The junction system is just a massive filter

The junction system is just a massive filter

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It's good on paper and bad in practice

Theoretically, you have to weigh the burst effect of casting spells against the passive stat bonus of stockpiling them
However, unless the spell happens to be named Meltdown, it's basically never in your best interest to lose stats to cast it.
So in effect it just removes offensive magic as an effective option and rewards sticking with normal attacks.

It gets even worse when you consider how it interacts with the level scaling system.

I don't even remember how it worked.

>However, unless the spell happens to be named Meltdown, it's basically never in your best interest to lose stats to cast it.
Even in the case of Meltdown, you can just hit enemies with Doomtrain.

I was like 20 when I tried FF8 and I died in the first combat encounter and realized how gay it was and went to play FF9

That was like 4 years ago

>Get hit

As someone that liked a d beaten the game when it came out, the junction system was quite shitty

>It's a "plebs don't know Spirit stat lets you always draw 9 spells at once" thread

Worse still, if you want a decent spell you either have to do an extremely slow grind getting 297 copies of it drawing 1-3 at a time, or you bypass the system entirely and get it all through card mod.

>hurr it requires someone to draw
Almost like there are roles in role playing games.
Crazy, right??

There's some stuff wrong with the junction system in 8, but this isn't one of them.

FF8 makes up for the terrible junction system with the GF system and triple triad.

OR you don't try to MAX out everything and are happy with the amount you get playing normally without grinding
of course that's incomprehensible for autists

>is just a massive *filler

drawing for 30 minutes just to optimize your stats is not fun. don't get me started on unique draws you can miss forever.

It was an interesting system but the level scaling messes things up. I'd make the following changes:

>battles give spells based on how many attacks the enemy used in battle
>leveling up gives stats and aptitude points that players can distribute to specific stats give a multiplier bonus to their final total i.e 3pts per level, 1pt = +0.5% stat boost
>you can't stack 99 spells to begin with but boss battles increase capacity of junctionable spells
>spells are divided into tiers so while at level 10 you can stack 30 thunders onto STR, you can only stack 2 Ultimas
>you can only use spells you've junctioned in battle and slotted into the weapon's spell storage which also increase in capacity through upgrades
>GFs consume spells but equipping them grants an extra spell slot to use in battle as well
>enemy signature attacks are junctioned with spells too and have their own draw system where they can take spells from you and each other to boost their abilities
>draw is always available, has abilties to expand upon it and can be used to weaken enemy attacks

Thinking about it, XV really could have used junctioning for its magic. Wouldn't have been hard to implement at all since they'd just be stat buffs and there's only so many spells.

>optimize your stats
for what purpose you autist

literally every jrpg requires endless grinding to """""optimize"""""

Are you fucking serious?
This isn't about completionism or any shit.
Even as a child when I noticed my FUCKING STATS WENT UP CONSIDERABLY by drawing I realised I'll have to get 297 copies of every single spell that boosts a stat better than any one of my currently equipped spells.
That's fucking thousands of draws. Thousands.

yes drawing is such a great system, that is why it appeared in every subsequent final fantasy game.

While this is absolutely correct, I still absolutely love VIII. VI is a much more broken game at it's core and people give it a pass. There is 0 penalty for using skills and most of them are immediately usable and render "attack" useless. Take edgar, his skill is an all enemy attack with status effects, why ever use attack? Or ninja dude, he has a timer but if you hit skill and then immediately hit action again so it pops on the first form of the skill it's still much stronger than attack with no penalty. For all VIII does right it gets shit on mostly by people that have never played it while for all VI does wrong it gets praised also by people that probably never played it.

If you play through FF7 by just beating all the random encounters along the way and getting all the treasure chests, it feels like you're playing the game "optimally".
If you play through FF8 without drawing every new spell until you have a full stock, it feels like you're missing out and not utilizing the game's systems fully.

Draw system sucks ass, it's unsatisfying and boring to deal with.

Makes you magic not worth using, I hate that. I wish the GF's worked more like Job Crystals

>literally every jrpg requires endless grinding to """""optimize"""""
Meanwhile FF8 requires you not to earn any exp.

Junction is shit

Use a spell, your stats go down, who the fuck thought up this dumb shit

And no armor too, wtf was Square even thinking with this shit?

This pretty much.
Though it is pretty fun doing a challenge run where you only play magic casters.
The game's broken as fuck if you use junction and melee only. Everyone dealing 9999 dmg while also healing themselves 9999hp every time they attack.

you don't need to draw every single spell.
just level up, get better gear and play triple triad
refine the cards and you get the best spells in the game


they literally switch this stuff after every single game you retard

And break the game sideways during disc 1.
What a great system!

you have to work real hard to do that, but you wouldn't know as you've never played the game faggot

>If you play through FF7 by just beating all the random encounters along the way and getting all the treasure chests, it feels like you're playing the game "optimally".
Now you're just bullshitting.
If you """felt""" that way, you were objectively wrong.

>FFVIII solved the grinding problem
how's that a bad thing again?

>refine a tent
>have so much hp now that enemies are not a threat
>can spam limits like a retard because someone thought it would be a good idea to tie it to your maximum hp
You have to be a toddler or ignore the junction system completely if you don't want to break the game.

stop trying

They should limit draw, 1 draw per fight. and remove 100stack magic, so you just need 1 magic to junction to stat.

there I fixed FF8 junction system

>solved the grinding problem
>have to grind spells for hours

>draw summon magic
>refine items/cards for other magic
>junction best magic to strength and health
>bonus: equip enc-none and stay at a low level so nothing is ever challenging
Wow so hard. This is so much deeper than FFVII's materias that allows for actual creativity.

is there anything redeemable about ff8? the plot, setting and game mechanics all seem awful. maybe some of the characters are alright - obviously not squall

Some of the music is good, and I kind of like the feel/atmosphere of the game.

Yup, I sure love having all my party members be the same

ummmm user I think you're stealing this guy's ideas

it's the best Final Fantasy game by a wide margin, probably the most creative and memorable world ever created by a video game, the plot is great, many of the mechanics are great but yes it is flawed in regards to junction and limit breaks, tons of fun optional content, genuinely good writing, etc. Play it for yourself and don't be a faggot all your life.

>the plot is great
is there something wrong with you

Every single thread on FF8 shows people who were too retarded to learn 'Refine Item'

So you must hate FFVIII then.

That is some insane hyperbole.

>being 20 4 years ago
Not surprised that a zoomer would have this opinion