What race is Tifa?
What race is Tifa?
Anri Okita
my dick in her pussy race
That'd be her species.
Inferior to Cetra
Every female and bishonen in FFVII-2 Part 1 is a mix of idealized asian and white uncanny valley dolls, to sell well in both the western and asian markets.
Not a lot of people talk about this, but i think those earrings make Tifa even more sexy that she actually is.
imagine if these two f*cked...
I literally imagine it at least 7 times a day
girls can't have sex with each other
You know whats been in there right?
Whatever the miner-mountain people are since Nibelheim. I was kinda surprised she wasn't a little more tan since muh brawler but being under a Midgar plate 24/7 may pale you out.
happa cutey
Who would fit better as a futa with horse sized dick?
For me it's Tifa. Futa with big tits and big cocks are hot.
Futa's gay
Futa alone is gay.
Futa with futa is gay.
Futa on female is completely fine, healthy and heterosexual.
Why is Yas Forums so obsessed with race?
FACT: Hapas are BEAUTIFUL and LIFE and EVERYTHING. Blessed!
There's only one human race.
Only Americans pretend that there are several, along with believing that the Earth is flat and that education is bad for you.
I thought you go through this in school?
That's like saying there's only one dog race: completely moronic.
yes, there's only dog
Cute. Her race is cute.
>Yeah, it's my husky
>Yeah, it's my cat
Why do people call dogs by their breed but cats are just cats? They have breeds too.
Anybody able to logically answer this?
There are several dog races, just not several human ones.
Ask your biology teacher, kiddo.
She's Nibelheimese
She was definitely white in the original.
only if her balls are as big as her tits
>that manjaw