Why is it so hard to not type in chat in this game?
I need key honor for key fragments but i cant stop myself from typing.
Why is it so hard to not type in chat in this game?
I hate what this game has become.
It's now one big flashy skills and insane damage burst fiesta where even a full tank character can kill your champ in 1 second.
The whole gameplay/duels/trades boil down to "who will react faster" in a 2 femtoseconds window because the damage is so insane.
It's so obviously done for e-sports it's laughable. It all is designed so that retard youtubers will make "EPIC X CHAMP PLAY COMPILATION " or that retarded e-sport commentators will have something to be excited about.
They "rework" old champions but in a way that makes them fit to the new power creep since they cannot catch up with the ridiculous mechanics of new characters and now also have stupid flashy mechanics.
You have a character as fucking basic as Annie and compare it to some guy who is a walking shop or swaps weapons with his own ammo system, goes back in time, steals ultimates etc.
It's fucking retarded. At one point you should just stop releasing champions. At most once a year.
The old characters should be the fucking STANDARD for new ones, not the ones to be changed.
Characters like Katarina, Annie, Master etc. should never be changed and always stay in basics the same characters they always were.
If your game goes to the point where you have to rework them to be flashy with dashes and cool looking skills that can make it to the "pro plays" compilation, you have fucked up.
Not to mention the new Runes system is retarded. It is a huge plus you no longer have to pay for them, but how they work now is retarded. They make or die a champion. They no longer are about customizing playstyle but rather about minmaxing. They change so much and are so broken you are stuck with only one build for every champ now.
I mean you have shit like swapping summoner spells, going over the CDR or Attack Speed cap etc.
When i was playing years ago the game wasn't the peak balance but you could in theory pick ANY champion and climb to high diamond with only them and in a playstyle you wanted (within reasonable borders, shit like AD Annie or AP Vayne would not work). It was fair.
Now even though no champ has higher than 54% win rate overall i never felt like the game was fair. I could build defensively or tanky but it made no difference because everyone is a fucking assasin now.
I was owning the game as Nasus last time. Full tank other than Triforce and you know why i could take on 2-3 champs head on? Not because i build tanky and could take on a lot of damage but because i was bursting so much i healed half of my HP with one Q. It's fucking ridiculous.
lol is better than ever and if you get banned for flaming you are just a dumb nigger
People always say this but if you look at any old League footage it's the same shit just with worse graphics
In a game like that the difference between dying in 0.5 seconds and 2 seconds is fucking immense.
lol the onld champs and their abilites were an excuse.
riot was poor as fuck so they made shit gfx and shit abilities and champs.
crap like press button increase attack speed kinda shit.
They still have that a bit but the less of it the better.
You want a tank? play mundo or braum or the walking shop guy or leona.
pure tanks should be few and far between since they are on the extreme side of the spectrum.
>game too fast for me
FACT is you still have tanks that tank and are part of the meta and squishies that deal massive dmg but die if anyone even touches them.
Id say the game needs to be even faster cause i dont want to play 40 fucking minutes of this especially when we are really behind but some faggot wont surrender.
This is a pure gitgud problem.
what game? those are some crazy graphics
Flaming silver shitters is more fun then playing the actual game, thats why
terrible bait, you should prolly kill yourself
>Why is it so hard to not type in chat in this game?
> League of Legends
Fuck you shill
I got perma'd for using the word "retard" a few times. Only got banned once before and that was years ago.
Finally made me realize that riot don't give a single shit about the game, only it's image. It's been balanced by idiots since season 6.
stupid question, but wouldn't it be wiser for riot to restrict competitive play to, say, 20-30 champions they could reasonably balance instead of trying to manage like 150 champions?
I know what you mean, riot is only balancing the game around e-sports. Nothing else. That is why I left too. They don't give a fuck about challenging gameplay or regular players.
All they want is everything to be flashy, lots of explosions, lots of kills, no strategy involved, just pick the currently most OP character.
Just had a Maokai game where I was unkillable and fucked their backline 1v3, felt good
>I got perma'd for using the word "retard"
Not true. You have to be a really obnoxious cunt to even get a warn nowadays so I highly doubt it was all you did.
>Junglers are in a good place
>Jungle xp nerfed from some fucking reason
>Neutrals aren't even worth the time anymore
>Take buffs and gank 24/7
>Jungle xp buffed back up again
>It becomes even worse because every champ clears extremely quickly
>They now gank 23/7, but are even more powerful
I swear that people who've never even played LoL would do a better job at balancing.
They fixed the exp nerfs a few weeks back tho, farm heavy junglers are now better than gank heavy ones in soloQ.
>Junglers are in a good place
They really weren't. Before nerfs any decent jungler could take no risks and just farm while still being on par with the rest of the team with exp/gold.
It was never good, it was always a simp version of DotA
You've never played lol or dota if you seriously think so. Those games are very different.
No they couldn't. Unless you're in a dogshit elo where both junglers did nothing but farm you'd still need to gank heavily if you didn't want your team to fall behind.
People don't even remember early LoL, the beta and early seasons were almost a carbon copy of DotA allstars.
The game was pretty good once it started to develop it's own personality around season 3, and it was great until about season 5 which is coincidentally when the game really blew up in popularity.
Ever since the balancing has been dogshit and everything is geared towards flashy plays and overloaded mechanics for e-sports.
EUW grandmaster so shut your mouth. Playing old jungle was literally free lp
I knew League was doomed when the devs said shit like Invoker's design is too complicated/not good design
They were right, champions that can 1v9 with any semi-good player are and forever will be cancerous
That's funny, given how every champion released in the past few years has 3 different mechanics on every skill.
And then there's shit like Aphelios, who isn't even that complex, just completely overloaded and overpowered on release.
t. went 0/12 against a carl
Yea no. Invoker's strength was always rooted in his versatility, not is upfront power. He probably has the most build-diversity in the entirety of the Dota cast.
Admittedly he's had a few periods of being broken, the oneshot euls build was cancer, but it was far from being able to 1v9.
any versatile champion is miles better than a simple stat check braindead champ for competitive. that's why they are nerfed so hard and people bitch about "pro play" ruining their champs.