I'm not going to play this trash game pushing faggotry

I'm not going to play this trash game pushing faggotry.

Why can't she just be normal? Why does she have to be a homo?

Game devs should stop pushing their degen political agenda.

Attached: tlus.jpg (800x450, 38.51K)

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>I don't like it, therefore it's a political agenda
American education

How else are we gonna drive those declining birth rates and shame breeders/functional humans out of existence?

Got a link to more footage? All I saw was the knife used like a paper fan and she-bro about to isis the one chick.

its not that game devs are pushing their agenda, its that political activists and evil people are hijacking the game industry because its massive and influential. every industry or company they do this to decays over time, then they find the next host to spread their cult through.

It’s current and progressive. Grow up!

Careful. Janny just timed me out for a few minutes in another thread for "spoilers".

It's political agenda, it has been done in the movies now they are doing it in video games

Gay people exist user

Gay people are normal, they can't help it they're born that way

Like pedos?

New Poll


So do people with cerebral palsey. However people with the palsey aren't flooding vidya with their broken, flailing bodies.

Why couldn’t Joel just let the shitty doctors do their job in 1

>it's not



If you wanna play this but don't want to support the toxic work culture new-Naughty Dog has been creating over the past 4 years or so then I'd suggest getting this as a pre-owned copy from eBay or somewhere similar.

Shes been a fagget since the dlc

Tolu2 has been beyond saving since before its inception

No, "gay people" do not exist. Only varying forms of mental illness, often associated with sexual abuse as a child by other mentally deranged degenerates. This mental illness is propagated through sexual abuse (rape), peer pressure (rape), and institutionalized brainwashing (rape).

based and abbypilled

>>It’s current and progressive. Grow up!

It progresses to a pace that I don't want to go.

>its a political agenda and thats why i dont like it

fixed that for you user

I though it was sjws that blamed everything on rape

A character's sexual orientation is not a political agenda. Two consenting adults haveing sex is not affecting anyone and is not "immoral".

It changes literally nothing if she was fucking a dude you retarded nigger

are you actually suggesting cerebral palsy is as common as homosexuality? or that anyone with it could survive in an apocalypse?

You can lay the blame on the state of California and this:

So you're just going to state you're opinion with nothing to back it up? That's not very convincing.

Attached: 1567527656554.gif (239x226, 683.7K)

>Why does she have to be a homo?
Why does she have to be normal? Why is this such a big deal to you? Who cares?

You clearly haven't seen the statistics regarding childhood trauma, molestation and homosexuality in Men.

Imagine being afraid of gay people within fiction

Go ahead and post it bro. I'm sure you're smarter doctors who've actually contributed to that field of research.

Dude if you watch a homosexual on tv you'll immediately want to suck dick.