It's a sewer level

>it's a sewer level

Attached: civvie.jpg (512x512, 57.65K)

imagine the smell (of the type of people who watch him)

>it's a get cucked level

Attached: 1586155493400.png (782x440, 406.17K)

>Game is rushed

Attached: raw.jpg (840x531, 106.16K)


Memes aside, why Sewer levels are so infamously wirespread on the gaming community?
Almost every game has a sewer level in which the playerbase dislikes


not video games, dumb faggot. Kill yourself.

His Doom: Eternal video was embarrassing.

They are easy to design and get lost in which makes them good mazes

Since when maze levels are bad?

post a picture of yourself to show how normal and not at all incel you are (you wont)

they are when they're mostly comprised of corridors that look all the same, which tends to happen a lot in sewer levels

dude acts like a zoomer but pretends to be a boomer

It goes to show that nuDoom absolutely is not Doom.


Attached: 1584588670242.jpg (384x512, 41.71K)

Me and my GF

Attached: 1584258788955.jpg (1080x1336, 111.08K)

Great, more fun stuff ruined by you assholes finally learning about it. Keep good things secret or normies fucking destroy them. There's too many people in this world.

>plays SS games on normal difficulty
So, this is the power of /vr/ fps boomer.


He's bad at the game and in denial, that's it.

Thankfully we have Decino for that

They're usually ugly and labyrinthine. There's nothing compelling or interesting about exploring a sewer, it's just a big wet tunnel full of shit.

The only sewer level in a game that I fondly remember is Dark Souls' for leading down into blighttown.

He is pretty self-conscious about his skills.

Civvie's a philistine.
decino's the real deal.

I like Civvie, but I admit I lost a bit of respect when he played on Ultraviolence instead of Nightmare, I expected better.

same desu

I totally agree.

Attached: Code Vein.png (554x692, 500.09K)

he played 2 and a half levels on UV and then turned it down to hurt me plenty

It's not even that he picked UV or that he claims it's the "correct" way to play Doom, it's how fucking BAD he is at the actual movement, reticle aiming and everything that involves playing a FPS. I don't even like FPS, I prefer RPGs and RTS but Jesus Christ man, how fucking sluggish can you be?

To be fair i totally understand him.
Nightmare is just bullshit with respawning enemies. Serious Sam on normal has no excuse though

I mentioned this last time but GOD I hated his Serious Sam video. Worst, most disjointed, editing I've ever seen that never subsides for a whole hour.

It's not that a maze level is bad, in a vacuum. When you see a sewer segment in a video game, you have a set of expectations for what's coming up, because they're (mostly) all the same. They're played as a maze, frequently introducing or ride with poisonous enemies and vermin or slime enemies. Their labyrinthine nature is exacerbated by all the hallways looking similar, and that segment of the game feels grueling and annoying to get through. When a sewer segment isn't played completely straight as the trope they have become, they're fine. That unfortunately seems to be the exception and not the rule, however.

tl;dr: They're boring and a big meme most of the time

dude got filtered and admits it halfway through the video

I think it's because in SS the enemies charge at you and you can't memorize their placement like in the other boomer shooters, in which they just wait for you to come to them.