Death Stranding was trash. Resident Evil 3 was trash. Final Fantasy VII was trash. Playstation exclusives heading to PC. PS5 hardware BTFO by Xbox PS5 to launch with limited quantities The Last Of Us 2 is a ruined disaster.
Nintendo has shit online $20/year No updates to their NES streaming service Open platform for shovel ware No mic support No games Animal Croasing is half baked No one cares about smash anymore No one plays splatoom No one plays Pokémon No Metroid prime news No Zelda news
Landon Taylor
>b-but nintendo
Julian Ross
Cope, tranny.
Angel Johnson
>PS5 hardware BTFO by Xbox >PS5 to launch with limited quantities Keep believing your bubble mumble, muzungu
Brayden Baker
>Death Stranding was trash. False >Resident Evil 3 was trash. False >Final Fantasy VII was trash. False >Playstation exclusives heading to PC. True, and there's nothing wrong with it. >PS5 hardware BTFO by Xbox True, and there's nothing wrong with it. >PS5 to launch with limited quantities True, and there's nothing wrong with it. >The Last Of Us 2 is a ruined disaster. You can't ruin something that was always trash from the beginning, user.
The PS5 CPU and gpu when overclocked doesn't even match Xbox stock specs. Lmao. And it can only OC one component at a time too. Hahahaha
Colton Carter
The last thing a snoy trans sees when his head is caved in.
Ethan Bailey
Defending a company that doesn't care shit about you.. a fucking cult praising a piece of hardware.
Easton Gray >when even kids hate your demographically marketed handheld, so you have no general audience and the last of your fan base have to try and swat their hands at Sony
Brayden Cook
DS looks great, can't wait to get it
Liam Evans
Agreed but Resident evil 3 is actually normie garbage
I miss when Xbox was around so you could shit on everyone equally, but the moment you the cult goes right for your throat if you say anything about their precious Nintendo overlords
I'm kinda glad all this shit happened. I had a PS4 for a few years because it was actually worth owning one, but then they decided to get all high and mighty again. Most exclusives went multiplat, censorship everywhere and now the PS5. They desperately need a reality check and I hope this is it.
Sebastian Nelson
>real gamer >4/6 games aren't even out yet do real gamers really not play games....
Carter Ortiz
bad year to be a snoygger...
Owen Cruz
you mean non-weeb vs weeb
Daniel Gray
Even with the specs and everything faggots are still saying that ps5 is more powerful. I feel like I am taking crazy pills wtf
Noah Fisher
Hunter Cruz
Xbox SuX will have no games just like the Xbone
Elijah Watson
specs don't matter if you've got no games
Dylan Scott
Says the Xbot
Gavin Morris
This is sad. . .Virgins idolizing pieces of plastic and making shitty factions.
Alexander Peterson
This is why I'm going to start collecting and playing PS1 and PS2 imports as well as try to buy as much of my backlog as possible and not expect anything from the new gen. Usually next gen games are just fancy graphic FPS or games that dont take full advantage of the hardware cause devs dont know what they're doing yet. There weren't really any memorable launch Xbox one games... Titan Fall was cool I guess.
I'm just gonna focus on clearing up my backlog though and not pay attention to any of the console war shit or try to guess if PS5 or Xbox will be better and instead just buy both at launch and play what interests me. There are always worthwhile games for each console every generation... Honestly sometimes I wish consoles didnt even exist though so companies didn't just try to glide through some generations on their rehashed franchises. If PC was the only gaming system devs would be forced to actually try and make good games instead of rely on their fanboys wallets. I mean it would still happen but their would be less of it and probably a lot more innovation.
Henry Gonzalez
Fuck nintendo
Jaxson Miller
Justin Anderson
>Death Stranding was trash. >Resident Evil 3 was trash. >Final Fantasy VII was trash. None of these are exclusives, so Sonyphobies cannot even claim bad exclusives.
Isaiah Cooper
glad i jumped off that sinking ship im an xbot now