Bros I think I'm in love with Tifa
Bros I think I'm in love with Tifa
Aerith > Tifa
Bro I think you have actual autism because you make this thread every das
So? Literally only necrophiliacs are not
>OP says Tifa
>Posts pic of nuTifa
And faggots
The waifu-baiting in this game is so blatant
I can understand your confusion. You sound pretty dumbt.
>I think
Careful there.
Tifa is only good for sex and nothing more. Only when Cloud meets Aerith that he begins to change from a total dickhead he has been to Avalanche.
Tifa is hot, but I prefer Jessie and Aerith.
Japs just know how to make the perfect virtual girls.
We know Cloud.
And I’m in love with Aerith
You are not in love with Tifa. You are just shilling for nu-Tifa non stop. A yellowwashed, malnourished, censored and nerfed version of her because you are a filthy zoomer. But that will come and bite you in the ass in the end, when Nomura pulls a Kojima with his recent fanfiction and you will get shitposted everywhere even more.
*Zack. Remember, he has Zack's memories and thoughts.
probably because instead of going along with his shtick, Aerith teases him relentlessly about it
Everyone is. Even Aerithfags admit that Tifa is still top tier. She's the perfect female.
This. Zack is the actual protagonist of the remake, OG, and CC the whole time.
Fact: Cloud is only protagonist of Advent Children.
>Tifa is in danger
>AERITH: We have to rescue her!
>Aerith is in danger
>TIFA: lol nah
Yes. So whenever Cloud and Tifa have romantic moments, it's actually Zack having these thoughts.
Nope aeris is better much better especially for cloud and especially in the remake
lul corpsefag
Failure of square being complete and utter hypocrites...
Yea wtf Tifa. Grow a pair holy shit
you are gay
> Really user..
As expected of a REAL 1st class chad. No wonder an incel like Cloud roleplays as him.
God i wish that were me
this is horseshit lol tifa even talks about him losing his edge prior and it can be seen with avalanche
Where's the middle one from? I don't recognize it.
Unfortunately they are both in love with each other. Too bad so sad