Monster Hunter

>be kulve taroth
>spend every day minding own business in el dorado
>only venture to surface on occasion to hunt meals and leave gold litter
>literally never attack or harm anything, not even the gajalaka that mine your caves and back
>humans and elf things appear one day
>take one look at you and decide to beat the shit out of you
>break your horns and steal your junk
>they go away for a time
>thinking everything is okay again so you come out
>they return
>this time they want to kill you, for no reason, and proceed to murder you
>be fucking dead now

Kulve had a hard life...

Attached: fucking murdered.jpg (670x600, 249.35K)

Other urls found in this thread:

gimme your shit nigga

if you're dead then how are you posting? dumb cunt i'm coming for you.
Alatreon was officially delayed due to Corona.

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well that gives me more time to prepare my pc save at least

>they know
Shut it down.

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I literally just cheated in fuckloads of kulve parts with mods.

I fought her fuckloads way back when in high rank, and then killed her about 8 times in the new master rank event. Im not grinding that shit anymore. Capcom can take their gacha shit and shove it up their ass.

I miss when the save editor actually worked.

Is she ok

Stop crashing Doradocoin you big lipped fucks

i'm enjoying starting fresh desu, on ps4 i would just wait for the next update and barely play

So how's MR Kulve treating you?

Attached: mrkulve.webm (1440x1080, 1.25M)

>you rolled into an animation he has to commit to
>he stopped right after
>you don't have flinch free
You're at fault here

>wyvern ignition
>metaslave wearing an ugly mantle for the slots
>and yet he still has no room for flinch free
both players are the nigger in this situation

>completely alien setting with an unique language that's pretty much undecipherable
>location names are self-descriptive
>suddenly "EL DORADO"
holy shit World is such a souless piece of shit, fuck off with your spicspeak and shitty gameplay

>only best of thd best went to new world
>cats use traps on elder dragons
I really have my doubts
It feels that everyone except my hunter and tracker are retarded and wouldn't survive a day in old world.


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Is AT nami out yet? The event site seems to be out due to the chink flu.

MH has sort of been like this since always.
But it really got bad since 4 where you're actually a SUPER SPECIAL SAVIOR OF EVERYTHING instead of just a better than average hunter in a buttfuck village.
the 3DS titles are dogshit too you faggot falseflagger

Metaslaves without Flinch free are the dumbest niggers

Lmao umad

>>completely alien setting with an unique language that's pretty much undecipherable
Is that why weaponry and armors always used language standards from the real world such as german or japanese?

based DB chad putting GS shitters in their place

Yeah, I noticed right after, Kulve got flinched while I was landing an attack, that's why I'm on a bad spot
I rolled forward to go for the head without thinking
>>Wyvern Ignition
Ever heard of layered weapons you retard?
>>Ugly mantle, flinch free
pic related

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Kulve with no brim

Weapon names and descriptions are made up much latter than the designs and they're just arbitrary stuff in the UI rather than actual 'lore' anyway. If you want proper descriptions (that isn't even consistent with the gameplay) check the artbooks.

I don't play much mp, what exactly is the dual blades guy supposed to be doing wrong here? He just stands and attacks the tenderized arm while some retard with a GS tries to hit him and then keep rolling into his combo.

I know it's layered. You have a choice of all the amazing looking greatswords in the game and you choose the one that was meta all through high rank that everyone's tired of.
And yes, it's an ugly mantle, and you're a retard for using a high commitment weapon without flinch free in mp. Simple as

How come people REFUSE to use flinch free? I mean it should be expected of you to use if you play multiplayer

no room for qol on these max deeps sets bruh

The hunters just went full retard for no reason.

Even the MR KT quest is super lazily done. There's no unique story or dialogue. You suddenly just go to KT, and kill her.

The story was never great, but to just give up altogether is just pathetic.

>made myself a bunch of max deeps sets
>the damage boost is AT BEST 10% over the typical comfort set and only if you can maintain peak performance all the time which is literally impossible against some monsters
Anyone who doesn't stop at agitator secret is a moron

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I just realized Windows lets you record the last 20 something seconds back. Might be slowpoke as fuck but this is new to me.

Pretty cool for MH.

Attached: MONSTER HUNTER_ WORLD(410014) 2020-04-28 01-04-20.webm (1620x946, 2.89M)

I'm more interested on why you think the mantle is ugly, the movement speed boost is great for me, it's comfortable
I just don't like the idea of using a deco cause someone doesn't know where to use his weapon. Obviously this time it was my fault, but the general reason is that

>dude the monster didn't do anything wrong why did we kill it for no reason?
>dude killing isn't the same thing as researching!
God stop making this fucking joke already it wasn't funny or clever the first million times

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I love the story about Nergigante the most, the council and everyone agreed upon that Nergigante played a crucial role in the ecosystem. Then 1 minute later they talk about how we must now go and hunt him down to the END OF THE WORLDS! for some reason?

>Weapon names and descriptions are made up much latter than the designs
That's not a good point either since weapon and armor designs also borrow elements from the real world.
Wroggi's armor is modeled after a cowboy in a world that is basically fantasy medieval steampunk, the old Remobra set was rockabilly stuff, weapons tend to use nomenclature from the real world that covers the main european languages and japanese easily, they never, ever gave a shit about "lore" consistency in this series and you're a complete idiot if you think World having a cavern called El Dorado is something new and worth feeling offended about when you have things like Hapuru and Radobaan's armor turning you into a tacticool commando or a spehs muhreen, let alone have monsters like Devil Jho AKA Evil Jaw break the "fantasy" gibberish naming standards for the main attraction of the series.

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