Why are hate-drones soo emotionally invested in this game? Persnonally I don't give a fuck about your autistic screeching and I already preordered it, because Witcher 3 was the best thing that happened to the video game industry in this decade.
Why are hate-drones soo emotionally invested in this game...
It's perpetual blowback from the Witcher 3 downgrade. I'm being serious, that's it. It has nothing to do with this game at all, these people will just shit on everything CDPR do from now until they find something else to autistically screech over, but it's been years already so who knows if that'll ever happen.
I'm sure making another thread to complement 5 more already in the catalog is going to show just how much fuck you don't give.
Your endless trading of egoistic spiteful jabs with shitposters is why people like me can't actually talk about the game at all without being harassed 24/7.
Thank you very much for your fucking service.
Why are you a hate drone
>Look at me dunking on these trolls by paying for something I don't know how good will be and that if it's good I can just buy on release
How much of a retard do you have to be to think that?
I liked Witcher series so I assume this one will be good as well. Simple as.
It's literally one mentally ill faggots spamming threads
Check the archive if you don't believe me, even one of the mods confirmed it
I've pirated all the Witcher games (including DLC) and I'll Day 1 pirate CP2077 as well.
You're a gayfaggot zoomer retard.
You can always buy it day one and risk nothing.
The same people who said "i like their previous work" got burned with Aliens Colonial Marines, Metro Exodus and so on.
Did you like them?
>Metro Exodus
Wait, was it even bad?
Gameplay-wise very mediocre. You're better off playing Dragon's Dogma if you want to go monster huntan. I enjoyed the story and lore though.
So why won't you support devs that are making decent games?
Not at all, worth a pirate at least.
Because I played through these games once and are not going to touch them again.
I'm not pre-ordering CP2077 either because pre-ordering is fucking retarded.
The worst Metro game. And clearly a rushed trend chasing game.
Why do you care about the "hate-drones"? Do you work for CDPR? Because if not, I don't see why you should care.
>likes W3 and thinks it was anything more than mediocre
>preorders games
Go check the scores.
Yeah because mindlessly typing buzzwords is way better than actual discussion.
>If other people like it, it must be good!
>If I don't like it, it must be bad!
>Go check the scores
Nigga it was a shitty action game with tacked on "RPG" elements and a decent story and lore that's not even of CDPR's own creation.
Can you read?
No one's saying it's straight up bad, just mediocre.
Nope. Made by CDPR.
Name better story driven ARPG's from the last ten years. You can't. This single thing makes TW3 more than mediocre.
ME2 and New Vegas have solid stories and are much better both gameplay and RPG-wise as well.
I just like the weather is all
ME2 is bioware cringe nonsense and New Vegas is stuck in an awful engine
They're still better games.
Risen, Hyper Light Drifter.
>quality of a game is measured by the severity of lack of good games in its genre