>the Yas Forums party sets off a grand adventure in a fantasy game world
What skills/benefits do YOU bring to the group, user?
>the Yas Forums party sets off a grand adventure in a fantasy game world
What skills/benefits do YOU bring to the group, user?
I have a massive penis that can satisfy all of the female party members
The only thing you can trust.
i can piss my pants
i can do a cool trick with my balisong
best game for this feel? No MMOs
I'd go on a (steam) adventure with a rabble of Yas Forumstards
Crippling depression
I can carry the corpses of the other faggots that die to safety so that they can get ressed later after the boss dies.
I can recite a racial slur for each letter of the alphabet
So, none.
High charisma
Tell me one starting with Z and another one with L.
Lawn Jockey and Zipperhead
>he actually delivered
Literally dungeons and dragons
now do it with fantasy races
I only thought it was funny that he delivered, not the low effort racism
Doesn't make it any less cringe. Racists should be resisted no matter what
I'm willing to have sex with all the monster girls to cure them and whatnot
Taking one for the team
pls kys
back to /pol incel
Uh hello, based department?
Peak r*ddit
>"What skills/benefits do YOU bring to the group, user?"
I love a crowd!
I remember playing skyrim back in elementary school, such a great game.
Damn man, remember Skyrim back in 2002, such a good game bro.
i'm a decent cook
I already know what everybody wants.
what letters?
I am from Germany, or the fantasy aquivalent, so you are obliged to become a shoping cart with a barrel full of explosives, thank you.
I'll be a healer. I always enjoy playing healer in video games, too bad not every game makes the healer a fucking Chad like tf2 though. Maybe I'll dabble a bit in illusion too but mostly healing.