Release game during coronavirus so people can play it while stuck at home

>Release game during coronavirus so people can play it while stuck at home
>Give people incentives to long term play the game for cosmetic crap
>But only give them 1 crappy multiplayer mode and not the original multiplayer mode that has been in the game since 1993
What the fuck?

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I can't believe Bannerlord BTFO a AAA mainstream game the way it did. 88,000 players a few weeks after release vs. Eternal's 3,000. I thought it was because of MBB's multiplayer but not even 2000 people were on it when i played

eternal is soulless shit. thats why
with a lot of busy work in it.

even MickG. was fucked

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The replay value of the campaign is there but battlemode isn't my thing. Disappointing given the insane movement options, even if they removed them I'd still play as long as we got death match.

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people bitched about dm anyway
Im more mad snap map was discontinued but knowing the enemy AI its for the best

I really really liked Eternal. I fucking loved the gameplay, I loved the new demons, I loved the retro-wannabe look, I actually like battlemode too.
I however do not fucking like only having 1 multiplayer gamemode, being told "Deathmatch is for old people" by a guy on joe rogan who made SUCH GOOD gameplay decisions for doom Eternal during its development. Also, the soundtrack feels actually worse than 2016.
I did like the ambient tracks though, a lot.

I think they should also suck it the fuck up and just put the BFG on power cell fuel. Let me use the fucking thing as much as I want, fuck you.

>not playing Battlemode
Fuck off retard, shit's amazing. Probably the only asym game I've ever played that's properly fucking balanced.

If you want to play "Doom Eternal Deathmatch" Quake Champions is right over there.

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Wish I could use the demon skins in singleplayer

>watching Joe Rogan in the first place

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cool your holes, tranny

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I've got 50 matches as Slayer
43 as Pain Elemental
12 as Revenant
7 as Marauder
5 as Mancubus
5 as Arch-vile

Battlemode is shit.

>I've eaten hundreds of cakes, user, cakes are terrible
Then why do you keep eating them

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>Developer of game you want does a podcast interview
>Want to know more about game and the developer decisions
>Watch it
>goto Yas Forums
>It's time to stop seeding and feeding

Because I paid for the videogame so I want to play it for a long period of time and make decisions. Battlemode matches are like 3-5 minutes long, and they're shit.
Thanks to the peer to peer connections.

>I uh I just wanted to know more about the game
Sure, user. Sure.

Hey Jamie, can you bring up that image of user jacking off a chimp? It's fuckin' wild man. Jamie pull that up.

Battlemode isn't P2P, it's server-based.
If your matches are three minutes long you fucking suck dude

Battlemode is pure ass. If they had retained the original multiplayer deathmatch then I would be playing it every day. I was addicted to it back in DOOM 2016. Once again, a good thing gets tarnished because of a very vocal and very autistic minority.

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>if your matches are 3 minutes it's because you suck
PFFFT no it's because I'm ballasting and precision bolting meatballs as soon as the timer reaches zero on the countdown. Or dumping 900 damage from the supershotgun into a marauder who doesnt even stand a fucking chance.

And no, it's p2p.

It's right fucking there. I don't see you playing it, cocksucker.

>It's P2P
No. No it isn't. It simply lacks interp. You're a moron.

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Quake Champions is shit. The deathmatch in DOOM 2016 was superior on all accounts.

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>it's not p2p
Source? Literally every single discussion I find about this is saying it's p2p.

Battlemode is server-based, but has no client-side interpolation in case of an unstable connection like something like TF2 and also has 100% client-side hit-detection instead of checking all three (client, server, player)

>Buy game
>Hey it'd be cool if it had this feature that has been in the games series since 1993
>Nah faggot go back to a game made 3 years ago that has been realized as a failure if you want the game you just bought to have that feature

That's because people like are fucking retarded and run their mouth without knowing a goddamned thing.

