolutely.

In keeping her alive? Absolutely. Anyone who fought her would be very careful when defeating her, so that he could rape her properly without having to worry about blood everywhere.

Seduce the enemy with it, skip combat

It don't matter because women aren't efficient to begin with.

Attached: 1544186350587.jpg (343x343, 14.06K)

>Distract the enemy with your massive tits
>He can't hit you properly

60% risk of your enemy slapping a steel collar on your neck and be enslaved.

>real-life combat scenario
lmao why act retarded when you just wanna show off your basic bitch toon? coomers be like that

Is it magical?

Then properly applied to maximize sexiness it confers damage immunity.

No because a woman wears it so she'd get thrown to the ground and raped

>real-life scenario
>fantasy video game
Fucking imbeciles

That's the plan user, we trick women into thinking it's effective then rape them. Just we can't let them go back and tell everyone so we would have to come up with some sort of system where they're subservient to us, of course sometimes we would want to trade or enhance our collection so some sort of trade medium would have to be exchanged for the goods. Not got a name for it yet but I'm working on it.

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That's not actually skin, it's leather armor.

Women are ineffective in real combat scenario. Even modern warefare, a man is still superior in every way.

women are not efficient in real life combat scenarios

As long as she carries a shield It doesn't matter what she wears

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only as the bait in a 2 v 1

Better than 100% chance of dying. All Skyrim slaves seem to do is get fucked a lot.

No, you would die of exposure before ever seeing the enemy.

Distracting how exactly? Getting all male opponents to charge towards you to hold you down and have sex?

There was an amazon army who fought one tit out for this tactic. And i mean bare naked no nipple armor nonsense. History can be fun

So their master plan was to lose? It takes only one normal man to completely shut down and bind one normal female.

Yes. It would make me so hard that it would be awkward to fight.

No, but who cares? The more "realistic" the game, the worse it is.

Their master plan was if the guys want to fuck instead of kill they have a better chance of killing them first before they get wrecked.

I mean you understand yourself that as woman they had no chance in a fair fight being significantly weaker.