The Yas Forums party sets off a grand adventure in a fantasy game world

>the Yas Forums party sets off a grand adventure in a fantasy game world

What skills/benefits do YOU bring to the group, user?

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I have a massive penis that can satisfy all of the female party members

The only thing you can trust.

i can piss my pants

i can do a cool trick with my balisong

best game for this feel? No MMOs

I'd go on a (steam) adventure with a rabble of Yas Forumstards

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Crippling depression

I can carry the corpses of the other faggots that die to safety so that they can get ressed later after the boss dies.

I can recite a racial slur for each letter of the alphabet

So, none.

High charisma

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Tell me one starting with Z and another one with L.

Lawn Jockey and Zipperhead

>he actually delivered

Literally dungeons and dragons

now do it with fantasy races

I only thought it was funny that he delivered, not the low effort racism

Doesn't make it any less cringe. Racists should be resisted no matter what

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I'm willing to have sex with all the monster girls to cure them and whatnot
Taking one for the team

pls kys

back to /pol incel

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Uh hello, based department?



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Peak r*ddit

>"What skills/benefits do YOU bring to the group, user?"

I love a crowd!

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I remember playing skyrim back in elementary school, such a great game.

Damn man, remember Skyrim back in 2002, such a good game bro.

i'm a decent cook

I already know what everybody wants.

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what letters?

I am from Germany, or the fantasy aquivalent, so you are obliged to become a shoping cart with a barrel full of explosives, thank you.

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I'll be a healer. I always enjoy playing healer in video games, too bad not every game makes the healer a fucking Chad like tf2 though. Maybe I'll dabble a bit in illusion too but mostly healing.