Open Doom Eternal.
Open Wireshark.
Play Battlemode
Look at connection to single server owned by Bethesda and not two random residential IPs

If they offered the option to buy games without their multiplayer (even though it would be the jewiest business stunt ever), I'd hope on that in a heartbeat.

A constant stream of tacked on multiplayer mode taking focus away from the single player experience just to try and one up one another (yes I know doom was the original), while everyone keeps abandoning the newest contender within a matter of weeks and going back to the same 3 mainstay games.

make it run as good as eternal, fix the fucking netcode, get rid of matchmaking, get rid of warmups, get rid of battle basses, get rid of every mehanic that makes killing people more difficult (clutch shield, ghostwalk, bullrush damage reduction, anarki's health boost, BJ's regen, strogg's hp drops, everything) get rid of all that pre and post match fluff and i might reconsider

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>dude I want to play a Doom Eternal deathmatch
>No not that one

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That's "Quake Champions"
Not Doom Eternal, are you just acting retarded?

>I haven't played either game

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I don't understand why they can't have both DM and BM. There is more to play and you can switch things up if you get bored.

Just put on the infinite ammo cheat. I guess people whined about DM when it was probably the only game around that time that made death match enjoyable again. Just sucks.

why don't they just repurpose the snapmap module idea from 2016 into an endless chalice dungeon co-op roguelike? with like LVL 6 shotguns, LVL 5 imps, LVL 7 heavy armor etc. Put in invasions and the "empowered demons" the game is supposed to have.

Just scale it eternally and keep adding new enemy types. Instant replayability that can be coded in under a week.

But also add classic arena style deathmatch.

I didn't say anything about "p2p" or clien-side hit-detection or whatever the fuck you guys are talking about. I just said that Quake Champions and Battlemode are not fun while the DOOM 2016 multiplayer is. You are mentally ill.

No, I don't want to play the boring and unfun one. DOOM is the progenitor of the arena deathmatch. Failing to include it in a DOOM game is undoubtedly a mistake.

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What did you pay for, your skins?

i was trying to get into 2016'd multiplayer but it wouldn't let me rebind controls for it, am i high or was that actually the case?
like i had my usual arrows+numpad setup for SP and couldn't even move or shoot in MP

Peer-to-peer, not pay-to-play.

>I don't understand why they can't have both DM and BM
Because then the game would release next year at the earliest. Building a single player game doesn't magically give you a stable large-scale multiplayer dedicated server package.

This is literally the first commercially available IdTech7 game. There are no third-party MP implementations to slot in. Why do you think Battlemode has client-side hit detection and no interp? They didn't have the time and money to hire network engineers to write that shit for the new engine.

Quake Champions is shit, dead, and isn't as fun as if Eternal had a traditional multiplayer component

Worked fine on my machine.

It is dead, but if you think Doom Eternal isn't just a prettier Quake you're shit at both

If you like Doom Eternal and want a Doom Eternal deathmatch, Quake Champions is that. Go add to the player count and stop fucking complaining.

keybinds were all seperate for SP, MP and Snapmap. You just had to rebind from the MP menu. It's there.

Except Battlemode isn't P2P

No, it's not. Champions is of poor quality. DOOM 2016's multiplayer was superior. You are mentally ill.

Doom 2016 is not Doom Eternal. You are mentally ill.
If you think Doom Eternal isn't just a prettier Quake you're shit at both

When Quake Champions adopts a refined movement system like DOOM Eternal, I'll play it. Until then I have to profess that it's shit.

>When Quake Champions adopts a refined movement system like DOOM Eternal, I'll play it
Jesus christ the irony is too much abandon fucking thread

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You can repeat it all you want but it doesn't make it true Todd. Champions has awful netcode, a terrible engine, has lame hero abilities that were only added to the game, and some of the worst load times to come out of a game from 2017. They should add a traditional multiplayer to Eternal, so fans of it have something good to play that isn't the trash Battlemode and don't have to subject themselves to Queef Champions