Liked RE1

>Liked RE1
>Liked RE2
>Liked RE3
>Liked RE4
>RE5 only cause fun with friend
>RE6 fun with my friend
>Liked REMake 2
>Liked REMake 3
RE 7 is a massive on rails piece of shit. If you like this game there is something wrong with you. So glad this shitty game will not be the norm

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But that's your opinion, man

I thought RE8 was going to also be 1st person and structured like 7

>i hAtE DiS!! NoT a rEsIDuNt eVil gAMe!!

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>best re since re4
you have shit taste

Tfw REmake Outbreak never ever

>Linking shitty scripted on rails garbage
Oh boy do I have some cool games you should try. You got a PS4?

I don't know how you could like RE3make but hate RE7. If anything RE3make is worse when it comes to scripted bullshit. At least RE7's scripted sequences are mostly well-made, and the main house and old house are better than any area in RE3make.

Uh op, it is. Re8 and probably all new REs that aren't remakes will most likely be in 1st person. That is unless RE8 flops hard. Which I hope to happen cause I like tps RE over FPS RE anyday.

>all new REs that aren't remakes will most likely be in 1st person
Because of the success of 7.
Shame. This is what happened to Zelda. It turned into Ubisoft garbage and now were doomed with Ubi-Zeldas until the people get bored or nintendrunes come to thier senses

Because RE4 never had scripted on rails moments...

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>So glad this shitty game will not be the norm
>he doesn't know
Your tears will be delicious when RE8 comes out

based, disagree on 6 but every other mainline entry including 5 (which is actually fucking amazing when played coop) is good in it's own regard

7 is the only utterly soulless entry that has nothing going for it other than muh return to survival horror

Nice nitpicking faggot. This isnt like when Mia attacks you and the game pretends youre in control

I'll be too busy playing ReMake4 and bitching about it and having sex. You'll be fantasizing about Zoe or Mia whoever you fantisized being your gf

Cringe and not groovypilled

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Oh it's nitpicking when QTE cutscenes in 4 took up just as much time as the scripted segments in 7
If anything 7 has more freedom in some interactions like the first boss fight with Jack or him cutting off your leg

>having sex
Pillows are made for sleeping...

>if you like a game I dislike, YOU'RE RETARDED

Who do you think you are exactly?

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7 > 4

I think OP just doesn't like FPS.
RE7 is absolutely full of soul, it's the most refreshing entry since RE4 in terms of setting and rethinking conventions, but the difference is it retains more elements of classic RE like map design and inventory management. Jack Baker is arguably the best antagonist RE has ever had. The references to RE1 are clever and tasteful. The game is just full of cool ideas.

It's far from perfect. I prefer RE2make structurally, though RE7 obviously had a much bigger budget and is more creative. RE2make clearly recycled stuff from it like how Mr. X's stalker AI is Jack's with some tweaks, the bolt cutters are identical, there's cutting tape with the knife, the licker probably heavily borrowed from the four-legged molded, etc.

7 is great. Sorry about your shit taste in that regard.

>Liking RE6 at all
Opinion null and void.

Sorry youre a fucking loser friendless faggot

I had a fucking blast making fun of the game with my friend. Get fucked.

B-but muh combat mechanics and coop!

Honestly this. Played RE6 for the first time two days ago, could barely get past the first 30 minutes in Leon's campaign. Literally everything bad about both old and modern RE games in one experience sans the fixed cameras.

Its an 8 year old game. But granted you were 10 at the time

>scripted on rails garbage

Since your parents and teachers clearly never told you, I'll let you in on something. You should learn what words and phrases actually mean before you start casually tossing them out in conversation. You'll look like much less of a fool. Feel free to thank me for saving you years of embarrassment.

Are you mentioning your "friend" because you don't have one?

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RE6 was shit even at launch
Age isn't an excuse when RE4 is still as good as ever

RE7 was a big surprise by being as good as it was. I factor that into my evaluation of it, quite honestly. They hadn't really been taking good care of the series for a while prior to 7's release.

Is that your idea of an insult?

It was gonna be Revelations 3 with Rebecca but Crapcom turned it into another Chris and Ethan game because it was testing well

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