Isabelle... a-are you okay?

Isabelle... a-are you okay?

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look she's smiling :)

aww.. she's smiling

Oh look, she's smiling! :)

she's so cute :) I'd fuck desu

pitbulls are the niggers of dogs!

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Its actually pretty funny because a 'smiling dog' is usually a sign of stress


>tranny gets mauled
nothing of value was lost

Why does this even happen?
What compels an animal to attack and kill its pack members?

pitbulls were selectively bred to be bloodthirsty

They are dumb beasts, it's stupid to treat them like there're more than that

>Forgot to turn off friendly fire

Did you read the accompanied text the poster provided with his image?

Isabelle is best dog.

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dumb beasts that can end your life if they want to*

if you don't dominate dogs they will dominate you

soon as the bitch let this thing in her bed it was only a matter of time

my little babies!

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Pitbulls look like horror movie villains

Yeah, that's why you need to be a proper retard to get a dog like that, specially if you have kids, at least get something small and friendly if you really need a pet

Do Americans really keep those as friendly decorative home dogs because some enterprising dog breeder advertised them as such?
It reminds of Goebbels quote about more monstrous being the lie, easier people will fall for it.

neglecting or antagonizing the dog
the mom probably hit the dog multiple on multiple accounts and never mentioned it to save face which in turn makes the dog more violent
people should just get an easier pet like a cat or a fish

Read the final few sentences in the report. It likely had a history of unreported violence.

Pit bulls are fucking retarded, notoriously violent and difficult to train by nature. Because of their deserved reputation, the only people who own them are either people who deliberately develop their worst qualities (niggers) and people who deny those qualities exist in the first place and thus do nothing to curb them (pit mommies).

ALL fucking Pitt bulls MUST fucking hang

Reminder that Staffordshire Bull Terrier are pitbulls but based instead of nigger tier.

>Not neutered
Not even a surprise


That woman should be put down.

You know, no sane person will ever take you seriously no matter how valid your point is if you keep up the
>pitty = nigger, le niggy nigger nigger nigger nigger xxDDDD, did i mention i hate niggers?

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This, honestly think its just stupid Americans that treat their dogs like shit.

this poster is the faggot of anons!

A bloo bloo bloo.

In my eyes theyre still nigger dogs just like pitbulls and Rottweilers.

I miss my Staffy so much, we raised him well so he never got out of hand. He was a bro to everyone he met ;_;


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You seem quite triggered after someone only said nigger once after said person gave quite a thorough explanation of how the behavior of these barbaric square skulled pigdogs came to be.

Is it possible to draw parallels between pitbull owners and GAMERS?

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Bait and redditpilled

no. they're both subhumans

>he said taboo word!
>He blasphemed against GOD OF EQUALITY

We should kill all the pitbulls and their owners.

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>Another pit bull thread
I am not complaining, but why on Yas Forums of all places?

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Way are thier eyes and ears so small and their mouth so gigantic? It's like they were made to murder

Its the owner of the pitbull not the dog.

Women get dogs to be knotted by or to feel "safe", they don't bother training them. Men on the other hand buy a dog for companionship.

hey, Yas Forums
can you watch this for me? I will be right back.


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How come this kind of thread is still up and my innocuous thread about a cute male va gets deleted? I unironically smell homophobia.

Fuck off cunt.

this isnt true, i know this personally. stop trying to defend these dogs.


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That's the smell of your own diseased colon falling out, faggot.

good. now go smell something else

>it's the owner of the killing machine not the killing machine
call them what they are
they are literally bred to be killers, do you not know where pit bulls came from?

Well, it was a mercy kill, at least. Imagine having to spend your childhood with a trailer trash pit mommy

Try articulating yourself without acting more rabid than the breed you're throwing a hissy fit over.


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What's with wom*n and Pit bulls?

>retardant get Pitt bulls and assume there not aggressive cuz reasons
>get fucking got
If you own a pit bull and dont routinely show that fucking monster who’s in charge they WILL try you. I love my dog but I’m also prepared to beat the shit out of it if it ever tries anything. I love that asshole like you wouldnt believe though. Also stop getting pound Pitt bulls. I don’t think white people are capable of owning anything over than small dogs and golden receivers

There are two reasons to keep pit bulls
>You want to proof to everyone that this breed that has been selected for aggression and violence is actually nice and cuddly even in the hands of people that have zero experience with training dogs nor the physical ability to actually fight back when it snaps
>You are a gangbanger/drug dealer and want to look tough in front of the other criminals you hang out with

people getting mad about videogames alone got tiring enough apparently

Why is it exclusively Americans who make these types of comments?

>*mauls you and your entire family*

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All of these people do not deserve to live. A bunch of mentally ill delusional mistakes of nature telling a man who lost his son to commit suicide and mocking a child's death because he told the truth about a specific dog breed. Im European and i have actually had arguments with dumb Americans about said topic. really brings the mentally ill and convict descendants out of the woodworks.

USA is a land of extremes.

While I don't believe pit bulls should be banned it's important to know that pit bulls were bred as attack dogs. They shouldn't be used as family pets, they should be used as guard or attacking.

You are fat and autistic

Yas Forums, could YOU kill a pitbull 1 on 1 barehanded?

if you have a pitbull you are literally to dumb too live

Dumb fag, stop trying so hard to fit in

seething tranny spotted

Barehanded is a bit unfair. With a one meter chain I could.

>Some random nigger on Yas Forums thinking they can’t judge anyone’s life

not 100% but I think she was just unattractive

I'm a big fat piece of crap so I can probably just fall on it, killing it instantly.

Otherwise break their bones fairly quickly

You want to take another run at that post, champ?

Why the fuck are so many retards attracted to this Breed? You don't see Niggers or Pitbull Apologists doing the same with Turkish Kangals

Good. Hope all lgbt faggots suffer.

>i-it's the owner!
niggercope, why do we let them exist again?

the boyfriend picked a great time to split

I'd like to assume so but grown adults get mauled by dogs all the time, although maybe the type of person to get killed by a dog is the same kind of person who wont fight back because of animal cruelty

Naw you know what I meant. Hold this L bitch

Dude, there are so many worse breeds you could be getting.

The whole concept of "dog" is shit anyway. We brainedwashed their entire species so that they experience untold suffering the instant we're not happy with them. Dog owners are fucking monsters.

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>You want to proof to everyone that this breed that has been selected for aggression and violence is actually nice and cuddly even in the hands of people that have zero experience with training dogs nor the physical ability to actually fight back when it snaps
This is what modern egalitarian cult of biology rejection does. Meanwhile those people call "raycissts" on the internet "dumb" lmao.

They think that they are special for looking under their appearance and seeing how truly caring and loving pitbull are or some crap.
You can point out that pitbull were genetically bred to fucking murder but they still will say "Not my bull! She's a loving doll and super affectionate!"